Higher Educational Aids Board:
Chs. HEA 13 and 14 (entire chapters)
Insurance, Commissioner of:
Ch. Ins 6
SS. Ins 6.595 and 6.60 (entire sections)
Ch. Ins 26
Ch. Ins 28
S. Ins 28.09 (entire section)
Natural Resources:
(Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—)
Ch. NR 1
Ch. NR 10
S. NR 10.105 (entire section)
S. NR 10.117 (entire section)
Ch. NR 12
Ch. NR 19
(Environmental Protection-General, Chs. NR 100—)
Ch. NR 103
(Environmental Protection-Water Regulation, Chs. NR 300—)
Ch. NR 350 (entire chapter)
(Environmental Protection-Air Pollution Control, Chs. NR 400—)
Ch. NR 410
Pharmacy Examining Board:
Ch. Phar 2
Regulation and Licensing:
Ch. RL 10
S. RL 10.03 (entire section)
Ch. Tax 20
SS. Tax 20.01 to 20.09 (entire sections)
S. Tax 20.13 (entire section)
S. Tax 20.16 (entire section)
Editorial corrections
Corrections to code sections under the authority of s. 13.93 (2m) (b), Stats., are indicated in the following listing:
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.