Publication Date:   February 25, 1999
Effective Date:   March 1, 1999
Expiration Date:   July 29, 1999
Extension Through:   August 3, 1999
Professional Geologists, Hydrologists and Soil Scientists
Rules adopted creating chs. GHSS 1 to 5, relating to the registration and regulation of professional geologists, hydrologists and soil scientists.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
The Examining Board of Geologists, Hydrologists and Soil Scientists finds that an emergency exists and that the attached rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
Section 64 of 1997 Wis. Act 300 states that the board is not required to make a finding of emergency. However, the board offers the following information relating to the promulgation of these rules as emergency rules. The new regulation of professional geologists, hydrologists and soil scientists was created in 1997 Wis. Act 300. The Act was published on June 30, 1998; however the Act created an effective date for the new regulation as being the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
Publication Date:   May 15, 1999
Effective Date:   May 15, 1999
Expiration Date:   October 12, 1999
Hearing Date:   June 23, 1999
Health & Family Services
(Medical Assistance, Chs. HFS 101-108)
1.   Rules were adopted revising chs. HFS 101 to 103, and 108, relating to operation of BadgerCare health insurance program.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that the rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
This order creates rules that specify how a new program called BadgerCare, established under s. 49.665, Stats., will work. Under BadgerCare, families with incomes up to 185% of the federal poverty level, but not low enough to be eligible for regular Medical Assistance (MA) coverage of their health care costs, and that lack access to group health insurance, are eligible to have BadgerCare pay for their health care costs. The order incorporates the rules for operation of BadgerCare into chs. HFS 101 to 103 and 108, four of the Department's chapters of rules for operation of the MA program.
BadgerCare is projected to cover over 40,000 currently uninsured Wisconsin residents, including more than 23,000 children, by the end of 1999.
Benefits under BadgerCare will be identical to the comprehensive package of benefits provided by Medical Assistance. The existing Wisconsin Medicaid HMO managed care system, including mechanisms for assuring the quality of services, improving health outcomes and settling grievances, will be used also for BadgerCare.
Department rules for the operation of BadgerCare must be in effect before BadgerCare may begin. The program statute, s. 49.665, Stats., was effective on October 14, 1997. It directed the Department to request a federal waiver of certain requirements of the federal Medicaid Program to permit the Department to implement BadgerCare not later than July 1, 1998, or the effective date of the waiver, whichever date was later. The federal waiver letter approving BadgerCare was received on January 22, 1999. It specified that BadgerCare was not to be implemented prior to July 1, 1999. Once the letter was received, the Department began developing the rules. They are now ready. The Department is publishing the rules by emergency order so that they will go into effect on July 1, 1999, rather than at least 9 months later, which is about how long the process of making permanent rules takes, and thereby provide already authorized health care coverage as quickly as possible to families currently not covered by health insurance and unable to pay for needed health care.
The rules created and amended by this order modify the current Medical Assistance rules to accommodate BadgerCare and in the process provide more specificity than s. 49.665, Stats., about the nonfinancial and financial conditions of eligibility for BadgerCare; state who is included in a BadgerCare group and whose income is taken into consideration when determining the eligibility of a BadgerCare group; expand on statutory conditions for continuing to be eligible for BadgerCare; exempt a BadgerCare group with monthly income at or below 150% of the federal poverty level from being obliged to contribute toward the cost of the health care coverage; and set forth how the Department, as an alternative to providing Medical Assistance coverage, will go about purchasing family coverage offered by the employer of a member of a family eligible for BadgerCare if the Department determines that purchasing that coverage would not cost more than providing Medical Assistance coverage.
Publication Date:   July 1, 1999
Effective Date:   July 1, 1999
Expiration Date:   November 28, 1999
2.   Rule adopted amending s. HFS 105.39 (4) (b) 3., relating to certification of specialized medical vehicle providers.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Health and Family Services finds that an emergency exists and that the adoption of the rules included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The Department's rules for certification of specialized motor vehicle (SMV) providers under the Medical Assistance (MA) program include requirements for SMV drivers. Among current requirements is that each driver must receive training in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before driving a vehicle or serving as an attendant and must receive refresher training in first aid every 2 years and refresher training in CPR annually. The specific requirements for refresher training date from December 1, 1994. When revising its rules for SMV providers earlier in 1994 the Department proposed to require refresher training every 2 years for both first aid and CPR, but at the public hearings on the proposed rules 5 SMV providers said the CPR refresher training should take place annually and the Department agreed and made that its requirement.
