Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.
An order affecting ch.
ETF 50, relating to employer medical certification requirements under the Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTDI) program. Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The department anticipates that the provisions of this proposed rule will have no direct adverse effect on small businesses.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.
An order affecting ch.
HFS 77, relating to criteria and procedures for reimbursement of communication access services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These rules apply to deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing persons who need or request interpreting services, sign language and oral interpreters, those who provide such services and governmental agencies, courts and private agencies that request interpreting services or information about interpreting services under s.
46.295, Stats.
The Department maintains directories of certified and verified interpreters and certified real time captioners and reimburses them for their services.
Most of the 300 or so certified and verified sign language interpreters and oral transliterators for deaf and hard of hearing persons in Wisconsin operate as small businesses, as “small business" is defined in s.
227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
The principal rule changes - scheduling done by the requesting individual or organization rather than by the Department; use of the Wisconsin Interpreting and Transliterating Assessment (WITA) as the primary means for certifying and verifying interpreters, which will eventually replace the Wisconsin Quality Assurance Program; and replacing two terms used in the rules with terms generally preferred by persons who are deaf or hard of hearing - will not have any impact on those interpreters who may be classified as “small businesses."
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.
An order affecting ch.
HFS 119, relating to operation of the health insurance risk-sharing plan (HIRSP). Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The rule changes will not affect small businesses as “small business" is defined in s.
227.114 (1) (a), Stats. Although the program statutes and rules provide for assessment of insurers to help finance the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP), no assessed insurer is a small business as defined in s.
227.114 (1) (a), Stats. Moreover, s.
149.143, Stats., prescribes how the amount of an insurer's assessment to help finance HIRSP is to be determined.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.
An order affecting ch.
HFS 50, relating to adoption assistance and the use of the state adoption information exchange to find adoptive families for children. Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The provisions in the proposed order will not affect small businesses.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.
An order affecting ch.
Med 10, relating to defining “failing to cooperate in a timely manner in an investigation" as unprofessional conduct.
Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These rules will have no significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses, as defined in s.
227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.
An order affecting ch.
Med 10, relating to defining “sexual contact with a patient" as unprofessional conduct.
Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
These rules will have no significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses, as defined in s.
227.114 (1) (a), Stats.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.
An order affecting ch.
NR 809, relating to lead and copper monitoring and treatment requirements. Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed revisions reduce the regulatory workload on public water systems and should make it easier and less costly to comply with the lead and copper rule.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments.
An order affecting ch.
NR 809, relating to public notification requirements for public water systems.
Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
All 12,000 public water systems in Wisconsin will be affected by these revisions. All the basic requirements of these revisions already apply to small businesses classified as public water systems. Because these revisions simplify those requirements and reduce notice requirements for minor violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, the overall impact on small businesses should be positive. Stringency of the rule revisions cannot be reduced without violating federal law.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environment and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. The Senate Committee on Environmental Resources had scheduled a public hearing on July 29, 2002, but canceled the hearing.
An order affecting ch.
NR 811, relating to the development of an aquifer storage recovery well or the operation of an ASR system by a municipal water utility.
Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rules do not regulate small business; therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environment and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments.
An order affecting ch.
NR 6, relating to snowmobile rail crossings.
Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rules do not regulate small business; therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Tourism and Recreation and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments.
An order creating ch.
NR 173, relating to the brownfield green space and public facilities grant program. Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The department does not expect any impact on small businesses as a result of this action since it is a grant program that impacts local governments.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environment and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments.
An order affecting ch.
NR 47, relating to the Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program. Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rules do not regulate small business; therefore, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Rural Affairs and Forestry and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments.
An order affecting ch.
NR 428, relating to emissions averaging provisions and categorical emission limits while controlling nitrogen oxides (NO
Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Small businesses will not be directly affected by the proposed rules for emissions averaging as a compliance option to achieve nitrogen oxide emission reductions. Stakeholders have indicated that emissions averaging is much more cost effective than unit by unit compliance with the emission reduction requirements in ch.
NR 428.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The proposed rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environment and the Senate Committee on Environmental Resources. There were no comments.
An order affecting chs.
PI 13 and
16, relating to limited-English proficient pupils. Effective 12-1-02.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
There is no impact anticipated on small businesses.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
No comments were received.