(c) Failure of a drug test.
(d) The use of false aliases, or falsifying, or attempting to falsify, official identification cards or documents issued pursuant to ch. 444, Stats., or 15 USC s. 6305.
(e) Unprofessional conduct or other inappropriate behavior inconsistent with generally accepted methods of competition in a professional boxing show.
SECTION 7. RL 111.04 is renumbered RL 111.04 (1) and amended to read:
RL 111.04 Judges and judging. (1) Judges are assigned by the The department may permit a professional club conducting a show to assign the judges for a show. Any professional boxing club applying for a permit shall provide the names of the judges, if known, at the time of application and shall describe in the application the procedure to be used for selecting judges and for judging and scoring bouts. The department may refuse to approve a person to act as judge if the department has reasonable proof that the person is not competent to act as a judge, that the person has a conflict of interest or that the person is subject to a disciplinary action taken by the department or another licensing jurisdiction that prohibits the person from acting as a judge.
SECTION 8. RL 111.04 (2) is created to read:
RL 111.04 (2) The 10-point system shall be used to determine the winner of a bout.
SECTION 9. RL 112.01 (2) is amended to read:
RL 112.01 (2) The ring shall be circumscribed with at least 4 ropes. Ropes may not be less than one inch in diameter. Ropes may not be made of metal. shall be wrapped securely with soft material. The lowest rope shall be 18 inches above the ring floor, the second rope 30 inches, the third rope 42 inches, and the fourth rope 54 inches above the ring floor. The ropes shall be secured with 2 spacer ties on each side of the ring. The ring floor shall be padded with a one-inch layer of padding of felt, rubber or other similar material, placed on a one-inch base of building board or similar supporting base. Padding shall be covered with canvas duck, or similar material tightly stretched and laced securely in place, preferably under the apron.
SECTION 10. RL 112.03 (1) is amended to read:
RL 112.03 (1) Boxing gloves for male boxers may be not less than 5 oz. each in weight when worn by a boxer under 140 pounds, and not less than 6 oz. when worn by other boxers a boxer weighing 140 pounds or more. Boxing gloves for female boxers may be not less than 8 oz. each in weight when worn by a boxer under 154 pounds, and not less than 10 oz. when worn by a boxer weighing 154 pounds or more.
SECTION 11. RL 112.04 (1) is repealed and recreated to read:
RL 112.04 Bandage specifications. (1) Boxers may wear a bandage on each hand that consists of no more than 20 yards of soft gauze that is not more than 2 inches wide and that is held in place by not more than 8 feet of adhesive tape that is not more than 1 ½ inches wide. The tape may not cover any part of the knuckles when the hand is clenched to make a fist. Boxers may not use water or any other liquid or material on the tape.
SECTION 12. RL 112.04 (3) is created to read:
RL 112.04 (3) Bandages that cover a boxer's hand shall be put on under the supervision of the department's inspector or a person delegated by the inspector and one representative of any other boxer, if any other boxer so requests.
SECTION 13. RL 112.05 (3) is amended to read:
RL 112.05 (3) Boxers may not use any type of grease , cosmetics or other substance on the body, except that a non-excessive amount of Vaseline may be used.
SECTION 14. RL 112.05 (4) is created to read:
RL 112.05 (4) Boxers with long hair shall have their hair secured with soft, non-abrasive material.
SECTION 15. RL 112.06 is amended to read:
RL 112.06 Mouthpieces. Boxers shall wear an individually form-fitted mouthpiece during each round. If a boxer loses his or her mouthpiece during a round, the referee shall have it replaced during the first break in the action. The referee may deduct points from a boxer who demonstrates a continued pattern of losing a mouthpiece during a bout.
SECTION 16. RL 112.07 (intro.) is amended to read:
RL 112.07 Headgear. (intro.) Boxers, other than those who are participating in a sparring bout, may wear headgear. Boxers who are participating in a sparring bout shall wear headgear. Headgear shall be approved by the inspector and meet substantially the following specifications:
SECTION 17. RL 112.08 (3) is created to read:
RL 112.08 (3) In case of a cut, a boxer's seconds may only make topical use of the following:
(a) A solution of adrenaline 1/1000.
(b) Avetine.
(c) Thrombin.
SECTION 18. RL 113.01 (4) is created to read:
RL 113.01 (4) A female boxer and a male boxer may not compete against each other in a bout.
SECTION 19. RL 113.04 is amended to read:
RL 113.04 Weight limitations. No boxer may participate in a show where the weigh–in weight difference of the boxers exceeds the allowance shown in the schedule below. When approving pairings between male or female boxers and applying these allowances, the department shall first determine which boxer weighs less than the other. The maximum allowable weight difference shall be that which relates to the category in which the lower weight boxer falls.
Weight   Allowance
135 lbs. or under.……......not more than 6 lbs.
136–175 lbs...............not more than 10 lbs.
176–190 lbs.......................not more than 15 lbs.
