May, on its own initiative, conduct an audit of a school district.
The rule modification will align ch. PI 8 with the statutes under s. 121.02 (2), Stats.,
Statutory authority
Sections 227.11 (2) (a) and 121.02 (5),
Staff time required
The amount of time needed for rule development by department staff and the amount of other resources necessary are indeterminable. The time needed to create the rule language itself will be minimal. However, the time involved with guiding the rule through the required rule promulgation process is fairly significant. The rule process takes more than six months to complete.
Public Service Commission
The proposed rule will revise Ch. PSC 111, relating to time periods to be covered by data collected to prepare a Strategic Energy Assessment (SEA).
Policy analysis
Section 196.491, Stats., directs the Commission to prepare an SEA every two years. The statute directed the Commission to promulgate rules that establish procedures for reporting information necessary to prepare an SEA. Section 196.491 (2) (ag), Stats. Those rules have been promulgated as Ch. PSC 111, Wis. Adm. Code.
Each SEA is intended to evaluate the adequacy and reliability of the state's current and future electrical supply. Section 196.491 (2) (a) (intro.), Stats. Although the statute directs the Commission to specifically identify utility electric generating facility and high-voltage transmission line construction plans within a three year period (s. 196.491 (2) (a) 3. and 3m., Stats.), it is apparent that a three year planning horizon for SEA purposes does not adequately provide the Commission sufficient data to assess future electric reliability, given the long lead times needed to plan a project, obtain necessary approvals and actually construct generating or transmission facilities.
Current Chapter PSC 111 describes the types of data the Commission collects to prepare each SEA and the time periods the data should cover. This proposed rulemaking docket would revise the time period to be covered by SEA data. Generally, the revisions will extend the period covered by an SEA from three to seven years. Extending the time period identified in Chapter PSC 111 will permit the Commission to better assess electric reliability on a going forward basis and better meet its statutory responsibilities.
Statutory authority
Sections 196.02 (3), 196.491 (2) (ag) and 227.11 (2), Stats.
Staff time required
The Commission estimates less than 100 hours of staff time will be required to develop these rules. No additional resources are likely to be needed in order to complete this project.
Public Service Commission
The proposed rule will revise Ch. PSC 134, relating to gas service rules.
Policy analysis
The Commission has promulgated service rules which each utility is required to follow for all industries the Commission regulates. The service rules relating to the natural gas public utilities has not been updated since 1989. Since that date, the service rules for electric and water have been updated and revised. The Commission proposes to review and update all natural gas service rules in this docket. The update will reestablish consistency between utilities, where appropriate and reflect changes in the industry in the last decade.
Chapter PSC 134, Standards for Gas Service, was last comprehensively reviewed and revised in 1989 when the customer service rules for both natural gas and electric service were reviewed and revised. The Commission has since completed a review and revision of the electric customer service rules, Chapter PSC 113, in July 2000 and the water service rules, Chapter PSC 185, in November 2001. Because of this more recent revision, the natural gas and electric rules are no longer consistent for items such as time frames for disconnect notices, disconnections, deposits, etc. A systematic review of the rules would allow for the identification of where the rules should be the same and where differences may be not only desirable, but necessary.
The recent revision of the electric service rules also introduced several new items, such as whistle-blower protection for utility staff, and telephone answering time standards which would be considered for inclusion in revised natural gas service rules. There is also a need to review the rules in light of the Commission's revisions of Chapter PSC 2, that went into effect mid-2002. Chapter PSC 2 relates to practice and procedure before the Commission. The two chapters should be compared for consistency in definitions for things such as informal complaints and time frames for Commission action. There may be other areas that need to be reviewed and reflected in the rules, such as electronic records.
The natural gas industry has changed substantially since the last rules review and revision, especially in response to changes at the federal level. For example, customers now have the ability to purchase gas from providers other than the local utility. For the largest natural gas customers this is now the general practice. There is a need to revise the rules to reflect these changed relationships and changed industry structures, such as the use of agents to pool gas purchases.
There have also been developments and changes in the utility industry since the revised electric rules were adopted in 2000. For example, customers are now receiving and paying bills electronically rather than through the mail and some utilities have made arrangements for the use of credit cards to pay utility bills. Several of the utilities have or are implementing the use of automated meter reading systems. The rules should be reviewed to see if revisions or additions need to be made to reflect these developments.
Statutory authority
Sections 196.02 (3) and 227.11 (2), Stats.
Staff time required
The Commission estimates that approximately 400 hours of staff time will be required to develop these rules. No additional resources are likely to be needed in order to complete this project.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.