Fiscal Estimate
The Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund (IPFCF or Fund) is a segregated fund. Annual Fund fees are established to become effective each July 1 based on actuarial estimates of the Fund's needs for payment of medical malpractice claims. The proposed fees were approved by the Fund's Board of Governors at its December 14, 2005 meeting.
The Fund is a unique fund; there are no other funds like it in the country. The WI Fund provides unlimited liability coverage and participation is mandatory. These two features make this Fund unique compared to funds in other states. The only persons who will be affected by this rule change are the Fund participants themselves as the IPFCF is fully funded through assessments paid by Fund participants.
There is no effect on GPR.
Estimated revenue from fees for fiscal year 2006-2007 is approximately $24 million which represents a 25% increase in fees as compared to 2005-2006 Fund fees.
Private Sector Fiscal Analysis
The increase in fees promulgated by this rule does not result in a significant fiscal effect on the private sector. The cost of Fund coverage is a very small portion of the expenses incurred by health care providers. This increase is the first such increase after several years of decreases. Fund fees prior to this increase are 55% less then they were 5 years ago and after this increase will still be 43% less then 5 years ago. Although a health care provider may pass this increase on to it patients, there will not be a significant fiscal effect on the private sector as a result of this proposed rule.
Contact Person
A copy of the full text of the proposed rule changes, analysis and fiscal estimate may be obtained from the OCI internet WEB site at or by contacting Inger Williams, Services Section, OCI, at: Inger.Williams@OCI.State.WI.US, (608) 264-8110, 125 South Webster Street – 2nd Floor, Madison WI or PO Box 7873, Madison WI 53707-7873.
Notice of Hearing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to s. 110.075 and ch. 194, Stats., and interpreting ch. 194, Stats., the Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing in Room 551 of the Hill Farms State Transportation Building, 4802 Sheboygan Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin on the 13th day of February, 2006, at 3:00 PM, to consider the amendments of chs. Trans 325 and 326, Wisconsin Administrative Code, relating to motor carrier safety regulations, and motor carrier safety requirements for transportation of hazardous materials.
An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be available on request for this hearing. Please make reservations for a hearing interpreter at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
Parking for persons with disabilities and an accessible entrance are available on the north and south sides of the Hill Farms State Transportation Building.
Analysis Prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Statutes interpreted: Ch. 194, Stats.
Statutory authority: s. 110.075 and Ch. 194, Stats.
Explanation of agency authority: The secretary shall set standards and adopt rules to establish a plan of inspection to implement the inspection program. It shall be the duty of the department to prescribe rules and regulations as to safety and operations and the hours of service of drivers of motor vehicles operated under the authority of this chapter.
Related statute or rule: s. 110.07, Stats.
Plain language analysis
As prescribed by state statute, the Department is mandated to regulate both intra and interstate transportation of property and passengers by commercial motor vehicles. It is in the best interest of the public when current regulations are used for enforcement of these regulations.
Summary of, and preliminary comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulation
Trans 325 (Interstate Motor Carrier Safety Regulations) adopts Federal regulations 49 CFR parts 390 to 397. Trans 326 (Interstate and Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Requirements for Transportation of Hazardous Materials) adopts Federal regulations 49 CFR parts 107, 171, 172, 173, 177, 178, 180 and 385 subparts C & E.
Comparison with Rules in Adjacent States
All adjacent states (Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa) adopt the same Federal regulations.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies used and how the related findings support the regulatory approach chosen
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration did extensive research into the hours-of-service for commercial vehicle drivers. Its research, coupled with input from the motor carrier industry, resulted in the new hours-of-service regulations for interstate commerce effective October 1, 2005.
Analysis and supporting documentation used to determine effect on small businesses
The research provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration was used in analyzing the effects on small business.
Effect on small business
All businesses will have the same effect. There is no differentiation between small business and large business. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by e-mail at, or by calling (414) 438-4585.
Fiscal effect and anticipated costs incurred by private sector
The Department estimates that there will be no fiscal impact on the liabilities or revenues of any county, city, village, town, school district, vocational, technical and adult education district, sewerage district, or federally-recognized tribes or bands. The Department estimates that there will be no fiscal impact on state or private sector revenues or liabilities.
Agency contact person and place where comments are to be submitted and deadline for submission
The public record on this proposed rule making will be held open until close of business the day of the hearing to permit the submission of comments in lieu of public hearing testimony or comments supplementing testimony offered at the hearing. Any such comments should be submitted to Capt. Charles Teasdale, Department of Transportation, Division of State Patrol, Bureau of Field Services, Room 551, P. O. Box 7912, Madison, WI 53707-7912. You may also contact Capt. Teasdale by phone at (608) 266-0305.
To view the proposed amendments to the rule, view the current rule, and submit written comments via e-mail/internet, you may visit the following website:
Notice of Hearing
Veterans Affairs
Notice is hereby given that the Department of Veterans Affairs will hold a public hearing on the 22nd day of February, 2006 at 9:15 a.m., in the 8th floor board room at 30 West Mifflin Street in Madison, Wisconsin.
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Statutory authority: ss. 45.03 (2) and 45.43 (2) Stats.
Statute interpreted: s. 45.43, Stats.
The proposed rule changes will allow the department to use operational funds to provide vocational assistance to participants in the Veterans Assistance Program. The language will also authorize the department to assess a monthly program fee of 30% of gross monthly income, or $350.00, whichever is less, to a resident of single room occupant housing.
There is no current or pending federal regulation that addresses the use of funds for vocational purposes. As to the fee, current federal regulations permit an assessment up to 30% of gross income, as provided in the proposal. There are no similar rules in adjacent states. This rule has no regulatory aspect to it, has no effect upon small businesses, nor any significant fiscal effect upon the private sector.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This rule is not expected to have any adverse impact upon small businesses.
