Effective Date:   July 1, 1997
Expiration Date:   November 29, 1997
Hearing Date:   June 30, 1997
3.   A rule was adopted repealing s. Ins 3.46 (18) (d), relating to the requirements for tax deductible long term care insurance policies.
Finding of Emergency
The Commissioner of Insurance finds that an emergency exists and that a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. Facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
These changes would repeal the current requirement in the existing emergency rule which requires the offer of a non-tax qualified plan in each solicitation of a tax-qualified plan. After the public hearing on the permanent rule, it was determined that this requirement is no longer needed. The permanent rule was submitted to the legislature on May 30, 1997 with this provision deleted. This procedure to modify the emergency rule was presented to JCRAR at the hearing to extend the time period the emergency rule is effective.
Publication Date:   June 13, 1997
Effective Date:   June 13, 1997
Expiration Date:   July 29, 1997
Extension Through:   September 27, 1997
4.   Rules adopted revising ch. Ins 17, relating to annual patients compensation fund and mediation fund fees calculation of adding certain physician specialties and UW hospital and clinics residents' fees.
Finding of Emergency
The deputy commissioner of insurance (commissioner) finds that an emergency exists and that promulgation of this emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The deputy commissioner was unable to promulgate the permanent rule corresponding to this emergency rule, clearinghouse rule no. 97-71, in time for the patients compensation fund (fund) to bill health care providers in a timely manner for fees applicable to the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997. The permanent rule was delayed pending legislative action on Senate Bill 145 which, if passed, will require a lowering of the fund fees originally proposed by the fund's board of governors. Senate Bill 145 may still reach the Senate floor this legislative session but, in all likelihood not before July 1, 1997, when this fee rule must be in effect. Assembly Bill 248, the Assembly bill which mirrors Senate Bill 145, passed the Assembly overwhelmingly.
The commissioner expects that the permanent rule will be filed with the secretary of state in time to take effect September 15, 1997. Because the provisions of this rule first apply on July 1, 1997, it is necessary to promulgate the rule on an emergency basis. A hearing on the permanent rule, pursuant to the published notice was held on May 30, 1997.
Publication Date:   June 20, 1997
Effective Date:   June 20, 1997
Expiration Date:   November, 18, 1997
Natural Resources
(Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--)
Rule adopted creating s. NR 27.07, relating to notice of receipt of an application to incidentally take an endangered or threatened species.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
1995 Wis. Act 296 establishes authority in the department of natural resources to consider applications for and issue permits authorizing the incidental take of an endangered or threatened species while a person is engaged in an otherwise lawful activity. Section 29.415 (6m) (e), Stats., as created, requires the department to establish by administrative rule a list of organizations, including nonprofit conservation groups, that have a professional, scientific or academic interest in endangered species or in threatened species. That provision further provides that the department then give notification of proposed takings under that subsection of the statutes to those organizations and establish a procedure for receipt of public comment on the proposed taking.
The proposed rule lists a number of organizations the department is familiar with as being interested in endangered and threatened species; a notification procedure to be used to notify them, and others, of a proposed taking; and a public comment procedure to be used for consideration of public comments. The notification procedure is not limited to mail distribution, but is broad to allow other forms of notification, such as electronic mail.
Publication Date:   November 18, 1996
Effective Date:   November 18, 1996
Expiration Date:   See section 12m, 1996 Wis. Act 296
Hearing Date:   January 14, 1997
Public Instruction
1.   Rules adopted revising ch. PI 35, relating to the Milwaukee private school choice program.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Public Instruction finds an emergency exists and that a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
In his ruling, effective August 15, 1996, Judge Higginbotham prohibited the expansion of the Milwaukee private school choice program to religious private schools provided for under 1995 Wis. Act 27. On January 15, 1997, Judge Higginbotham determined that all other stipulations under the Act are allowed to continue until June 1997. At that time all of the provisions under the Act are suspended and the program reverts to previous statutory language.
Since the provisions under the Act (except for the participation of religious schools) are to be implemented for the remainder of the 1996-97 school year, rules must be in place as soon as possible in order to establish uniform financial accounting standards and financial audit requirements required of the participating private schools as provided for under the Act. The requirements established under this rule have been discussed with the private schools and initial indications reflect an acceptance of these provisions.
Since the private school choice program has yet to be reviewed by the Court of Appeals and possibly the Supreme Court, only emergency rules will be promulgated at this time in order to implement the provisions under the Act through the end of the 1996-97 school year. Permanent rules will be developed when judicial review is finalized.
Publication Date:   February 19, 1997
Effective Date:   February 19, 1997
Expiration Date:   July 19, 1997
Hearing Date:   April 1, 1997
Extension Through:   August 30, 1997
2.   Rules adopted revising chs. PI 3 and 4, relating to teacher certification requirements and certification program requirements.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Public Instruction finds an emergency exists and that a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public welfare.
Proposed permanent rules were submitted to the Wisconsin Legislative Council on May 27, 1997. Most of the modifications made under the proposed permanent and emergency rules clarify, eliminate redundancy, and streamline current requirements to make the provisions under ch. PI 3 and 4 easier to read, understand, and implement. The rules also provide for consistency with other state agency licensure activity.
In order for teachers to apply for or renew specified licenses (license are issued July 1 through June 30) and for universities to have program requirements in place in time for the upcoming school year, rules must be in place as soon as possible.
