Insurance, Commissioner of
(CR 97-7):
An order affecting s. Ins 3.46, relating to the requirements for tax deductible long-term care insurance.
Effective 09-01-97.
An order affecting ss. NR 502.06 & 506.105 and chs. NR 503, 504, 512, 514, 516 and 520, relating to solid waste management.
Part effective 09-01-97.
Part effective 10-01-97.
An order repealing s. NR 728.11 (4), relating to the sunset of s. NR 728.11.
Effective 09-01-97.
An order affecting ss. NR 400.03, 406.04, 439.07 and 460 Appendix N and chs. NR 407 and 463, relating to federal emission standards for chromium electroplating and chromium anodizing operations.
Effective 10-01-97.
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the July 31, 1997 Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code, and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
An order affecting ch. DOC 325, relating to the temporary release under supervision of an inmate.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order creating ss. ETF 10.03 (3t) and 20.12, relating to conditions under which the Department of Employe Trust Funds will treat payments received under a court order or compromise settlement as earnings for retirement benefit purposes.
Effective 08-01-97.
Health and Family Services
(CR 97-2):
An order creating ch. HFS 125, relating to do-not-resuscitate bracelets to alert emergency health care personnel of do-not-resuscitate orders.
Effective 08-01-97.
Health and Family Services
(CR 97-8):
An order affecting ch. HSS 70, relating to loans to help pay for group housing for persons recovering from alcohol or other drug abuse.
Effective 08-01-97.
Hearing & Speech Examining Board
(CR 96-162):
An order affecting ss. HAS 4.03, 5.02, 6.02, 6.065 and 6.09, relating to calibration of audiometric equipment and the use of support personnel.
Effective 08-01-97.
Hearing & Speech Examining Board
(CR 96-173):
An order amending s. HAS 6.09 (2) (o), relating to the grounds for discipline for individuals who are credentialed as speech-language pathologists and audiologists.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order creating ch. Ins 23, relating to minimum standards for life insurance policies sold to fund prearranged funeral plans.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order creating ch. Jus 9, relating to the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) databank.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order creating s. NR 19.025, relating to the waiver of approvals, fees and other requirements of ch. 29, Stats., for an educational, recreational skills activity.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order amending s. NR 27.03 (2) and (3), relating to endangered and threatened species.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order affecting ss. NR 10.01, 10.26 and 11.08, relating to sharp-tailed grouse hunting.
Part effective 08-01-97.
An order affecting ss. NR 20.02, 20.03 and 25.06, relating to sport and commercial fishing for yellow perch in Green Bay.
Part effective 08-01-97.
An order affecting ss. PD 1.035, 1.05 and 1.06, relating to the certification of private bar attorneys.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order affecting s. PD 2.06, relating to the assignment of trial division cases to the private bar.
Effective 08-01-97.
An order affecting ch. RL 50 and ss. RL 52.02, 52.04, 53.02, 54.04 and 54.05, relating to the regulation of cemetery authorities, cemetery salespeople and preneed sellers of cemetery merchandise.
Effective 08-01-97.
Regulation and Licensing
(CR 97-1):
An order affecting ss. RL 25.02, 25.025, 25.03, 25.035 and 25.066, relating to educational requirements for real estate salesperson's and broker's licenses.
Effective 08-01-97.
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses
Ch. DOC 325 - Temporary release of an inmate under supervision.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
This proposed rule is not expected to impact on small businesses as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
SS. ETF 10.03 (3t) & 20.12 - The conditions under which the Department of Employe Trust Funds will treat payments received under a court order or compromise settlement as earnings for retirement benefit purposes.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The Department of Employe Trust Funds has determined that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses. Therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees:
The legislative standing committees had no comments on this rule.
Health & Family Services
(CR 97-2)
Ch. HFS 125 - The do-not-resuscitate bracelets to alert emergency health care personnel of do-not-resuscitate orders.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The proposed rules will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats. Although there are some 450 ambulance service companies in the state, only about 25 are small businesses by that definition, and none of the affected hospitals are small businesses. The rules are limited to prescribing a uniform standard for do-not-resuscitate bracelets and minimal procedures for health care personnel to follow when they find that a patient is wearing a bracelet that meets the specifications.
Summary of Comments: