Emergency Rules Now In Effect.
Pages 3 to 12.
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection:
Rules relating to animal health. Rule relating to prohibiting certain gaseous hydrocarbons in mobile air conditioners. |
Rule relating to inmate mail.
Health & Family Services:
Community Services, Chs. HSS 30-- Rules relating to administration of child care funds. Rules relating to child care providers certification. Rule relating to child care funds and copayments. |
Health & Family Services:
Medical Assistance, Chs. HSS 100-- Rules relating to coverage of school-based medical services. |
Health & Family Services:
Health, Chs. HSS 110-- Rules relating to permit fees. Rules relating to public swimming pools. Rules relating to fees. |
Health & Social Services (Workforce Development):
Economic Support, Chs. HSS 200-- Rules relating to time limits on benefits for AFDC recipients in the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) program. |
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (Commerce):
Uniform Dwellings, Chs. ILHR 20-25 Rules relating to dwellings constructed in flood hazard zones. |
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (Commerce):
Building & Heating, etc., Chs. ILHR 50-64 Multi-Family Dwelling, Ch. ILHR 66 Rules delaying energy efficiency revision to chs. ILHR 50-64 and 66. |
Industry, Labor & Human Relations (Workforce Development):
Labor Standards, Chs. ILHR 270-279 Rules relating to the minimum wage. |
Insurance, Commissioner of:
Rules relating to premium rates for the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP).
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1- Rules relating to size and bag limits for Lac du Flambeau reservation. Rules relating to the 1996 deer hunting season. Rules relating to fishing for yellow perch in Lake Michigan. Rules relating to the 1996 deer hunting season. Rules relating to the 1996 migratory game bird season. Rules relating to fishing for yellow perch in Lake Michigan. Rule relating to notice of receipt of an application to incidentally take an endangered or threatened species. Rules relating to the Lake Superior fisheries management plan. |
Public Instruction:
Rules relating to dispute resolution concerning children with exceptional educational needs (EEN). Rules relating to the handicapping condition of significant developmental delay. |
Rules relating to transportation of garbage or refuse permits. Rules relating to general transportation aids. Rules relating to occupational driver's license. |
Scope Statements.
Pages 13 to 14.
Ch. ATCP 53 - Relating to plat review fees. The Department will renumber this rule.
Natural Resources:
Chs. NR 400, 406 and 407 - Relating to air construction permit and operation permit rules.
Natural Resources:
Ch. NR 37 - Relating to harvesting timber on lands within the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway.
S. Tax 6.50 - Relating to full market value.
Ch. Tax 15 - Relating to updating to reflect changes in ch. 77, Stats.
Notice of Submittal of Proposed Rules to Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
Page 15.
Funeral Directors Examining Board:
Ch. FD 6 - Relating to the registration and regulation of agents authorized to represent funeral directors or funeral establishments in the sale or solicitation of burial agreements that are funded with the proceeds of a life insurance policy.
Insurance, Commissioner of:
Ch. Ins 23 - Relating to life insurance sold to fund prearranged funeral plans.
Insurance, Commissioner of:
S. Ins 2.17 - Relating to life insurance illustrations.
Notice Section.
Pages 17 to 18.
Hearing to consider a revision of s. Ins 2.17, relating to life insurance illustrations. Hearing to consider ch. Ins 23, relating to life insurance sold to fund prearranged funeral plans. |
Administrative Rules Filed With the Revisor of Statutes Bureau.
Page 19.
(CR 96-80) - Chs. ILHR 63 and 64 |
Health & Family Services:
(CR 96-93) - SS. HSS 172.04, 175.04, 178.05, 195.04, 196.04, 197.04 and 198.04
Health & Family Services:
(CR 96-119) - SS. HSS 172.03 and 172.05
Natural Resources:
(CR 96-112) - SS. NR 20.03, 20.036, 20.13 and 20.18
Natural Resources:
(CR 96-114) - SS. NR 20.02 (1) (c) and 25.05 (1) (e)
Natural Resources:
(CR 96-116) - S. NR 20.08 (10)
Public Instruction:
(CR 96-111) - SS. PI 11.02 and 11.35
Public Instruction:
(CR 96-121) - Ch. PI 11
Public Service Commission:
(CR 96-17) - Ch. PSC 185
(CR 96-70) - S. Trans 139.05 (8)
Public Notice.
Page 20.
Workforce Development:
Public notice relating to administering the Wisconsin Works Program.