Notice of Hearing
Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to authority vested in the Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board in ss. 15.085 (5) (b), 227.11 (2) and 448.40, Stats., and interpreting ss. 448.52 (2) and (3) and 448.54, Stats., the Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated below to consider an order to repeal repeal ss. PT 1.02 (5), 3.01 (5) and 4.01 (1) (d); to amend ss. PT 2.01 (8), ch. PT 5 (title), 5.01 (title) and (4); and to create ss. PT 1.02 (6), 2.01 (8) (a), (b) and (c) and 5.02, relating to the definition of physical therapy aide, the tests of English, written English and spoken English, general supervision of physical therapist assistants, and direct supervision of physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides.
Hearing Information
May 4, 1999   1400 E. Washington Ave.
Tuesday   Room 180
9:30 a.m.   Madison, WI
Appearances at the Hearing
Interested persons are invited to present information at the hearing. Persons appearing may make an oral presentation but are urged to submit facts, opinions and argument in writing as well. Facts, opinions and argument may also be submitted in writing without a personal appearance by mail addressed to the Department of Regulation and Licensing, Office of Administrative Rules, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708. Written comments must be received by May 18, 1999 to be included in the record of rule-making proceedings.
Analysis prepared by the Department of Regulation and Licensing
Statutes authorizing promulgation: ss. 15.085 (5) (b), 227.11 (2) and 448.40
Statutes interpreted: ss. 448.52 (2) and (3) and 448.54
The Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board promulgated rules of a housekeeping nature in May of 1998 and inadvertently left out the repeal of s. PT 4.01 (1) (d), which required a photograph to be submitted with applications for a locum tenens license. Photographs are no longer required to be submitted with applications as there are now other means of identification used, such as a driver's license or a picture ID. Also, requiring applicants to submit a photograph creates unnecessary administrative processing for staff.
The Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board is of the opinion that there needs to be a clarification regarding how many unlicensed persons can be supervised when a physical therapist is directly on-premises and when they are not. The amendment to Chapter PT 5, specifically to the creation of s. PT 5.02, provides what direct supervision by the physical therapist is as it relates to the physical therapist assistant and the physical therapy aide. In newly created s. PT 5.02 (10) it provides that the physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides practicing under direct supervision may not exceed 5, and the total number of physical therapy aides practicing under direct supervision may not exceed 3.
A recent change in the Physical Therapy National Examination being given on a computerized basis required the board to promulgate rules regarding temporary licenses. In making those amendments in Clearinghouse Rule 96-052, which states that a temporary license cannot be renewed, is necessary as it conflicts with s. PT 3.01 (4), which says that a temporary license can be renewed for hardship reasons. Therefore, s. PT 3.01 (5) is repealed.
Rules are amended to require that applicants who have not graduated from a school of physical therapy whose primary language is not English take and pass three language proficiency examinations, which is the requirement the physical therapy schools now use. Therefore, the board amends its rule to conform to a standard requirement. Those examinations are the test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL), the test of written English (TWE), and the test of spoken English (TSE).
Text of Rule
SECTION 1. PT 1.02 (5) is repealed.
SECTION 2. PT 1.02 (6) is created to read:
PT 1.02 (6) “Physical therapy aide" means a person other than a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who provides physical therapy services under the direct on-premises supervision of a physical therapist.
SECTION 3. PT 2.01 (8) is amended to read:
PT 2.01 (8) (intro.) Any applicant who is a graduate of a school in a program in physical therapy in which English is not the primary language of communication shall take and pass TOEFL each of the following in order to qualify for a license. :
SECTION 4. PT 2.01 (8) (a), (b) and (c) are created to read:
PT 2.01 (8) (a) The test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) as administered by the educational testing service.
(b) The test of written English (TWE) as administered by the educational testing service.
(c) The test of spoken English (TSE) as administered by the educational testing service.
SECTION 5. PT 3.01 (5) is repealed.
SECTION 6. PT 4.01 (1) (d) is repealed.
SECTION 7. Chapter PT 5 (title), 5.01 (title) and (4) are amended to read:
Chapter PT 5
PT 5.01 (title) General supervision of physical therapist assistants.
PT 5.01 (4) Limit the number of physical therapist assistants supervised practicing under general supervision to a number appropriate to the setting in which physical therapy is administered, to ensure that all patients under the care of the physical therapist receive services that are consistent with accepted standards of care and consistent with all other requirements under this chapter. No physical therapist may at any time supervise more than 2 physical therapist assistants full-time equivalents at any time practicing under general supervision.
SECTION 8. PT 5.02 is created to read:
PT 5.02 Direct supervision of physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides. Physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides may practice physical therapy under the direct on-premises supervision of a physical therapist. In providing direct supervision, the physical therapist shall do all of the following:
(1) Have primary responsibility for physical therapy care rendered by the physical therapist assistant or physical therapy aide.
