Hearing Date:   March 3, 1999
Financial Institutions
(Division of Securities)
Rules adopted creating s. DFI-Sec 2.01(1)(c)6 and (d)6., relating to designating alternative accounting guidelines for the preparation of financial statements for certain governmental issuers of securities.
Finding of Emergency
The Division of Securities of the Department of Financial Institutions for the State of Wisconsin finds that an emergency exists and that rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency follows.
These emergency rules are necessitated by a new accounting guideline relating to disclosures about Year 2000* issues applicable to the preparation of financial statements for governmental issuers of securities as required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Technical Bulletin 98-1, Disclosures about Year 2000 Issues (“GASB TB 98-1”, or “Guideline”). The existence of this issue and the need for emergency rule treatment to assist governmental issuers was brought to the attention of the Division by representatives of Wisconsin public accounting groups and Wisconsin bond attorneys who recently learned about a Report by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants regarding GASB TB 98-1.
As a result of that Report (and as particularized below) many Wisconsin governmental issuers would have the audit opinions for their financial statements for years ending after October, 1998, qualified with respect to disclosures about Year 2000 issues. Thus beginning in approximately March and April of 1999 and continuing through the accounting period ending 12/31/99, that new accounting Guideline will adversely impact the ability of Wisconsin and other state and local governmental securities issuers to continue to use on an “automatic”/self-executing basis, the existing securities registration exemption in s. 551.22(1)(a) of the Wisconsin Securities Law to offer and sell their debt securities to public investors in Wisconsin.
Over the years and to date, Wisconsin and other state and local governmental securities issuers having “full-GAAP” financial statements (e.g. prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) have been able to sell their debt securities to Wisconsin public investors in reliance on automatic use of the registration exemption in s. 551.22(1)(a), Wis. Stats., without the need for any exemption or other filing with the Division.
GASB TB 98-1 requires footnote disclosure of Year 2000 information regarding a governmental issuer's preparedness in terms of making its systems and equipment Year 2000 compliant. GASB TB 98-1 applies to financial statements dated October 31, 1998, and terminates for financial statements issued for purposes of the accounting period ending December 31, 1999, unless systems and equipment are not Year 2000 compliant as of the balance sheet date. In response to GASB TB 98-1, members of the Auditing Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) issued a Report under the title “AICPA Illustrative Reporting Guidance on Year 2000 Disclosures Made Under GASB TB 98-1, Issued October 22, 1998.” That Report raised the concern that in light of the unprecedented nature of the Year 2000 issue, the required disclosures will be neither ascertainable by management nor verifiable by auditors. As a result, the AICPA strongly recommended that auditors issue qualified opinions (scope limitations) with respect to such Year 2000 issue disclosures.
Consequently, all Wisconsin and other governmental securities issuers whose financial statements would contain such qualified opinions, would not meet (in the absence of the emergency rules) the “full-GAAP” financial statement requirement for automatic use of the registration exemption in 551.22(1)(a), Wis. Stats. Thus, such issuers would either have to go through a regulatory filing and review procedure with the Division prior to each offering, or would have to restrict the initial offering to securities law provisions that would preclude underwriters from reoffering those securities to investors in the primary and secondary markets.
In the absence of the emergency rules, governmental securities issuers would be adversely affected by the costs of making securities filings with their attendant delays. Also, even though Year 2000 issues equivalently affect private corporate issuers of securities, because there is no counterpart to GASB TB 98-1 within the standards promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board applicable to private corporate securities issuers, the additional costs and filing delays would be singularly borne by governmental securities issuers (if the emergency rules were not adopted).
Finally, having a filing requirement under the Wisconsin Securities Law be triggered for Wisconsin and other state and local governmental securities offerings solely because of an auditor's qualification in an audit report on the Year 2000 issue, would result in added regulatory filing and review processes and procedures under the Wisconsin Securities Law that would not provide any “value added” investor protection benefits.