Although the American Red Cross CPR training and certification that the person is trained continue to be annual, the equivalent American Heart Association CPR training and certification (the American Heart Association prefers “recognition” to “certification”) is now every 2 years. This means that to comply with the Department's current MA rule for SMV drivers, s. HFS 105.39 (4) (b) 3., drivers who receive their training from the American Heart Association must repeat the training each year. That is unnecessary for maintenance of American Heart Association certification (recognition) and the time and expense involved is a burden on SMV providers and drivers. The Department is modifying the rule through this order to simply require that drivers maintain CPR certification.
The Department through this order is also changing the requirement for refresher training in first aid from every 2 years to at least every 3 years. That is because the American Red Cross certification in first aid is now for 3 years. A requirement for more frequent refresher training in first aid is a burden in time and expense involved for SMV providers and drivers.
Publication Date:   July 3, 1999
Effective Date:   July 3, 1999
Expiration Date:   November 30, 1999
Health and Family Services
(Health, Chs. HSS/HFS 110--)
1.   Rules adopted amending ss. HFS 119.07 (6) (b) and 119.15, relating to the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Section 149.143 (4), Stats., as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, permits the Department to promulgate rules required under s. 149.143(2) and (3), Stats., as affected by Act 27, by using emergency rulemaking procedures except that the Department is specifically exempted from the requirement under s. 227.24(1) and (3), Stats., that it make a finding of emergency. These are the rules. Department staff consulted with the HIRSP Board of Governors on December 11, 1998 on the proposed rules, as required by s. 149.20, Stats.
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Health and Family Services
The State of Wisconsin in 1981 established a Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP) for the purpose of making health insurance coverage available to medically uninsured residents of the state. One type of coverage provided by HIRSP is supplemental coverage for persons eligible for Medicare. This coverage is called Plan 2. Medicare (Plan 2) has a $500 deductible. Approximately 17% of the 7,123 HIRSP policies in effect on October 31, 1998 were of the Plan 2 type.
The Department through this rulemaking order is amending ch. HFS 119 in order to update HIRSP Plan 2 premium rates by just over 10% in accordance with the authority and requirements set out in s. 149.143 (3) (a), Stats. The Department is required to set premium rates by rule and the rates must be calculated in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles.
The Department through this order is also adjusting the total HIRSP insurer assessments and provider payment rates in accordance with the authority and requirements set Out in s. 149.143 (2)(a)3. and 4., Stats., as affected by Act 27.
Publication Date:   December 31, 1998
Effective Date:   January 1, 1999
Expiration Date:   May 31, 1999
Hearing Date:   March 11, 1999
Extension Through:   July 29, 1999
2.   Rules were adopted revising ch. HFS 119, relating to the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Section 149.143 (4), Stats., permits the Department to promulgate rules required under s. 149.143(2) and (3), Stats. by using emergency rulemaking procedures, except that the Department is specifically exempted from the requirement under s. 227.24(1) and (3), Stats., that it make a finding of emergency. These are the rules. Department staff consulted with the HIRSP Board of Governors on April 30, 1999 on the proposed rules, as required by s. 149.20, Stats.
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Health and Family Services
The State of Wisconsin in 1981 established a Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP) for the purpose of making health insurance coverage available to medically uninsured residents of the state. One type of coverage provided by HIRSP is supplemental coverage for persons eligible for Medicare. This coverage is called Plan 2. Medicare (Plan 2) has a $500 deductible. Approximately 17% of the 7,291 HIRSP policies in effect on March 31, 1999 were of the Plan 2 type.
The Department through this rulemaking order is amending ch. HFS 119 in order to update HIRSP Plan 2 premium rates in accordance with the authority and requirements set out in s. 149.143 (2) (a) 2., Stats. The Department is required to set premium rates by rule. These rates must be calculated in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles. Policyholders are to pay 60% of the costs of HIRSP.