(2) Be available at all times for consultation with the physical therapist assistant or physical therapy aide.
(3) Observe and monitor those under direct supervision on a daily basis.
(4) Evaluate the effectiveness of services provided by those under direct supervision on a daily basis by observing and monitoring persons receiving such services.
(5) Determine the competence of each physical therapist assistant and physical therapy aide based upon his or her education, training and experience.
(6) Provide interpretation of referrals and initial patient evaluation. The initial evaluation may utilize information that a physical therapist assistant or physical therapy aide has recorded, but must include direct observation and examination of the patient by the physical therapist.
(7) Delegate only those portions of an examination which are standardized objective measurements or standardized tests and which the physical therapist assistant or physical therapy aide has demonstrated competence to perform.
(8) Provide interpretation of objective tests, measurements and other data in developing and revising a physical therapy diagnosis, assessment, and treatment plan.
(9) Delegate appropriate portions of the treatment plan and program to the physical therapist assistant or physical therapy aide consistent with the education, training, and experience of the person supervised.
(10) Limit the number of physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides practicing under direct supervision to a number appropriate to the setting in which physical therapy is administered, to ensure that all patients under the care of the physical therapist receive services that are consistent with accepted standards of care and consistent with all other requirements under this chapter. The total number of physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides practicing under direct supervision may not exceed 5, and the total number of physical therapy aides practicing under direct supervision may not exceed 3.
Fiscal Estimate
1. The anticipated fiscal effect on the fiscal liability and revenues of any local unit of government of the proposed rule is: $0.00.
2. The projected anticipated state fiscal effect during the current biennium of the proposed rule is: $0.00
3. The projected net annualized fiscal impact on state funds of the proposed rule is: $0.00.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These proposed rules will be reviewed by the department through its Small Business Review Advisory Committee to determine whether there will be an economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Copies of Rule and Contact Person
Copies of this proposed rule are available without cost upon request to: Pamela Haack, Department of Regulation and Licensing, Office of Administrative Rules, 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 171, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708 (608) 266-0495.
Notice of Hearings
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to ss. 85.16(1), 85.22(3)(h) and 227.11(2), Stats., and interpreting s. 85.22, Stats., the Department of Transportation will hold public hearings at the following locations to consider the amendment of ch. Trans 2, Wisconsin Administrative Code, relating to elderly and disabled transportation capital assistance program.
Hearing Information
May 12, 1999   Hill Farms State
Wednesday   Transportation Bldg.
10:00 a.m.   4802 Sheboygan Ave.
  Room 144-B
  Madison, WI
May 13, 1999   State Patrol District 4
Thursday   2805 Martin Ave.
10:00 a.m.   Junction of Hwys. 51 & NN
  Upper Conference Room
  Wausau, WI
An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be available on request for this hearing. Please make reservations for a hearing interpreter at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
The public record on this proposed rule making will be held open until May 27, 1999, to permit the submission of written comments from persons unable to attend the public hearing or who wish to supplement testimony offered at the hearing. Any such comments should be submitted to Ron Morse, Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transit and Local Roads, Room 951, P. O. Box 7913, Madison, WI 53707-7913.
Parking for persons with disabilities and an accessible entrance are available on the north and south sides of the Hill Farms State Transportation Building, and at the south side of the State Patrol District 4 office.
  NOTE: This hearing is being conducted at 2 locations in order to give the public greater opportunity to present its facts, arguments and opinions. The records from both locations will be combined into a single Hearing Record on which the Department will base its decisions. Individuals need only attend one of the public hearings for their testimony to be fully considered.
Analysis Prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: ss. 85.16(1), 85.22(3)(h) and 227.11(2)
General Summary of Proposed Rule. Chapter Trans 2 establishes the Department's administrative interpretation of s. 85.22, Stats., including the administration of assistance under the federal sec. 5310 program (formerly sec. 16), and prescribes administrative policies and procedures for implementing the elderly and disabled transportation capital assistance program authorized under s. 85.22, Stats. The purpose of this rule making is to clarify existing provisions of the rule as well as incorporate changes to reflect current program policy and conditions and improve program administrative procedures.
This proposed rule:
Simplifies the requirements an applicant must satisfy to qualify for elderly and disabled transportation capital assistance. The proposed rule eliminates an applicant's requirement to give private transportation providers the opportunity to submit proposals to provide service. The proposed rule merely requires applicants to give private transportation providers the opportunity to comment on the applicant's decision to seek capital assistance from the Department.
Establishes a simplified process for the Department to review challenges to an application for elderly and disabled capital assistance.
Revises and clarifies criteria, relative weights, and minimum point totals for evaluating applications for elderly and disabled transportation capital assistance.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.