Therefore, in similar fashion to emergency rule-making action taken by the Division in 1994 and 1996 regarding specific accounting issues which occurred at those times, and for the purpose of alleviating the disruption that would occur in the borrowing/bonding plans of Wisconsin and other state and local governmental issuers that regularly claim exemption status under sec. 551.22(1)(a), Wis. Stats., for the offer and sale of their debt securities in Wisconsin, the Division, in consultation with representatives of Wisconsin accounting groups and Wisconsin bond attorneys, is adopting these emergency rules designating an alternative-to-full-GAAP financial statement requirement (when the governmental issuer's financial statements are full-GAAP) where the auditor's opinion is qualified in accordance with GASB TB 98-1 with respect to disclosures concerning Year 2000 issues. As a result of such emergency rules, those Wisconsin and other state and local governmental securities issuers affected by GASB TB 98-1 will be able to continue to rely on the “automatic” registration exemption under 551.22(1)(a), Wis. Stats., for their securities offerings.
[Because this issue which has been triggered by GASB TB 98-1 has a limited “shelf life” such that no permanent rules relating to it will be needed after December 31, 2000, when action is taken by the Division to promulgate identical permanent rules to become effective upon expiration of the emergency rules, the permanent rules will provide for a December 31, 2000 “sunset” date, after which the permanent rules on the issue will no longer be effective.]
*The Year 2000 problem is the result of shortcomings in electronic data-processing systems and equipment that may adversely affect operations in the year 2000 and beyond. The problem stems from the use within electronic systems and equipment of two-digit storage for calendar years. Affected and uncorrected systems and equipment may be unable to distinguish the year 2000 from the year 1900; as a result, such systems may process inaccurately or stop processing altogether.
Publication Date:   February 25, 1999
Effective Date:   March 1, 1999
Expiration Date:   July 29, 1999
Health & Family Services
(Management, Technology & Finance,
  Chs. HFS 1--)
(Health, Chs. HFS 110--)
1.   Rules adopted creating ch. HFS 13 and revising ch. HSS 129, relating to reporting and investigating caregiver misconduct.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that the rules included in this order are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
Since July 1, 1991, the Department has had rules, s. HSS 129.10, which establish and provide for the maintenance of a registry of persons eligible by training and testing to be employed in Wisconsin as nurse assistants working in hospitals, nurse assistants working in nursing homes, home health agency aides and, since October 1, 1991, hospice program aides. The rules implemented s. 146.40 (4g), Stats. The rules were amended by emergency order effective April 1, 1992, to add to the registry, as directed by s. 146.40 (4g) and (4r), Stats., all substantiated findings of allegations that persons working in any of these caregiver capacities had abused or neglected a resident or patient or misappropriated a resident's or patient's property, and making that information available to prospective employers and other interested persons on request.
This rulemaking order amends ch. HFS 129 to take out of it the misconduct part of the current registry, that is, the part consisting of substantiated findings of misconduct toward clients by caregivers working as nurse aides in hospitals or nursing homes or for home health agencies or hospice programs, and to include that part in a new ch. HFS 13 created by this order.
A recent session law, 1997 Wis. Act 27, amended s. 146.40 (4g) and (4r), Stats., to provide for expansion of the misconduct part of the registry so that, beginning October 1, 1998, the Department would add to the registry substantiated findings of allegations that any other person employed by or under contract with a hospital, nursing home, home health agency or hospice program or any person employed by or under contract with any of several other types of facilities, agencies and programs or services licensed, certified or registered by the Department abused or neglected a client served by the facility, agency or program or service or misappropriated a client's property. The other types of “entities” covered by the expanded misconduct part of the registry and the reporting, review and investigation, entering findings and appeal procedures under s. 146.40 (4r), Stats., are the following: community-based residential facilities, residential care apartment complexes (formerly called assisted living facilities), certified adult family homes (only if certified by the Department), licensed adult family homes (only if licensed by the Department), certified community mental health and substance abuse programs or services, rural medical centers and ambulance service providers.
