Fiscal Estimate
The Department estimates that there may be a fiscal impact on the liabilities or revenues of any county, city, village or town responsible for maintaining local roads.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This proposed rule will have no adverse impact on small businesses.
Copies of Proposed Rule
Copies of the rule may be obtained upon request, without cost, by writing to:
Susan Kavulich
Telephone (608) 261-6305
Motor Carrier Services Section, Room 151
Division of Motor Vehicles
Wis. Dept. of Transportation
P. O. Box 7981
Madison, WI 53707-7981
Hearing-impaired individuals may contact the Department using TDD (608) 266-0396. Alternate formats of the proposed rule will be provided to individuals at their request.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
(CR 96-138):
Ch. ATCP 98 - Relating to financial standards and security requirements for vegetable contractors.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
(CR 96-139):
S. ATCP 21.15 - Relating to potato late blight.
S. BC 2.03 (7) - Relating to standards of conduct.
S. Bkg 73.01 - Relating to adjustment service.
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of
(CR 96-153):
S. Ins 18.07 (5) - Relating to a decrease in 1996-97 premium rates for the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP).
S. NR 25.04 (2) (b) - Relating to the transfer of Great Lakes commercial fishing licenses upon the death or incapacity of the licensee.
S. NR 25.08 (3) (b) - Relating to the transfer of individual licensee catch quotas upon the death or incapacity of the quota holder.
S. NR 20.03 (1) (k) 7. - Relating to the daily bag limit for panfish.
Chs. NR 190 and 191 - Relating to lake management planning grants and lake protection grants.
SS. NR 25.02, 25.05, 25.06 and 25.07 - Relating to commercial fishing for whitefish and chubs in Green Bay and Lake Michigan.
S. PD 3.04 - Relating to partial indigency.
Ch. Trans 301 - Relating to Human Services Vehicles (HSVs).
SS. Trans 276.07 and 276.09 - Relating to allowing the operation of “double bottoms” (and certain other vehicles) on certain specified highways.
Ch. Trans 76 - Relating to general transportation aids.
SS. ILHR 100.02 and 132.001 and ch. ILHR 140 - Relating to unemployment insurance appeal rights and procedures.
S. HSS 201.135 (s. DWD 11.135) - Relating to the 60-month lifetime limit on participation in the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) program or a Wisconsin Works (W-2) employment position or a combination thereof.
Administrative Rules Filed With The
Revisor Of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rules have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
An order repealing s. HSS 55.63 and repealing and recreating ss. HSS 55.55 to 55.62, relating to child care certification.
Effective 03-01-97.
An order affecting chs. NR 158, 700, 705, 706 and 708 and ss. NR 712.11, 716.05, 722.01, 724.01, 724.17 and 726.02, relating to hazardous substance discharge notification requirements and source confirmation.
Effective 03-01-97.
An order affecting chs. NR 19, 21 and 22, relating to turtle harvest.
Effective 03-01-97.
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the January 31, 1997 Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code, and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection
(CR 96-149):
An order repealing s. HSS 165.21 and creating ch. ATCP 77, relating to laboratory certification fees.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order affecting chs. HSS 46 and 55, relating to group day care centers.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order creating ss. HSS 101.03 (24m), (78m) and (78r), 105.53 and 107.36, relating to provision of school-based health care services reimbursed by the Medical Assistance (MA) program.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order affecting ss. HSS 172.04, 175.04, 178.05, 195.04, 196.04, 197.04 and 198.04, relating to permit fees for the operation of public swimming pools, recreational and educational camps, campgrounds, hotels, motels and tourist rooming houses, restaurants, bed and breakfast establishments, and food and beverage vending operations.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order affecting ss. HSS 172.03 and 172.05, relating to operation of public swimming pools.