Corrections (CR 97-30):
An order repealing and recreating ch. DOC 311, relating to the placement of inmates in observation status for mental or medical health reasons.
Effective 06-01-98.
Gaming Board (CR 98-5):
An order affecting ss. WGC 13.05 and 13.15, relating to kennel license fees.
Effective 06-01-98.
Health & Family Services (CR 97-130):
An order repealing chs. HFS 10 and 67 and HSS 118, relating to hearings on relief from institutional charges, a low-income standard for allocating state nutrition and senior volunteer funds and maintaining the confidentiality of personal facts included in medical information obtained by Department staff in the conduct of official business.
Effective 06-01-98.
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of (CR 97-137):
An order amending s. Ins 3.53, relating to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing procedures.
Effective 06-01-98.
Investment Board (CR 97-150):
An order affecting ch. IB 1 and s. IB 2.02, relating to restrictions on Investment Board employes.
Effective 06-01-98.
Medical Examining Board (CR 97-114):
An order creating s. Med 10.02 (2) (zb), relating to dispensing or prescribing of controlled substances for the treatment of obesity.
Effective 06-01-98.
Natural Resources (CR 96-113):
An order affecting ss. NR 103.02, 103.06, 103.07, 103.08, 299.05 and 504.04, relating to water quality standards for wetlands, water quality certification and landfill location, performance, design and construction criteria.
Effective 06-01-98.
Natural Resources (CR 97-57):
An order affecting ss. NR 182.07, 182.075, 182.08 and 182.14, relating to regulation of groundwater quality at metallic mining sites.
Effective 06-01-98.
Natural Resources (CR 97-87):
An order affecting chs. NR 590 and 600 to 690, relating to solid and hazardous waste management.
Effective 06-01-98.
Natural Resources (CR 97-153):
An order creating ch. NR 47, subch. VIII, relating to the forest fire protection grant program.
Effective 06-01-98.
Regulation & Licensing (CR 97-118):
An order affecting chs. RL 70 to 73, relating to the certification and regulation of acupuncturists.
Effective 06-01-98.
Sections Affected by Rule Revisions and Corrections
The following administrative rule revisions and corrections have taken place in May, 1998, and will be effective June 1, 1998. For additional information, contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275.
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection:
Ch. ATCP 3
S. ATCP 3.02 (1) (b)
Ch. ATCP 29 (entire chapter)
Ch. ATCP 30
S. ATCP 30.01 (entire section)
S. ATCP 30.05 (entire section)
S. ATCP 30.10 (entire section)
S. ATCP 30.15 (entire section)
S. ATCP 30.19 (entire section)
S. ATCP 30.22 (entire section)
S. ATCP 30.24 renumbered from s. ATCP 29.17
and am. (12)
S. ATCP 30.30 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.01
S. ATCP 30.31 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.05
S. ATCP 30.32 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.10
S. ATCP 30.33 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.11
S. ATCP 30.34 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.18
S. ATCP 30.35 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.25
S. ATCP 30.36 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.26
S. ATCP 30.37 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.30
S. ATCP 30.375 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.05
S. ATCP 30.38 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.35
S. ATCP 30.39 renumbered from s. ATCP 30.40
Ch. DOC 311 (entire chapter)
Gaming Board:
Ch. WGC 13
S. WGC 13.05 (3) (a)
S. WGC 13.15 (4) (c)
Health & Family Services:
Management & Technology, Strategic Finance, Chs. HFS 1--
Ch. HFS 10 (entire chapter)
Community Services, Chs. HFS/HSS 30--
Ch. HFS 67 (entire chapter)
Health, Chs. HFS 110--
Ch. HSS 118 (entire chapter)
Commissioner of Insurance:
Ch. Ins 3
S. Ins 3.53 (1), (3), (4) and (5) (b)
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.