2. Modification of supplemental payments to essential access city hospitals (EACH) to maintain compliance with federal payments limits.
3. For the indigent care allowance, adjustment of the maximum available funding, modification of the criteria for a hospital to qualify for an allowance, and modification of the methodology for distributing the available funds to qualifying hospitals in order to carry out provisions of 1997 Wis. Act 27 and to maintain compliance with federal payment limits.
4. Modification of the procedures for processing administrative adjustments to require a hospital to respond to the Department's proposed adjustment only if there is a disagreement with the calculation. If the hospital does not respond by the specified due date, the proposed adjustment will be final. This will simplify what has been an administratively burdensome notification and response process.
5. Modification of the qualifying criteria for funding of Medicaid deficits in governmental hospitals to require a hospital to submit a request for this funding to the Department so it may determine if the hospital qualifies for funding under these provisions.
Inpatient Hospital Services
Proposed changes in the state plan for reimbursement for inpatient hospital services may include:
1. For the payment system which is based on diagnosis-related groups (DRGs), adjustment of DRG weighting factors, standard DRG base rates, area wage indices, and capital and medical education payments to implement the average rate adjustment provided by 1997 Wis. Act 27.
2. Updating the time period used for the qualifying criteria and determination of the payment for the pediatric supplement to reflect the most recent time period. Also, revision of the definition of Medicaid pediatric days to:
a) Exclude days of Medicaid covered stays on which Medicaid made no payment due to the stay being covered by some other payer such as private hospitalization insurance to more accurately reflect the intent of this provision; and
b) Count only the days for discharges that occurred within the specified year and not count a portion of the days related to discharges that occurred outside the specified year.
3. Modification of the cost report requirements for major border-status hospitals to allow the Department to use the most recent audited cost report available to establish rates, which is consistent with the basis for which the Department establishes rates for in-state hospitals.
4. Modification of the qualifying criteria for funding of Medicaid deficits in governmental hospitals to require a hospital to submit a request for this funding to the Department so it may determine if the hospital qualifies for funding under these provisions.
5. Revision of the rural hospital adjustment percentages to ensure that payments do not exceed authorized funds. Modification of the qualifying criteria that requires a 55% combined Medicare and Medicaid utilization rate to allow greater consistency from year to year with regard to whether a hospital qualifies and to allow a number of hospitals with utilization rates consistently just below the qualifying rate to also qualify. The total amount paid for this adjustment would not change. However, this modification would cause a redistribution of the funds among qualifying hospitals.
6. Updating the disproportionate share adjustment parameters to recognize a more current proportion of services provided by hospitals to Medicaid recipients.
7. Modification of supplemental payments to essential access hospitals (EACH) to maintain compliance with federal payments limits.
8. For the indigent care allowance, adjustment of the maximum available funding, modification of the criteria for a hospital to qualify for an allowance, and modification of the methodology for distributing the available funds to qualifying hospitals in order to carry out provisions of 1997 Wis. Act 27 and to maintain compliance with federal payment limits.
9. For the general assistance disproportionate share supplement, adjustment of the maximum available funding, modification of the criteria for a hospital to qualify for the supplement, and modification of the methodology for distributing the available funds to qualifying hospitals in order to carry out provisions of 1997 Wis. Act 27 and to maintain compliance with federal payment limits.
10. Modification of the procedures for processing administrative adjustments to require a hospital to respond to the Department's proposed adjustment only if there is a disagreement with the calculation. If the hospital does not respond by the specified due date, the proposed adjustment will be final. This will simplify what has been an administratively burdensome notification and response process.
Implementation of the above changes to the State Plans for inpatient hospital services and outpatient hospital services is expected to increase annual expenditures of the Wisconsin Medical Assistance Program by $2.4 million all funds ($1.4 million federal financial participation and $1.0 million general purpose revenue) for state fiscal year 1998-1999. This amount is the combination of $7.0 million all-funds of expected increases and a decrease of $4.6 million all-funds in general assistance indigent care allowance.
Copies of Proposed Changes and Proposed Payment Rates
Copies of the proposed changes will be sent to every county social services or human services department main office where they will be available for public review. A publication consisting of proposed DRG weights, DRG base rates, wage indices and other factors that comprise payment rates is available for review and comment. For more information, interested people may fax or write to:
Hospital Unit
FAX (608) 266-1096
Bureau of Health Care Financing
Division of Health
P. O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309
Written Comments
Written comments on the proposed changes are welcome and should be sent to the above address. The comments received on the changes will be available for public review between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily at:
Bureau of Health Care Financing
Room 250, State Office Building
One West Wilson Street
Madison, WI
Public Notice
State of Wis. Dept. of Transportation
Public Notice of August 1, 1998 effective date for
Sections 58 and 151 of 1997 Wis. Act 84
Section 85.515, Stats., as created by Section 1g of 1997 Wis. Act 84 (“the Act”), permits the Secretary of the Department of Transportation to implement provisions of the Act as the Department's computerized information systems become operational.
Section 168(2) of the Act changes ss. 351.02 (1) (a) 4. and 10. and 351.11, Stats., effective August 1, 1998. These provisions affect the method by which the Department determines whether a person is a habitual traffic offender.
The Department's computerized information systems will also be able to implement the statutory changes set forth in sections 58 and 151 of the Act simultaneously with those habitual traffic offender law changes. In addition, it will be cost effective for the Department to implement sections 58 and 151 of the Act with the provisions made effective by section 168 (2) of the act. Section 58 requires the Department to assess three demerit points for a conviction of operating after revocation or suspension. Section 151 requires the Department to permit drivers whose licenses were recently revoked under the habitual traffic offender law to have their driver record reviewed a second time in light of the changes Act 84 made to that law.
By this public notice, and under the authority of s. 85.515, Stats., as created by Section 1g of 1997 Wis. Act 84, Charles H. Thompson, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, declares that sections 58 and 151 of 1997 Wis. Act 84 shall be effective on August 1, 1998.
Contact Information
For information regarding this notice, contact:
Compliance and Restoration Section
Division of Motor Vehicles
Telephone: (608) 266-2261
FAX: (608) 267-3812
P.O. Box 7917
Madison, WI 53707
The State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
Document Sales Unit
P.O. Box 7840
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7840 - See PDF for diagram PDF
First Class Mail - See PDF for diagram PDF
Dated Material. Please Do Not Delay!
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.