191 lbs. or over no limit
SECTION 20. RL 113.05 is created to read:
RL 113.05 Number of rounds in a bout. (1) No bout involving female boxers may be scheduled for more than 10 rounds with each round lasting 2 minutes and with a one-minute rest between rounds.
(2) No bout involving male boxers may be scheduled for more than 12 rounds with each round lasting 3 minutes and with a one-minute rest between rounds.
SECTION 21. RL 113.06 (5) is created to read:
RL 113.06 (5) A second may not attempt to stop a bout by throwing a towel, a sponge or any other thing into the ring.
SECTION 22. RL 114.03 is repealed and recreated to read:
RL 114.03 Injuries sustained by fouls. (1) INTENTIONAL FOUL. (a) If an intentional foul causes an injury and the injury is severe enough to terminate a bout, the boxer causing the injury shall lose by disqualification.
(b) If an intentional foul causes an injury and the bout is allowed to continue, the referee shall notify the boxer and the judges that 2 points shall be deducted from the score of the boxer who caused the foul.
(c) If an intentional foul causes an injury and the injury results in the bout being stopped in a later round, the injured boxer shall win by “technical decision" if the boxer is ahead on the scorecards, or the bout shall result in a “technical draw" if the injured boxer is behind on the scorecards.
(d) If a boxer injures himself or herself while attempting to intentionally foul an opponent, the referee may not take any action in the boxer's favor. The injury shall be considered the same as one produced by a fair blow.
(e) If the referee decides that a boxer has conducted himself or herself in an unsportsmanlike manner, the referee may stop the bout and disqualify the boxer.
(2) ACCIDENTAL FOUL. If an accidental foul occurs before the completion of 4 rounds of a bout and the injured boxer is not able to continue the fight, the fight shall be declared a “no contest." If the accidental foul occurs after the completion of 4 rounds of a bout and the fouled boxer is not able to continue, the judges shall score the bout as a “technical knock-out" and the boxer who is ahead on points shall be declared the winner. In determining the points, the judges shall score the completed rounds and the partial or incomplete rounds. If no action has occurred in a partial or incomplete round, the round shall be scored as an even round. When a boxer is not able to continue boxing, the referee shall stop the action and inform the department's inspector, the judges and both boxers that the foul was accidental. If in the later rounds the injury has worsened as a result of legal blows, and the injured boxer is not able to continue, the judges shall score the bout based on the completed rounds and the partial or incomplete rounds. A referee, in consultation with the ringside physician, shall allow the injured boxer up to 5 minutes to recover from the foul.
(3) ACCIDENTAL LOW BLOW. A boxer who is hit with an accidental low blow, shall continue after a reasonable amount of time, not exceeding 5 minutes, or the boxer shall lose the bout. The referee shall stop the action in a bout and inform the judges of any deduction of points made by the referee.
SECTION 23. RL 114.05 (3) and (7) are amended to read:
RL 114.05 (3) COUNT. When a boxer is down, the referee shall count aloud from one to 10 with give a mandatory 8 count and shall continue to count to 10 if the downed boxer is not able to continue fighting after the mandatory 8 count. The referee shall count aloud and provide intervals of one second between the numbers, and shall indicate each second with his or her hand in a manner such that the boxer who has been knocked down is aware of the count. Before the number “one" is counted, an interval of one second shall have elapsed from the time the boxer went down and the time of announcing “one." The referee shall continue counting, even if the bell sounds, indicating the end of the round.
(7) FAILURE TO BOX. A boxer who fails to resume boxing immediately after the termination of the rest interval, who sustains an injury from a fair blow and the injury is severe enough to terminate a bout, or who, when knocked down by a fair blow, fails to resume within 10 seconds, shall lose the bout. A referee may not give a standing 8 count.
SECTION 24. RL 114.05 (8) is created to read:
RL 114.05 (8) THREE KNOCKDOWNS. The referee may not stop a bout solely because a boxer has been knocked down 3 times in one round.
SECTION 25. RL 114.06 (2) (a) to (d) are amended to read:
RL 114.06 (2) PERIODS OF REST REQUIRED AFTER KNOCK-OUT OR HEAD BLOWS TECHNICAL KNOCK-OUT. (a) A boxer who has been knocked out as a result of head blows during a bout or who has received hard blows to the head, making the boxer defenseless or incapable of continuing, may not take part in competitive boxing or sparring for a period of at least 30 60 days from the date of the bout. A boxer whose bout was terminated by a technical knock-out may not take part in competitive boxing or sparring for a period of at least 30 days from the date of the bout.
(b) A boxer who, twice in a period of 3 months, has either been knocked out as a result of head blows during a bout or who has received hard blows to the head, making the boxer defenseless or incapable of continuing, may not take part in competitive boxing or sparring during a period of 6 months from the second bout.
