Public toilet rooms.
  Food manager certification.
Records and Reports
The food code requires the operator of a retail food establishment to keep records related to:
  Molluscan shellfish sources and sale dates.
  HACCP plans required by the code.
  Microbiological analyses of water obtained from private wells.
Technical Changes
The food code makes a large number of technical changes to current rules.
Fiscal Estimate
See page 27 of the March 31, 2000 Wis. Adm. Register.
Initial Regulatory Flexibilty Analysis
See page 27 of the March 31, 2000 Wis. Adm. Register.
Notice of Hearing
Arts Board
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to s. 44.565 (4), Stats., the Wisconsin Arts Board will hold a hearing at the time and place shown below to consider a proposed order to amend s. AB 2.09 (5), relating to the distribution of arts challenge initiative incentive grant funds.
Hearing Information
The public hearing will be held:
April 26, 2000   Meeting Room 132B
Wednesday   Arts Board
at 10:00 a.m.   101 East Wilson St.
  Madison, WI
Written Comments
Written comments on the proposed rules may be sent to the contact person by Thursday, May 25, 2000. Written comments will receive the same consideration as written or oral testimony presented at the hearing.
Analysis Prepared by the Wisconsin Arts Board
Statutory authority: s. 44.565 (4)
Statute interpreted: s. 44.565
Current rules that govern the distribution of arts initiative funding under the incentive program for large arts organizations provide that each eligible recipient receives a “raw award" one dollar for each four dollars of growth in eligible income during the previous fiscal year. If there is insufficient funding, the final awards are determined by proration. When proration is employed to determine the distribution of funding, the total funding available is divided by the total of all “raw awards". Each eligible recipient receives that fractional amount of its “raw award".
During each year of the program proration has been required for distribution of the funds. In the most current distribution, one organization received $203,846 (approximately 35%) of the $573,860 funding available. The smallest award during that same distribution was $14.
The proposed rule establishes maximum and minimum grant amounts for the incentive program when proration is required to be employed to determine the distribution. The maximum proposed by the rule is 12% of the available funding, and the minimum is the greater of $1,000 or 0.1743% of the available funding.
The proposed rule will produce a more equitable distribution of the arts challenge initiative funding and eliminate the situation where the administrative cost of providing a grant substantially exceeds the grant amount.
Text of Rule
Pursuant to the authority vested in the Arts Board by s. 44.565 (4), Stats., and interpreting s. 44.565, Stats., the Board hereby creates rules as follows:
SECTION 1. AB 2.09 (5) is amended to read:
AB 2.09 (5) When the total amount of raw awards exceeds the total amount of available board funds, final awards shall be determined by proration as specified in s. 44.565 (3), Stats. When proration is required under this subsection, the maximum award shall not exceed 12% of available board funds, and the minimum award shall not be less than the greater of $1,000 or .1743% of available board funds.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to s. 227.14, Stats., the proposed rule will have minimal impact on small businesses. The initial regulatory flexibility analysis as required by s. 227.17 (3) (f), Stats., is as follows:
1) Type of small business affected by the rule: None
2) The proposed reporting, bookkeeping and other procedures required for compliance with the rule: None
3) The types of professional skills necessary for compliance with the rule: None.
Fiscal Estimate
The proposed rule has no fiscal effect.
Contact Information
For additional information about or for copies of the proposed rules contact:
Dennis Fay, General Counsel
Telephone (608)266-6747
Wis. Dept. of Tourism
P.O. Box 7976
Madison, WI 53707-7976
Notice of Hearing
Employe Trust Funds
The Wisconsin Department of Employe Trust Funds will hold a public hearing to review this proposed rule, which renumbers s. ETF 10.60 (2) and (3), and creates s. ETF 10.60 (2), Wis. Adm. Code, relating to electronic reporting for the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) in accordance with the provisions of s. 227.16 (1), Stats.
Hearing Information
The public hearing will be held:
May 1, 2000   Room 2B
Monday   801 West Badger Rd.
at 9:00 a.m.   Madison, WI
Written Comments
The public record on this proposed rule-making will be held open until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 5, 2000 to permit the submission of written comments from persons unable to attend the public hearing in person, or who wish to supplement testimony offered at the hearing. Any such written comments should be addressed to Mary Hensen, Department of Employe Trust Funds, 801 West Badger Road, P.O. Box 7931, Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7931.
Analysis Prepared by the Wis. Dept. of Employe Trust Funds
Statutory authority for rule: s. 40.03 (1) (m) and (2) (i)
Currently, s. ETF 10.60 (2) states “The secretary may, for specified employers or types of coverage, provide for summary reporting on a monthly basis to accompany the monthly remittance required in sub. (1) (b), and detailed reporting on a quarterly, semiannual, or annual basis."
The above rule does not spell out the manner in which employers should report their annual employe detail to the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Currently, many large employers participating in the WRS continue to report annual detail transactions on paper. This is an inefficient use of time and due to keying errors, can result in participant account errors, which must be corrected at a later date.
This requirement for electronic reporting is similar to that of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which requires employers having more than 250 employes to report earnings information on an electronic basis.
General summary of rule.
The rule requires employers with 250 or more employes to submit WRS detailed annual earnings reports electronically.
Text of Rule
SECTION 1. Section ETF 10.60 (2) is created to read:
ETF 10.60 (2) Every employer which employs 250 or more employes shall submit the detailed annual earnings report required in the administration of subch. II of ch. 40, Stats., in an electronic format designated by the department.
SECTION 2. Section ETF 10.60 (2) is renumbered to s. ETF 10.60 (3).
SECTION 3. Section ETF 10.60 (3) is renumbered to s. ETF 10.60 (4).
Fiscal Estimate
The Department estimates that there will be no direct fiscal impact from this proposed rule upon the state or sewerage districts. The Department anticipates some effect upon the fiscal liabilities or revenues of certain counties, cities, villages, towns, school districts, vocational, technical and adult education school districts. The Department is aware that there are between 35 and 40 employers out of 241 employers with 250 or more employes that may possibly have a fiscal impact as a result of this rule.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The Department anticipates that the provisions of this proposed rule will have no direct adverse effect on small businesses.
Copies of Rule and Contact Information
Copies of this rule are available without cost by making a request to the Department of Employe Trust Funds, Office of the Secretary, P.O. Box 7931, Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7931, telephone (608) 267-2929. For questions about this proposed rule, please call Mary Hensen, Program & Policy Analyst, (608) 266-8411.
Notice of Hearings
Health & Family Services
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.