The new ch. HFS 13 covers the structure of the misconduct part of the caregiver registry, the information included in it and release of registry information; a requirement that an entity upon learning of an incident of alleged caregiver misconduct take whatever measures are necessary to protect clients pending a finding; mandatory reporting by entities of allegations of caregiver misconduct, with penalties for failure to report incidents; reporting by other persons; review by the Department of reports received from entities and concerned individuals alleging abuse or neglect of a client or misappropriation of a client's property, and follow-up investigation by the Department as necessary; determination by the Department either that an allegation is or is not substantiated, and notice to the subject of the report, if an allegation is substantiated, that the finding will be entered on the misconduct part of the caregiver misconduct registry, and the consequences of that action (which for some persons employed by or under contract with an entity may mean being barred indefinitely from similar employment and for others being barred from similar employment unless rehabilitation is demonstrated), unless he or she contests that determination by requesting a hearing; notice to the subject of a report that if the finding is included in the registry, he or she may add a rebuttal statement which will be included with the finding; and how to request a hearing, how the hearing will be conducted and the hearing decision.
This order creating ch. HFS 13 and amending ch. HSS 129 is being published as an emergency rulemaking order to take effect on October 1, 1998. That is the date on which the amendments to s. 146.40 (4g) and (4r), Stats., that expand the misconduct part of the registry will take effect. The rules are necessary for implementation of the amended statutes. The intent of the amended statutes and new rules is to better protect clients of the specified Department-regulated facilities, agencies, programs and services from being harmed. The rules are being published as emergency rules so that they can go into effect when the amended statutes take effect rather than up to 9 months later which is how long it will take to promulgate permanent rules.
Publication Date:   October 1, 1998
Effective Date:   October 1, 1998
Expiration Date:   February 28, 1999
Hearing Dates:   January 12, 20 & 26, 1999
Extension Through:   May 4, 1999
2.   Rules adopted creating ch. HFS 12, relating to caregiver background checks.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
Sections 48.685 and 50.065, Stats., recently created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, apply to the Department in its functions of licensing, certifying, registering or approving some persons to provide care or treatment to other persons; to county social service and human service departments that license foster homes or treatment foster homes for children and carry out adoption home studies; to private child-placing agencies licensed to do the same; and to school boards that contract for day care programs under s. 120.13(14), Stats. The law also applies to the entities licensed, certified, registered or approved and their employes or contracted service providers.
An agency is prohibited from licensing, certifying, registering or approving a person if the agency knew or should have known that the person has been convicted of, or has a pending charge for, a serious crime, is found to have abused or neglected a client or child or to have misappropriated a client's property; or is required to be credentialed by the Department of Regulation and Licensing (DRL) but whose credential is not current or is limited so as to prevent the provision of adequate client care. Similarly, entities planning to hire or contract with a person expected to have access to clients or children may not hire or contract with the person if the entity knew or should have known of the existence of a prohibited condition.
With respect to a person applying for a license to operate an entity or for approval to reside at an entity, an agency is required to obtain a criminal history search, information contained in the Department's caregiver misconduct registry, DRL information regarding credential status, if applicable, and Department information regarding any substantiated reports of child abuse or neglect and licensing history information. That information must also be obtained by entities for prospective employes and contractors.
  The Department is required to develop a background information form and provide it to any regulated or approved person, and a county department and licensed child-placing agency is required to provide it to a foster home or treatment foster home applicant or pre-adoptive applicant and a school board is to provide the Department's background information form to any proposed contracted day care applicant or provider under s. 120.13 (14), Stats. Likewise, an entity is to provide the background information form to any employe or prospective employe having or expected to have access to any of its clients. If the background information form returned to an entity by an employe or prospective employe indicates that the person is not ineligible to be employed or contracted with or permitted to reside at an entity for a reason specified under the statutes or as provided in rule, an entity may employ or contract with the person or permit the person to reside at the entity for not more than 60 days pending the receipt of background check information.
