The rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Resources and Campaign Finance Reform. On October 13, 1999, the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources extended their review period for 30 days. A Department representative met with Representative Johnsrud to discuss his concerns. No modification to the rule was requested.
18. Natural Resources (CR 99-97)
Ch. NR 10 - 1999 Migratory game bird season.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The proposed rules regulate individual hunters; therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees:
The proposed rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Resources and Campaign Finance Reform. There were no comments.
19. Pharmacy Examining Board (CR 98-187)
S. Phar 7.10 - Pharmacists administering by injection a drug product or device in the course of teaching a patient self-administration techniques.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These rules will have no significant economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1)(a), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
20. Transportation (CR 98-168)
Ch. Trans 102 - Operator's licenses and identification cards.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
This rule will have no direct affect on small businesses.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
21. Transportation (CR 99-91)
Ch. Trans 213 - Local bridge program.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
This proposed rule will have no adverse impact on small businesses.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
22. Transportation (CRF 99-107)
Ch. Trans 134 - Registration plates for authorized special groups.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
This proposed rule will have no adverse impact on small businesses.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
23. Transportation (CR 99-119)
Ch. Trans 276 - Allowing the operation of double bottoms and certain other vehicles on certain other vehicles on certain specified highways.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The provisions of this proposed rule adding highway segments to the designated system have no direct adverse effect on small businesses, and may have a favorable effect on those small businesses which are shippers or carriers using the newly-designated routes.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
E x e c u t i v e O r d e r s
The following is a listing of recent Executive Orders issued by the Governor.

  Executive Order 385. Relating to the Creation of the Governor's Council in Workforce Investment.
N o t i c e of N o n a c q u i e s c e n c e
Tax Appeals Commission


v. : Docket Nos. 97-I-265 and 97-I-266


Pursuant to s. 73.01 (4) (e) 2. of the Wisconsin Statutes, the respondent hereby gives notice that, although it is not appealing the decision or order of the Tax Appeals Commission rendered in the above captioned matters under date of November 12, 1999, it has adopted a position of nonacquiescence in regard to that decision or order. The effect of this action is that, although the decision or order is binding on the parties for the instant case, the Commission's conclusions of law, the rationale and construction of statutes in the instant case are not binding upon or required to be followed by the respondent in other cases.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.