Effective 08-01-97.
An order affecting ch. RL 50 and ss. RL 52.02, 52.04, 53.02, 54.04 and 54.05, relating to the regulation of cemetery authorities, cemetery salespeople and preneed sellers of cemetery merchandise.
Effective 08-01-97.
Regulation and Licensing
(CR 97-1):
An order affecting ss. RL 25.02, 25.025, 25.03, 25.035 and 25.066, relating to educational requirements for real estate salesperson's and broker's licenses.
Effective 08-01-97.
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses
Ch. DOC 325 - Temporary release of an inmate under supervision.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
This proposed rule is not expected to impact on small businesses as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
SS. ETF 10.03 (3t) & 20.12 - The conditions under which the Department of Employe Trust Funds will treat payments received under a court order or compromise settlement as earnings for retirement benefit purposes.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The Department of Employe Trust Funds has determined that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses. Therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees:
The legislative standing committees had no comments on this rule.
Health & Family Services
(CR 97-2)
Ch. HFS 125 - The do-not-resuscitate bracelets to alert emergency health care personnel of do-not-resuscitate orders.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The proposed rules will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats. Although there are some 450 ambulance service companies in the state, only about 25 are small businesses by that definition, and none of the affected hospitals are small businesses. The rules are limited to prescribing a uniform standard for do-not-resuscitate bracelets and minimal procedures for health care personnel to follow when they find that a patient is wearing a bracelet that meets the specifications.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
Health & Family Services
(CR 97-8)
Ch. HSS 70 - Loans to help establish group homes for recovering substance abusers.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The rules will not affect small businesses as “small business” is defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats. Only non-profit organizations may apply for the loans that are made available under the rules.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
Hearing & Speech Examining Board
(CR 96-162)
Chs. HAS 4, 5 & 6 - Calibration of audiometric equipment and the use of support personnel.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These proposed rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
Hearing and Speech Examining Board
(CR 96-173)
S. HAS 6.09 (2) (o) - The grounds for discipline for individuals who are credentialed as speech-language pathologists and audiologists.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These proposed rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
Ch. Ins 23 - Life insurance sold to fund prearranged funeral plans.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The rule does not impose any additional reporting requirements and does not require any additional measure or investments by small businesses. No methods are specified under s. 227.114 (2), Stats., because the rule does not impose any significant increase in costs, measure or reporting requirements different from those otherwise applicable.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees:
The legislative standing committees had no comments on this rule.
Ch. Jus 9 - The DNA data bank.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
This rule will not affect small businesses as defined in s. 227.114, Stats., except in an entirely minimal and indirect manner.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
S. NR 19.025 - Waiver of approvals, fees and other requirements of ch. 29, Stats., for an educational, recreational skills activity.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The rule does not regulate businesses; therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees:
The rules were reviewed by the Assembly Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Agriculture and Environmental Resources Committee. On April 2, 1997, the Assembly Natural Resources Committee held a public hearing. No modifications to the rule were requested.
S. NR 27.03 (2) & (3) - Endangered and threatened species.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The rule does not regulate small businesses, except if an individual collects certain species of butterflies or snakes to sell to collectors. Permits would be granted only to persons collecting them for scientific or educational purposes.
Summary of Comments:
The rules were reviewed by the Assembly Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Agriculture and Environmental Resources Committee. On April 2, 1997, the Assembly Natural Resources Committee held a public hearing. No modifications to the rule were requested.
Ch. PD 1 - Certification of private bar attorneys.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These proposed rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
S. PD 2.06 - The assignment of trial division cases to the private bar.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These proposed rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
Chs. RL 50, 52 & 54 - The regulation of cemetery authorities, cemetery salespersons and preneed sellers of cemetery merchandise.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These proposed rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1)(a), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.