The public hearing is scheduled as follows:
June 30, 1998   WTCSB Board Room
Tuesday   310 Price Place
9:00 a.m.   MADISON, WI
Analysis Prepared by the Technical College System Board
Statutory authority: s. 38.33 (3)
Statute interpreted: s. 38.33
The purpose of the rule is to establish grant application criteria, and policies and procedures to implement and administer grant funds to local technical college districts. Local technical college districts will use these grants primarily to expand the use of learning technologies and to promote the effective use of newly-emerging technologies. The grant funds will also be used to train new faculty members, upgrade the skills of current faculty, and improve the skills of those faculty members seeking to build a stronger academic environment. Fundamental to the overall success of a faculty development program are the efforts to:
a) Promote instructor awareness and expertise in a variety of newly-emerging technologies;
b) Integrate the use of new learning technologies into the curriculum and delivery of technical college instruction; and
c) Use newly-emerging technologies through sharing and collaboration among faculty and staff both within and across technical college districts.
Section 38.33, Stats., authorizes the Technical College System Board to establish, by administrative rule, specific grant award criteria, along with grant application policies and procedures, that enables a local technical college district board to request and receive available grant funds so that the district board may implement and administer a faculty development program at the district level.
The grant award criteria include:
a) The availability of adequate funds, including matching funds, to provide a faculty development program.
b) Whether a technical college district faculty development program promotes curriculum development and instructional assistance associated with learning technologies.
c) Whether the technical college district's in-service activities are included in the faculty development program.
d) Whether a technical college district's continuing projects meet or exceed its prior year planned outcomes.
Detailed application instructions and procedures for submitting grant proposals, which includes deadline dates, and reporting requirements, are contained in a manual that is prepared annually by the Technical College System Board and distributed to each technical college district.
Text of Rule
SECTION 1. Chapter TCS 15 (title) is created to read:
Chapter TCS 15
TCS 15.01 Purpose. This chapter establishes criteria, policies and procedures to implement s. 38.33, Stats., relating to district board faculty development programs.
  Note: Forms used in administering this rule are available from the Wisconsin Technical College System Board, 310 Price Place, P.O. Box 7874, Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7874.
TCS 15.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
(1) “Board” means the technical college system board.
(2) “Director” means the person appointed by the board according to s. 38.04 (2), Stats.
(3) “District” means a technical college district established according to ss. 38.04 (1) and 38.06, Stats.
(4) “District board” means the district board in charge of the technical college of a district.
(5) “District director” means the person employed by a district board under s. 38.12 (3), Stats.
(6) “Program” means the faculty development program established by the district board under s. 38.33, Stats.
TCS 15.03 General. (1) Only technical college districts are eligible to apply for grant funds under this chapter.
(2) The board shall prepare an application manual and may update it as needed. The manual shall contain the application instructions, procedures and requirements for funding and submitting grant proposals.
TCS 15.04 Grant applications. (1) Annually, during a time established by the board, districts may submit proposals for a grant to assist in the funding of a faculty development program under s. 38.33 (1), Stats.
(2) The grant proposal shall be in writing, signed by the district director or designee, and be in such form as the board requires.
(3) Each district is limited to a single grant application.
(4) Each grant proposal shall include:
(a) A description of the proposed faculty development program, which includes:
  1. The planned development of the district's program.
  2. Any current activities being conducted by the district relating to the faculty development program.
(b) A plan, which includes:
  1. The goals and objectives of the program for meeting the instructional technology needs of the district.
  2. A description and explanation of conditions that lead to development of the goals and objectives.
  3. A detailed budget.
TCS 15.05 Grant award criteria. The board shall consider all of the following when granting an award:
(1) The availability of financial resources to successfully provide the program as proposed in the grant proposal.
(2) The extent to which the district's program promotes the use and integration of technology curriculum development and instructional delivery.
(3) The extent to which the district's program is conducted through in-service activities.
(4) Whether a district's continuing project has met or exceeded its prior year planned outcomes.
TCS 15.06 Conditions of the grant award. (1) A district may not apply for more than the amount of funds targeted to it by the board.
(2) District boards shall contribute a matching fund, other than in-kind matching funds, equal to at least 50% of the total grant amount.
(3) Grant award funds, including matching funds, may not be used for administrative or other indirect costs.
(4) The board may establish limitations on the percentage of the grant award funds and matching funds that may be used to lease or purchase equipment or to purchase supply items. Such limitations shall be specified in the application manual prepared by the board under s. TCS 15.03 (2).
TCS 15.07 Reporting requirements. (1) A district receiving faculty development grant funds under this chapter shall submit to the board a mid-year and final grant evaluation report for each grant awarded that includes detailing activities on program completion and effectiveness.
(2) Reports due under sub. (1) shall be on a form provided by the board and submitted on or before January 15 for the current fiscal year, and on or before August 1 following the close of the fiscal year. The director may extend these times as needed.
Written Comments
The public record on this proposed rule will be held open until the close of business on Tuesday, July 7, 1998. Written comments from people unable to attend the public hearing or who want to supplement testimony offered at the hearing may be submitted for inclusion in the summary of public comments submitted to the Legislature. Any such comments should be submitted to the contact person listed below. Written comments will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing. People submitting comments will not receive individual responses.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This proposed rule will have no adverse impact on small businesses.
Fiscal Estimate
A copy of the proposed rules and the full fiscal estimate may be obtained from the Wisconsin Technical College System Board upon request.
Contact Person
Questions concerning these rules may be directed to:
Jesús G.Q. Garza, Legal Counsel
Wis. Technical College System Board
310 Price Place
P.O. Box 7874
Madison, WI 53707-7874
It is the policy of the WTCSB to provide accommodations to people with disabilities which may affect their ability to access or participate in WTCSB activities. People may request assistance or accommodation for the scheduled public hearing by contacting Mr. Garza at (608) 267-9540, or accessing the TTY line at (608) 267-2483 on or before June 25, 1998.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Elections Board (CR 98-51):
S. ElBd 6.05 - Relating to filing campaign finance reports in electronic format.
Health & Family Services (CR 98-35):
Chs. HFS 172, 175, 178 and 195 to 198 - Relating to increases in permit fees and related fees and a one-time technology improvement surcharge for the operation of Department- regulated public swimming pools, camps, campgrounds, hotels and motels, tourist rooming houses, restaurants, bed and breakfast establishments and food and beverage vending operations and commissaries.
Insurance (CR 98-15):
S. Ins 3.70 - Relating to aggregating creditable coverage for the state Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP), pursuant to s. 149.10 (2t) (a), Stats.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.