  For some serious crimes that would otherwise bar a person from regulatory approval or from being employed by or under contact with or residing at an entity, the statutes permit a person convicted of a crime, provided certain conditions are met, to ask an agency for rehabilitation review, that is, for an opportunity to demonstrate that he or she is rehabilitated and so the bar can be lifted.
  These are the Department's rules for administration of ss. 48.685 and 50.065, Stats., as created by Act 27 and amended by 1997 Wisconsin Act 237. The rules repeat the statutory requirements and add more detail for administering them, add procedures for handling rehabilitation review requests, add definitions for “serious crime” and “under the entity's control” and other pertinent definitions and add a crimes list as Appendix A.
The rules are being published by emergency order to take effect on October 1, 1998, the same date that the statutes they implement will take effect, rather than up to 9 months later which is how long it will take to promulgate permanent rules. The rules are necessary for implementation of the new statutes. The intent of the statutes and rules is to better protect clients of the regulated service providers from being harmed.
The new background check statutes and rules apply beginning October 1, 1998 to entities initially approved on or after that date, persons that entities hire or contract with on or after that date and nonclients who take up residence at an entity on or after that date. The statutes and rules apply beginning October 1, 1999 to entities initially approved prior to October 1, 1998, persons that entities hired or contracted with prior to October 1, 1998 and nonclients who lived at an entity prior to October 1, 1998.
Publication Date:   October 1, 1998
Effective Date:   October 1, 1998
Expiration Date:   February 28, 1999
Hearing Dates:   January 12, 20 & 26, 1999
Extension Through:   May 4, 1999
3.   Rules adopted amending chs. HFS 12, relating to background checks.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that the rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The Department on October 1, 1998 published an emergency rulemaking order creating ch. HFS 12, relating to uniform procedures for checking the backgrounds of persons who apply to provide or are providing care or treatment to persons who need that care or treatment, and for barring persons because of specified convictions, findings or charges substantially related to the care of clients from operating a service provider organization, providing care or treatment to the clients of a service provider or otherwise having contact with the clients of a service provider. Chapter HFS 12 includes an appendix which consists of a list of crimes. Some of the listed crimes permanently bar a person who was ever convicted of the crime from receiving regulatory approval from the Department to provide care or treatment to vulnerable people; from being licensed by a county human service or social service department or by a private child-placing agency to operate a foster home for children; from contracting with a school board to provide a day care program; from being employed by or under contract to a service provider to provide care or treatment to the service provider's clients; and from residing as a nonclient at the service-providing entity. Others of the listed crimes temporarily bar a person convicted of the crime from doing any of those things, pending demonstration that the individual has been rehabilitated. While the remaining few crimes in the Crimes List, called “less serious crimes,” do not bar a person with a conviction from providing care or treatment to others, they do require the regulatory agency or employer to impose special precautionary measures to ensure the protection of persons receiving care or treatment.
This order modifies the Crimes List published on October 1. 1998 as Appendix A to ch. HFS 12.
The original Crimes List consists of 159 crimes listed by statute number, 45 of which are permanent bar crimes for all programs. Some 105 crimes are rehabilitation review-eligible crimes (bar with rehab crimes), and 3 are less serious crimes (crimes of lesser significance than serious crimes). As for unlisted crimes, a regulatory agency, employer or contractor is supposed to consider whether conviction for any unlisted crime is substantially related to caregiving and, if so, can treat it as a permanent bar crime or a crime of lesser significance, and take action accordingly.
The modified Crimes List consists of 156 crimes listed by statute number, name and program sanction, 26 of which are permanent bar crimes for all programs. Some crimes have been moved from permanent bar status to bar with rehab status, crimes of lesser significance status or substantially related (unlisted) status, and some crimes have been moved from bar with rehab status to crimes of lesser significance status or substantially related (unlisted) status. The crimes of lesser significance are removed altogether from the Crimes List and made a separate list under s. HFS 12.11(5) (a) 3., so that the Crimes List is left with only “serious crimes.”