Publication Date:   July 1, 1997
Effective Date:   July 1, 1997
Expiration Date:   November 29, 1997
Department of Revenue
1.   Rules were adopted amending s. Tax 11.05 (2)(s) and revising s. 11.86 (6), relating to sales and use tax treatment of landscaping services.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
Sections Tax 11.05 (2)(s) and 11.86 (6), Stats., state that landscaping services (e.g., planting, mowing, and fertilizing grass) are only taxable when they are performed in developed areas. Similar services performed in undeveloped areas (e.g., along highways) were determined by the department to not be landscaping services and therefore, the sale of such services was not subject to sales or use tax.
In case of the Straight Arrow Construction Company, Inc. v. Wisconsin Department of Revenue (8/28/96 and 4/4/97, Docket#93-S-569), the Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission held that there was no statutory basis for the distinction made by the department that certain services performed in developed areas were landscaping while the same services performed in undeveloped areas were not landscaping.
It necessary to promulgate this rule order to remove any threat of estoppel arguments and revenue loss to the state as a result of information contained in these rules that implies planting, mowing, fertilizing, and similar services performed in undeveloped areas are not taxable.
Publication Date:   May 18, 1997
Effective Date:   May 18, 1997
Expiration Date:   October 16, 1997
Hearing Date:   July 29, 1997
2.   Rules adopted repealing ch. ATCP 53 and creating ch. Tax 53, relating to increasing plat preview fees to cover all of the current costs of activities and services provided by the department under ss. 70.27 and 236.12, Stats.
Finding of Emergency
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that a rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
For the past three years, program costs have out paced revenues received. The Plat Review section has relied on their substantial cash balance to cover the difference. Projections indicate that cash reserves will be depleted within the next year or earlier. Without a plat review fee increase significant cutbacks in service to customers, the public, other state agency programs, and local units of government will be necessary. With such cut-backs state certified plats with saleable but not buildable lots could result. It should be noted that this program has not had a rate increase since 1985.
In order to address this problem, an administrative rule is in the process of being promulgated. Due to the complexities of where the Plat Review section physically resides (DATCP), who has program responsibility for it, combined with the 1996 Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Revenue and the Department of Commerce, the administrative rule process has taken longer than anticipated and it is expected that the rule will not be completed for another 90 days.
In order to ensure that funding will be sufficient and that services to the citizens of this state remain uninterrupted, an emergency rule is necessary. In particular, this rule addresses the following needs:
  Ch. ATCP 53 is repealed.
  Ch. Tax 53 is created. Under this rule certain fees charged for plat review are increased.
Publication Date:   June 1, 1997
Effective Date:   June 1, 1997
Expiration Date:   October 30, 1997
Hearing Date:   July 11, 1997
State Fair Park Board
Rules adopted revising chs. SFP 2 and 7, relating to regulation of activities at the state fair park and revising bond schedule.
Finding of Emergency
The Wisconsin State Fair Park Board finds that an emergency exists and that the adoption of rules is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and welfare of its citizens. The facts constituting this emergency are as follows:
During the annual State Fair, which is scheduled to begin on July 31, 1997, the Wisconsin State Fair Park is host to over 100,000 people per day and millions of dollars in merchandise and property. Initially, chapters SFP 1-7 were designed primarily to protect the property of the State Fair Park.
However, crime patterns at the State Fair Park have changed dramatically since those rules werc adopted in 1967. With the increases in attendance and number of events in the intervening years, the number and severity of crimes against State Fair visitors, patrons, and property have necessarily increased. Also, a general rise in gang-related activity at Park events and during skating hours at the Pettit National Ice Center has occurred over the last several years. Consequently, there is a greater need for Park Police Department arrest authority on the Park grounds in order to ensure prosecutorial cooperation by Milwaukee County.
Due to excessive workloads, the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office and the Milwaukee County Circuit Court system are reluctant to process and charge offenders for relatively minor property-type acts prohibited under the current SFP rules. Area and suburban Milwaukee County Police Departments have alleviated similar problems by conforming their ordinances to the county and state codes, authorizing their Police Departments to make lawful standing arrests for acts which the county will prosecute.
The State Fair Park Board seeks the same level of cooperation from Milwaukee county by conforming its rules to the county code. Therefore, these proposed emergency rules prohibit such activities as loitering, spray painting, theft, battery, and resisting/obstructing an officer, as well as various weapons prohibitions. There is also included provisions to protect the police horses which are not only an integral part of Park enforcement but are also a major public relations tool. With these changes, the Park administration can ensure a safe and family-oriented environment at this year's State Fair and other Park events. It is necessary to use the emergency rule for processing the proposed rule change to Administrative Code, reference to the bail bond schedule, section 5, s. SFP 7.02. Section 5, s. SFP 7.02 is amended to repeal the old bond schedule and recreate the new bond schedule to align the bond code with the corresponding section in the Wisconsin Administrative Code to take effect before the 1997 Wisconsin State Fair begins on July 31, 1997.
The State Fair Park Board has begun the permanent rule process but the normal process will take between 6 and 9 months to complete. It is imperative to have these rules in place by the time of the 1997 State Fair.
These rules are therefore adopted as emergency rules to take effect upon publication in the official state newspaper and filing with the Secretary of State and the Revisor of Statutes as provided in s.227.24 (1) (c), Stats.
Publication Date:   August 1, 1997
Effective Date:   August 1, 1997
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.