Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules relating to the partial refund of certain agricultural producer security assessments required of grain dealers, grain warehouse keepers, milk contractors and vegetable contractors.
Chiropractic Examining Board:
Rules relating to passing and retaking the practical examination.
Employment Relations Commission:
Rules adopted relating to increased filing fees for matters transferred from the Personnel Commission.
Rule relating to the method of computing the purses earned by all individuals at the Wisconsin racetracks.
Health and Family Services:
Medical Assistance, Chs. HFS 100— Rules relating to the Medicaid Family Planning Demonstration Project. |
Rules relating to small employer uniform group health application.
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1— Rules relating to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). |
Public Instruction:
Rules relating to high school equivalency diplomas and certificates of general educational development.
Workforce Development:
Labor Standards, Chs. DWD 270-279 Rules relating to overtime pay for employees performing companionship services. |
Public Works Construction, Chs. DWD 290-294 Rules relating to the adjustment of thresholds for application of prevailing wage rates and payment and performance assurance requirements. | |
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules relating to restrictions on the use of pesticides applied as fumigants that contain Chloropicrin as an active ingredient.
Chiropractic Examining Board:
Rules relating to qualification for instructors of continuing education for chiropractors and qualifications for instructors of unlicensed personnel.
Health and Family Services:
Rules relating to restaurants, and the Appendix to ch. HFS 196, known as the Wisconsin Food Code.
Natural Resources:
Rules relating to ch. NR 10, seasons and daily bag limits for migratory game bird hunting.
Rules relating to ch. NR 46, Forest Tax Program, annual timber stumpage rate changes and management plan maps.
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Veterans Affairs:
Rules relating to ch. VA 2, Tuition and Fee Reimbursement Grant and Part Time Study Grant Programs.
Rules relating to ch. VA 18, stipend program for the training and recruitment of registered nurses at the Wisconsin Veterans Homes at King and Union Grove.
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Workforce Development:
Rules relating to ch. DWD 301, migrant labor camps.
Natural Resources:
Rules affecting chs. NR 20 to 23 and 26, sport fishing regulation on inland, outlying and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Rules affecting ch. NR 208, wastewater treatment works compliance maintenance.
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Rules affecting chs. NR 463 and 484, national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for facilities engaged in the secondary production of aluminum.
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Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors Examining Board:
Hearing to consider rules relating to application contents for professional engineers.
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1— Hearing relating to sport fishing regulations on the inland, outlying and boundary waters of Wisconsin. |
Environmental Protection - WPDES Hearings relating to wastewater treatment works compliance maintenance. | |
Financial Institutions - Banking:
CR 04-001 - Ch. DFI-Bkg 17
Health and Family Services:
CR 03-111 - Ch. HFS 117
Kickapoo Reserve Management Board:
CR 03-108 - Ch. KB 1
Veterans Affairs:
CR 04-003 - Ch. VA 2
Workforce Development:
CR 04-006 - Chs. DWD 290 and 293
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
CR 03-076 - Ch. ATCP 30
Employment Relations Commission:
CR 03-115 - Chs. ERC 1, 10 and 20
CR 03-055 - Ch. Ins 8
Public Instruction:
CR 03-102 - Ch. PI 25
CR 03-104 - Ch. Tax 18
CR 03-113 - Ch. Tour 1
CR 03-117 - Ch. Trans 276