(c) A boxer who has been knocked out as a result of head blows three 3 times in a period of 12 months or who has in 3 consecutive bouts, received hard blows to the head, making the boxer defenseless or incapable of continuing, may not take part in competitive boxing or sparring for a period of one year from the third knock-out.
(d) Before resuming boxing after any of the periods of rest prescribed in the pars. (a) to (c), a boxer shall be given a special examination by a qualified physician which includes an electroencephalogram (EEG), a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI), or any other scan which a physician believes is as reliable or more reliable than an EEG or a CAT scan for determining the presence of brain damage. The special examination shall include a certification by the examining physician that the boxer is fit to take part in competitive boxing satisfy any requirements imposed by the ringside physician pursuant to s. RL 114.065.
(e) The requirements and conditions enumerated in this subsection subs. (a) and (d) apply to knock-outs and hard blows to the head regardless of whether the technical knock-outs in bouts that occurred in Wisconsin or another jurisdiction. The requirements and conditions enumerated in subs. (b) and (c) apply to knock-outs and technical knock-outs regardless of whether the bouts occurred in Wisconsin or another jurisdiction.
SECTION 26. RL 114.065 is created to read:
RL 114.065 Ringside physician's requirements relating to injuries. (1) A ringside physician may recommend to the department that the department prescribe that a boxer shall obtain an examination or a medical procedure following a technical knock-out. A ringside physician shall recommend to the department that the department prescribe that a boxer shall obtain an examination or a medical procedure following a technical knock-out. The medical procedure may include an electroencephalogram (EEG), a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI), or any other scan which the examining physician believes is as reliable or more reliable than an EEG or a CAT scan for determining the presence of brain damage.
(2) A boxer whose bout was terminated by a technical knock-out or by a knock-out may not take part in competitive boxing or sparring until the boxer has completed a medical procedure or an examination that was recommended by the ringside physician and prescribed by the department following the bout in which the injury or action occurred, and has submitted the results of the medical procedure or physical examination to the department.
SECTION 27. RL 114.07 (2) is amended to read:
RL 114.07 (2) The attending ringside physician may on his or her own initiative enter the ring between rounds and, at the request of the referee, during the round for the purpose of examining an injured boxer. If in the opinion of the ringside physician a boxer is in danger of further physical injury, the ringside physician shall notify the referee to terminate the bout. The injured boxer shall lose the bout by a “technical knock-out."
SECTION 28. RL 114.085 and Note are created to read:
RL 114.085 Exceptions to rules for the conduct of boxing. The department may make exception to the rules in ss. RL 114.04 to 114.05 for a bout that has been designated a championship bout by a professional boxing sanctioning organization and may substitute the currently-approved “unified championship rules" of the association of boxing commissions.
Note: The Association of Boxing Commissions has certain responsibilities relating to professional boxing in the United States, as provided in 15 USC, Chapter 89. The address of the Association is 116 Pine Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101. Telephone: (717) 787-5720.
SECTION 29. RL 114.09 is amended to read:
RL 114.09 Stimulants prohibited. A second may only give a boxer water to drink during a bout. No manager or second may give stimulants, of any kind any drug, narcotic or stimulant to boxers a boxer before or during a bout. The department may require a boxer to submit to a drug test or HIV examination before a scheduled bout.
Fiscal Estimate
1. The anticipated fiscal effect on the fiscal liability and revenues of any local unit of government of the proposed rule is: $0.00.
2. The projected anticipated state fiscal effect during the current biennium of the proposed rule is: $0.00.
3. The projected net annualized fiscal impact on state funds of the proposed rule is: $0.00.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These proposed rules will be reviewed by the department through its Small Business Review Advisory Committee to determine whether there will be an economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Copies of Rule and Contact Person
Copies of this proposed rule are available without cost upon request to: Pamela Haack, Department of Regulation and Licensing, Office of Administrative Rules, 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 171, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708 (608) 266-0495
Notice of Hearing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to ss. 110.06, 110.20 (9) and 227.11 (2), Stats., and interpreting s. 110.20, Stats., the Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing in Room 254 of the Hill Farms State Transportation Building, 4802 Sheboygan Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin on the 20th day of February, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. to consider the amendment of ch. Trans 131, Wis. Adm. Code, relating to a motor vehicle emissions inspection program.
An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be available on request for this hearing. Please make reservations for a hearing interpreter at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
The public record on this proposed rule making will be held open until close of business February 22, 2001, to permit the submission of written comments from persons unable to attend the public hearing or who wish to supplement testimony offered at the hearing. Any such comments should be submitted to Jerry Medinger, Department of Transportation, Bureau of Vehicle Services, Third Party Programs Section, Room 253, P. O. Box 7909, Madison, WI 53707-7909.
Parking for persons with disabilities and an accessible entrance are available on the north and south sides of the Hill Farms State Transportation Building.
Analysis Prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Statutory Authority: ss. 110.06, 110.20 (9) and 227.11 (2).
Statute Interpreted: s. 110.20.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.