The Department is modifying the Crimes List at this time because after publication of the original list, that is, as the Crimes List began to be used to make decisions about licensing or certifying service providers and hiring or contracting for caregiver staff, and especially in anticipation of agencies having to withdraw some current licenses and certifications and entities having to dismiss some current caregiver staff and terminate some caregiver contracts, Department staff heard from and met with many affected individuals and representatives of affected programs and discussed with them the need, reasonableness and practicality of categorizing some criminal convictions in ways they had been categorized. These discussions led the Department to reconsider the appropriateness of the sanctions for some of the specified crimes, in particular some of the crimes that the Department had designated permanent bar crimes. The Department also determined once the Crimes List began to be used that corrections and clarifications were needed in it.
The Department is modifying the ch. HFS 12 emergency rules by emergency order because of the critical importance of the appended Crimes List for proper implementation of the statutory caregiver background check requirements. Those requirements are directed at protecting people receiving care and treatment from being harmed. The revised Crimes List is part of the proposed permanent rules that will replace the emergency rules, but the replacement permanent rules will not take effect until about June 1, 1999.
Publication Date:   December 12, 1998
Effective Date:   December 12, 1998
Expiration Date:   May 11, 1999
4.   Rules adopted revising chs. HFS 12 and 13, created as an emergency rules relating to caregivers background checks and reporting of caregiver misconduct.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that the rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The Department on October 1, 1998 published an emergency rulemaking order creating ch. HFS 12, relating to uniform procedures for checking the backgrounds of persons who apply to provide or are providing care or treatment to persons who need that care or treatment, and for barring persons because of specified convictions, findings or charges substantially related to the care of clients from operating a service provider organization, providing care or treatment to the clients of a service provider or otherwise having contact with the clients of a service provider. Chapter HFS 12 included an appendix which consisted of a list of crimes. That Crimes List was modified by emergency order published on December 12, 1998. This order, which is being published following the Department's public hearings on the emergency rules and the proposed replacement permanent rules, makes further significant changes in the Crimes List and other parts of the ch. HFS 12 emergency rules.
The Crimes List appended to ch. HFS 12 is modified by this order to move several crimes from “permanent bar” status to “bar with rehabilitation” status, to place time limits on having to demonstrate rehabilitation for certain other crimes, and to remove some crimes altogether from the Crimes List. Also in ch. HFS 12, definitions have been added for “access” and “Department-designated tribe” and have been significantly revised for “caregiver” and “under the entity's control.” Indian tribes designated by the Department are permitted to conduct rehabilitation reviews for bar with rehabilitation crimes.
This order also makes changes in ch. HFS 13, emergency rules for reporting caregiver misconduct and for maintenance of a caregiver misconduct registry. Those emergency rules were also published on October 1, 1998. Changes made in ch. HFS 13 by this order include addition of definitions for “access” and “course of conduct” and significantly revised definitions for “abuse,” “caretaker,” and “under the entity's control,” and permission is given for the subject of a report to have a representative present when the subject has any contact with Department investigators.
The Department is modifying the chs. HFS 12 and 13 emergency rules by emergency order at this time because of their critical importance for proper implementation of the statutory caregiver background check and caregiver misconduct reporting requirements. Those requirements are directed at protecting people receiving care and treatment from being harmed. The rule changes, including revision of the Crimes List, have been incorporated in the proposed permanent rules that will replace the emergency rules, but the replacement permanent rules will not take effect until June 1, 1999 at the earliest.
Publication Date:   February 27, 1999
Effective Date:   February 27, 1999
Expiration Date:   May 11, 1999
Health and Family Services
(Community Services, Chs. 30--)
Rule was adopted amending s. HFS 94.24 (2)(e), relating to searches of rooms and personal belongings of patients at the Wisconsin Resources Center.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that the adoption of the rules included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The Department operates the Wisconsin Resource Center near Oshkosh, a mental health treatment facility for two groups of people: (1) inmates of correctional institutions whose behavior presents a serious problem to themselves or others in state correctional facilities and whose mental health treatment needs can be met at the Center, and (2) persons who have been found by a court or jury under s. 980.05, Stats., to be sexually violent persons and who have therefore been committed to the custody of the Department under s. 980.06, Stats., for control, care and treatment, whose commitment order specifies institutional care and who have been placed by the Department at the Center under s. 980.065, Stats. About 60% of the 370 patients at the Center are inmates of correctional institutions and about 40% are persons committed to the Department under ch. 980, Stats.