There are separate sets of tables in ch. HFS 119 that show unsubsidized and subsidized Plan 2 premium rates. Both sets of tables are amended by this order to increase the premium rates because Plan 2 costs, which historically have been running about 50% less than Plan 1 costs, began to increase several years ago and now are running at about 67% of Plan 1 costs. The Plan 2 premium rates need to be increased to cover increased costs of treatment for individuals enrolled under Plan 2. The order increases these premium rates by about 18%.
In January 1999, the Department published an emergency rule order to increase HIRSP unsubsidized Plan 2 premium rates by about 10%, with the intention of increasing those rates again in July 1999 to the level provided for in this order. However, in May 1999 the Legislature's Joint Committee for the Review of Administrative Rules (JCRAR) refused to extend the effective period of that part of the January 1999 emergency rule order relating to premium rate increases, with the result that effective May 31, 1999, the rates reverted back to the rates in effect before January 1, 1999. Consequently, to increase rates effective July 1, 1999, the Department through this rulemaking order has based the increased rates on the rates in effect prior to January 1, 1999.
The Department through this order is also adjusting the total HIRSP insurer assessments and provider payment rates in accordance with the authority and requirements set out in s. 149.143 (2)(a)3. and 4., Stats. With the approval of the HIRSP Board of Governors and as required by statute, the Department reconciled total costs for the HIRSP program for calendar year 1998. The Board of Governors approved a reconciliation methodology that reconciles the most recent calendar year actual HIRSP program costs, policyholder premiums, insurance assessments and health care provider contributions collected with the statutorily required funding formula. By statute, the adjustments for the calendar year are to be applied to the next plan year budget beginning July 1, 1999.
The result of this reconciliation process for calendar year 1998 indicated that insurance assessments collected were greater than the 20% of costs (net of the GPR contribution from appropriation s. 20.435(5)(af), Stats.), required of insurers. Also, the calendar year 1998 reconciliation process showed that an insufficient amount was collected from health care providers. As a result of this reconciliation, the insurer assessments for the time periods July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999 and January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2000, are reduced to offset the overpayment in 1998. The total adjustments to the provider payment rates for the same time periods are sharply increased in order to recoup the provider contribution that was not collected in calendar year 1998. The budget for the plan year ending June 30, 2000 and the calendar year 1998 reconciliation process were approved by the HIRSP Board of Governors in April 1999.
Publication Date:   June 30, 1999
Effective Date:   July 1, 1999
Expiration Date:   November 28, 1999
Rules adopted amending ss. Ins 17.01 (3) (intro.) and17.28 (6a) repealing and recreating s. Ins 17.28 (6), relating to annual patients compensation fund and mediation fund fees for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1999.
Finding of Emergency
The commissioner of insurance (commissioner) finds that an emergency exists and that promulgation of this emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The commissioner was unable to promulgate the permanent rule corresponding to this emergency rule, clearinghouse rule No. 99-70, in time for the patients compensation fund (fund) to bill health care providers in a timely manner for fees applicable to the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1999.
The commissioner expects that the permanent rule will be filled with the secretary of state in time to take effect September 1, 1999. Because the fund fee provisions of this rule first apply on July 1, 1999, it is necessary to promulgate the fee portion of the rule on an emergency basis. A hearing on the permanent rule, pursuant to published notice thereof, was held on May 17, 1999.
Publication Date:   June 4, 1999
Effective Date:   July 1, 1999
Expiration Date:   November 28, 1999
Natural Resources
(Environmental Protection-Water Regulation,
Chs. NR 300-)
1.   Rules adopted creating ch. NR 303, relating to department determinations of navigability for farm drainage ditches.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
The Department was directed by the JCRAR under s. 227.26 (2) (b), Stats., to promulgate emergency rules regarding navigability
Analysis prepared by the Department of Natural Resources
Statutory authority: s. 227.26 (2)(b)
Statute interpreted: s. 30.10 (4)(c)
This order codifies present department program guidance for staff making navigability determinations for farm drainage ditches, identifying various methods and information to be relied on when making such determinations.
Publication Date:   May 1, 1999
Effective Date:   May 1, 1999
Expiration Date:   September 28, 1999
Hearing Dates:   June 16 and 17, 1999
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.