Rules published with this register and final regulatory flexibility analyses
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the March 31, 2002, Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
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Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
(CR 01-042)
An order affecting chs.
ATCP 55 and
56, relating to meat and meat food products.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This rule will not, by itself, have a major impact on small business. This rule merely implements state and federal law changes that have already been enacted. This rule also recodifies existing requirements, so they will be easier to read and understand. DATCP currently licenses, registers, and inspects about 500 meat and poultry establishments, mobile slaughterers, mobile processors and meat distributors. The establishments range from very small one and two-person operations to multi-product operations that manufacture and wholesale substantial amounts of meat and poultry products.
This rule incorporates current federal requirements under 9 CFR sections 307 to 311, 313 to 315, 317 to 319, 416, 417, and 381 subparts G, H, I, K, L, O and P. This is required by s.
97.42 (4m), Wis. Stats. and federal law, so that Wisconsin's meat inspection program will be “equal-to" the federal program.
The newly incorporated federal requirements will have negligible impact on Wisconsin meat establishments at this time because most of the requirements have already been implemented in Wisconsin meat establishments. One of the changes will save money for Wisconsin licensed meat establishments. Since this rule now makes ratites and squabs subject to Wisconsin's meat inspection law, the department will no longer charge the hourly inspection rate it must charge for inspecting animals not subject to Wisconsin's meat inspection law when it inspects ratites and squabs slaughtered and processed for sale for human consumption. This cost was previously borne by the licensed meat establishment or passed on to the animal owner. Between October 1, 1999, and September 30, 2000, the department charged for the inspection of 430 ratites.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
On October 30, 2001, DATCP transmitted the above rule for legislative committee review. The rule was assigned to the Senate Committee on Labor and Agriculture and the Assembly Committee on Agriculture.
• The Assembly committee took no action on this rule.
• The Senate committee took no action on this rule.
An order affecting ch.
Comm 108, relating to the community development block grant program.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These rules impact communities and not businesses.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments received.
An order affecting ch.
Comm 95, relating to mobile home parks.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The statutes require the department to charge fees to cover the costs of providing the department's services. The proposed revisions in the department's fees for administering the manufactured home park water and sewer service program are necessary to meet the directives of the statutes, and any less stringent requirements would be contrary to the statutory objectives which are the basis for the rules.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments received.
An order affecting ch.
HFS 145, relating to control of communicable diseases.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Some of the laboratories may be in hospitals that may be considered “small businesses" as defined under s.
227.114, Stats. However, the requirements contained in the proposed rules elaborate on changes made to ss.
252.07 and
252.10, Stats., that were created or amended in
1999 Wis. Act 9. Moreover, the department considers the procedures specified in the proposed rules to be necessary for the preservation of the public's health. Consequently, the department is not proposing variations from these public's health. Consequently, the department is not proposing variations from these procedures and requirements for laboratories that may be considered “small businesses."
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments received.
An order creating s.
NR 7.088, relating to the recreational boating facilities program.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rule does not regulate small business; therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rule was reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. On March 15, 2001, the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources voted to ask the department to modify s.
NR 7.088. The Committee requested the department to consider further modifying the rule and consider establishing a cap on the amount of funds that could be awarded at the increased cost sharing rate in one year and limit the projects eligible to receive the increased cost-share rate to more significant projects.
The Wisconsin Waterways Commission, at its September 25, 2001 meeting, recommended establishing caps consistent with the recommendation of the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. At the same time, the Commission modified the criteria for river sites, increasing the number of car/trailer parking units from 15 to 30. The Natural Resources Board adopted the proposed modifications at its meeting on December 5, 2001. The modified rule was acceptable to the legislative committees.
An order affecting chs.
NR 460,
464, and
484, relating to hazardous air pollutant emissions from pulp and paper mills.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The department does not anticipate that this rule will impact any small businesses.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rule was reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environment and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments or recommendations on the proposed rule.
An order affecting ch.
NR 809, relating to safe drinking water standards for radionuclides.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Typically, the department has little flexibility with drinking water regulations since Wisconsin rules can be no less stringent than the federal regulations. The department will use the flexibility in the rule to reduce monitoring costs and complexity wherever possible.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environment and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments.
An order affecting ch.
PSC 163, relating to telecommunications utility price regulation.
Effective 4-1-02
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These rules may have an effect on small telecommunications utilities, which are small businesses under s.
196.216, Stats., for the purposes of s.
227.114, Stats., because they may elect to become price-regulated under s.
196.196 (1), Stats., which would result in these rules becoming applicable to them. The agency has considered the methods in s.
227.114 (2), Stats., for reducing the impact of the rules on small telecommunications utilities and finds that incorporating any of these methods into the proposed rules would be contrary to the statutory objectives which are the basis for the proposed rules. In addition, the election of price regulation under this chapter is voluntary, and more flexibility and less stringent compliance requirements for small telecommunications utilities are available in ss.
196.195 (12) and
196.196 (4), Stats.
There are 84 local exchange companies in Wisconsin, 77 of which are small telecommunications utilities. The agency finds that the availability of a voluntary price regulation election under s.
196.196, Stats., and the process set forth in this chapter to govern the price regulation election are in the public interest for all telecommunications utilities in the state.