Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Commerce (CR 97-109):
Ch. ILHR 60 - Relating to design and construction of public buildings and places of employment used as child day care facilities.
Employe Trust Funds (CR 98-50):
Ch. ETF 52 - Relating to the administration of the duty disability benefit program under s. 40.65, Stats.
Public Instruction (CR 98-38):
SS. PI 3.03 and 3.05 - Relating to environmental education requirements and an urban education license.
Public Instruction (CR 98-39):
S. PI 2.05 (2) (a) - Relating to the school district boundary appeals board (SDBAB).
Public Instruction (CR 98-68):
Ch. PI 11 - Relating to children with disabilities.
Administrative Rules Filed With The
Revisor Of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rules have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
Commerce (CR 98-7):
An order creating ch. Comm 110, relating to the Brownfields grant program.
Effective 08-01-98.
Elections Board (CR 98-51):
An order creating s. ElBd 6.05, relating to filing campaign finance reports by electronic transmission.
Effective 09-01-98.
Employe Trust Funds (CR 97-143):
An order affecting s. ETF 41.02, relating to long-term care insurance.
Effective 08-01-98.
Health & Family Services (CR 97-98):
An order repealing and recreating ch. HFS 139, relating to qualifications of public health professionals employed by local health departments.
Effective 08-01-98.
Health & Family Services (CR 97-132):
An order creating ch. HFS 140, relating to required services of local health departments.
Effective 08-01-98.
Health & Family Services (CR 97-135):
An order creating ch. HFS 173, relating to regulation of tattooists and tattoo establishments and regulation of body piercers and body-piercing establishments.
Effective 08-01-98.
Health & Family Services (CR 98-46):
An order amending ss. HFS 149.02 (6) and 149.03 (7) (a), relating to vendor authorization expiration and reauthorization dates under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC).
Effective 08-01-98.
N o t i c e of N o n a c q u i e s c e n c e
Tax Appeals Commission

v. : Docket No. 96-I-706

Pursuant to section 73.01 (4) (e) 2, Stats., the respondent hereby gives notice that, although it is not appealing the decision and order of the Tax Appeals Commission rendered in the above-captioned matter under date of May 29, 1998, it has adopted a position of nonacquiescence in regard to that part of the decision and order that allows the petitioner to take a tax deduction amortizing the Non-Competition Agreement. The effect of this action is that, although the decision and order is binding on the parties for the instant case, the Commission's conclusions of law, the rationale and construction of statutes in regard to that issue in the case are not binding upon or required to be followed by the respondent in other cases.
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Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.