Submittal of proposed rules to the legislature
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings - Administrative Rules for further information on a particular rule.
Health and Family Services
Chapter HFS 57, relating to group foster homes.
Health and Family Services
Chapter HFS 148, relating to the cancer repository program.
Chapters Ins 3, Apps. 1 to 6 and 8 and Ins 18, relating to Midicare supplement, replacement, cost and select, Medicare Advantage and Medicare D prescription drug plans.
Natural Resources
Chapters NR 406 and 410, relating to asbestos permit exemption fees and inspection fees and a program for recovering the exact costs of laboratory fees for sample analysis for the asbestos program.
Natural Resources
Chapter NR 20, relating to live well standards for participants in the bass fishing tournament pilot program established in 2003 Wisconsin Act 249.
Natural Resources
Regulation and Licensing
Chapter RL 17, relating to supervision by real estate brokers.
Chapters Trans 254 and 255, relating to the standards and procedures for the issuance of single and multiple trip oversize and overweight permits.