Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
14.   Regulation & Licensing (CR 97-1)
Ch. RL 25 - The educational requirements for real estate salesperson's and broker's licenses.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These proposed rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
E x e c u t i v e O r d e r s
The following is a listing of recent Executive Orders issued by the Governor.

  Executive Order 313. Relating to a Proclamation of a State of Emergency.
  Executive Order 315. Relating to a Proclamation Calling to Active Duty Elements of the Wisconsin National Guard.
Public Notice
Public Notice
Notice of Environmental Assessment
Department of Commerce
(Elevators and Mechanical Lifting Devices)
Notice is hereby given that the Department of Commerce has prepared a preliminary environmental assessment (EA) on the proposed chapters Comm 18 and 82 and chapters ILHR 50, 51 and 55, relating to elevators and mechanical lifting devices. The preliminary recommendation is a finding of no significant impact.
Copies of Preliminary EA and Contact Person
Copies of the preliminary environmental assessment (EA) are available from the Department on request and will be available at the public hearings. Requests for the EA and comments on the EA should be directed to:
Diane Meredith
Safety & Buildings Division
Telephone (608) 266-8982
(TTY) (608) 264-8777
Department of Commerce
P.O. Box 7969
NOTE: Notice of public hearings was printed in the July 15, 1997 Wisconsin Administrative Register, on page 19.
Written Comments
Written comments will be accepted until August 29, 1997.
The State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
Document Sales Unit
P.O. Box 7840
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7840 - See PDF for diagram PDF
First Class Mail - See PDF for diagram PDF
Dated Material. Please Do Not Delay!
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.