Fiscal Estimate
The implementation of the rule may result in an increase in revenues of $126,000 on an annual basis.
Contact Information
A copy of the proposed rules and the full fiscal estimate may be obtained by contacting:
John Rosinski
Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs
PO Box 7843
Madison, WI 53707-7843
(608) 266-7916
Notice of Hearing
Workforce Development
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Sections 66.0903 (5), 103.49 (3g), 779.14 (1s), and 227.11, Stats., the Department of Workforce Development proposes to hold a public hearing to consider the emergency rules and the proposed permanent amendment of rules relating to the adjustment of thresholds for application of prevailing wage rates and payment and performance assurance requirements and affecting small businesses.
Hearing Information
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 1:30 p.m.
G.E.F. 1 Building, B103
201 E. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI
Interested persons are invited to appear at the hearings and will be afforded the opportunity to make an oral presentation of their positions. Persons making oral presentations are requested to submit their facts, views, and suggested rewording in writing.
Visitors to the GEF 1 building are requested to enter through the left East Washington Avenue door and register with the customer service desk. The entrance is accessible via a ramp from the corner of Webster Street and East Washington Avenue. If you have special needs or circumstances regarding communication or accessibility at the hearing, please call (608) 267-9403 at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. Accommodations such as ASL interpreters, English translators, or materials in audiotape format will be made available on request to the fullest extent possible.
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Workforce Development
Statutory authority: Sections 66.0903 (5), 103.49 (3g), 779.14 (1s), and 227.11, Stats.
Statutes interpreted: Sections 66.0903(5), 103.49(3g), and 779.14, Stats.
Explanation of agency authority. The prevailing wage laws require that when a state agency or local governmental unit contracts for the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing, or demolition of a public works project it must obtain a prevailing wage rate determination from the Department of Workforce Development and require that the contractors and subcontractors on the project pay their employees in accordance with those wage rates. Sections 66.0903 (5) and 103.49 (3g), Stats., set initial estimated project cost thresholds for application of the prevailing wage rate requirements and direct the Department to adjust the thresholds each year in proportion to any change in construction costs since the thresholds were last determined.
Section 779.14, Stats., sets payment and performance assurance requirements that apply to contracts for the performance of labor or furnishing of materials for a public improvement project or public work. Section 779.14 (1s), Stats., requires the Department to biennially adjust the thresholds for various requirements in proportion to any change in construction costs since the last adjustment if the adjustment to be made would not be less than 5%.
Summary of the proposed and emergency rule. Section DWD 290.155 (1) currently provides that the prevailing wage rate requirements do not apply to any single-trade public works project for which the estimated cost of completion is below $41,000 and do not apply to any multi-trade public works project for which the estimated cost of completion is below $200,000. This proposed and emergency rule adjusts the thresholds from $41,000 to $43,000 for a single-trade project and from $200,000 to $209,000 for a multi-trade project based on a 4.639% increase in construction costs between December 2004 and December 2005.
Chapter DWD 293 provides adjusted thresholds for various payment and performance assurance requirements that apply to contracts with state or local governments for the performance of labor or furnishing of materials for a public improvement or public work. This rule adjusts these thresholds to reflect a 12.75% increase in construction costs from December 2003 to December 2005.
Summary of analytical methodology. Sections DWD 290.15 and 293.01 provide that the Department will adjust the thresholds on the basis of the change in the construction cost index as published in the Engineering News-Record, a national construction trade publication. Thresholds are rounded to the nearest thousand.
Comparison to federal law. The threshold for application of the federal prevailing wage law is a contract greater than $2,000. The threshold for application of the federal contractor payment and performance bond requirements is $100,000. These thresholds are in statute and are rarely adjusted.
Comparison of prevailing wage law thresholds in adjacent states. Minnesota has a statutory threshold of $2,500 for a single-trade project and $25,000 for a multi-trade project. Illinois does not have a threshold in its prevailing wage law. The law covers public works projects and defines public works projects as projects financed under various other specified laws. Michigan does not have a threshold in its prevailing wage law. The law covers projects that must be bid and relies on other agencies to determine the thresholds for what projects must be bid. Iowa does not have a prevailing wage law.
Comparison of payment and performance bond thresholds in adjacent states. Minnesota has a public contractors' performance and payment bond requirement that applies to a contract that exceeds $75,000. Illinois requires a bond if a contract for a public work exceeds $5,000. Neither state appears to have a mechanism for adjustment of the thresholds, other than statutory amendment. Michigan has a performance bond requirement without a clear statutory threshold. The Department did not find a performance bond requirement for public works contracts in Iowa.
Effect on small business. The rule affects construction companies, many of whom are small businesses. No reporting, bookkeeping, or other professional skills are required for compliance with the rule.
Analysis used to determine effect on small business. The adjustment of the thresholds for application of the prevailing wage and payment and performance bond requirements prevent these provisions from affecting more and more public works projects over time due solely to the effects of inflation.
Fiscal Impact
Under the proposed rule, a state agency or local governmental unit contracting for the construction of a single-trade public works project that costs more than $41,000 but less than $43,000 or a multi-trade project that costs more than $200,000 but less than $209,000 will not be covered by the prevailing wage requirement.
Contact Information
The proposed rules are available at the web site by typing “prevailing wage" in the search engine. This site allows you to view documents associated with this rule's promulgation, register to receive email notification whenever the Department posts new information about this rulemaking order, and submit comments and view comments by others during the public comment period. You may receive a paper copy of the rule by contacting:
Elaine Pridgen
Office of Legal Counsel
Dept. of Workforce Development
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.