The security, discipline, care and treatment of inmates of correctional institutions at the Wisconsin Resource Center are governed by administrative rules of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Chapter HFS 94, the Department's rules relating to the rights of patients receiving treatment for a mental illness, a developmental disability, alcohol abuse or other drug abuse, applies to the inmates of correctional institutions at the Center only in relation to patient rights specified in s. 51.61 (1) (a), (d), (f), (g), (h), (j) and (k), Stats. However, the entire ch. HFS 94 applies to patients at the Center who are there under a ch. 980, Stats., commitment.
At the Wisconsin Resource Center staff until recently have been making random searches of the rooms and personal belongings of patients who have been committed to the Department under ch. 980, Stats. A patient has challenged the practice in a lawsuit, claiming that it violates s. HFS 94.24 (2) (e) which permits a search only when there is documented reason to believe that security rules have been violated, unless the search is of rooms and belongings in a forensic unit. Patients at the Center who are there under ch. 980, Stats., commitments are not residents of a forensic unit; a commitment under ch. 980, Stats., is considered a civil commitment. The court handling the case is expected to rule in favor of the patient. Therefore, the Center has temporarily suspended random searches, pending amendment of the rule.
This order amends s. HFS 94.24 (2) (e) to permit searches of the rooms and personal belongings of not only inpatients of forensic units but also inpatients of a secure mental health unit or facility under s. 980.065, Stats., and similar inpatients of the maximum security facility at the Mendota mental health institute, and not only when there is documented reason to believe that security rules have been violated but under other circumstances as well as specified in written facility policies. This change will permit the Wisconsin Resource Center to resume random searches of the rooms and personal belongings of patients who have been committed to the Department under ch. 980, Stats.
This rule change is being promulgated on the advice of counsel by emergency order because of the length of the permanent rulemaking process and because random searches of the rooms and belongings of ch. 980, Stats., patients at the Wisconsin Resource Center need to be resumed without delay to protect other patients and staff and, in the long run, the general public.
These patients have been committed or are being detained because there is probable cause to believe they are dangerous individuals who are disposed to commit future acts of sexual violence. Many have documented histories of other types of criminal activity, including fraud, theft and physical assault. Many also have a history of drug/alcohol dependence and gang activity. The intent of ch. 980, Stats., is to protect the public and provide treatment to this patient population. The major difference between this population and other patient populations is this population has a significantly higher percentage of individuals diagnosed with anti-social personality disorders and, as such, they have consistently shown deliberate disregard for the rights of others and a willingness to break the law.
The Wisconsin Resource Center is responsible for maintaining a therapeutic and safe environment for its patients. Yet the ch. 980 patients in general have consistently found `creative' ways to break facility rules. Therefore, unless there are effective mechanisms, such as random searches, in place to monitor their activity, these patients will use their rights to continue their criminal activity and to violate the rights of others.
Random searches help the Center identify and prevent numerous violations of facility rules that are safety and security related or countertherapeutic to the patients. These searches can also deter patients from harboring dangerous items in their rooms. These could go undetected and be at some point used in harming another person or hinder or block the individual's treatment. They include weapons, drugs, indications of planning underway to rape or assault another patient or a staff member, sexually explicit material which may interfere with treatment progress, and stolen property including credit cards.
A facility cannot effectively treat these patients without the ability to effectively monitor and confront crimogenic behaviors and patterns. Random searches are a very effective treatment tool in this respect. They also reduce the likelihood of false positives for releasing or discharging a patient when evaluating for continued pertinence of the commitment criteria.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.