Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules relating to a poultry flock certification program.
Commercial Buildings, Chs. Comm 61 to 65 Rules revising ch. Comm 62, relating to automatic fire suppression for student housing facilities serving colleges and universities. [First Appearance] |
Elections Board:
Rules relating to the use of funds in a federal campaign committee that has been converted to a state campaign committee.
Rules relating to small employer uniform employee application for group health insurance.
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1— Rules relating to the administration of the Managed Forest Law and the Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program. |
Rules relating to hunter education fees.
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Rules relating to master logging certification scholarships.
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Rules relating to commercial fishing for lake trout in Lake Superior.
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Rules relating to the issuance of turkey hunting permits.
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Rules revising ch. NR 47, relating to the forestry research and development grant program. [First Appearance]
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Environmental Protection-Water Regulation, Chs. NR 300— Rules relating to regulation of piers, wharves, boat shelters, boat hoists, boat lifts and swim rafts in navigable waterways. | |
Rules relating to the computation of the apportionment fraction by multistated public utilities and telecommunications companies.
Rules relating to electronic funds transfer, information returns and wage statements.
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Technical College System Board:
Rules relating to training program grants.
Rules relating to motor carrier safety regulations.
Workforce Development:
Labor Standards, Chs. DWD 270-279 Rules relating to overtime pay for employees performing companionship services. |
Public Works Construction Projects, Chs. DWD 290-294 Rules relating to the adjustment of thresholds for application of prevailing wage rates and payment and performance assurance requirements. |
Rules affecting ch. Comm 62, relating to automatic fire sprinkler systems for student housing facilities.
Elections Board:
Rules relating to the procedure for the administration of voter registration throughout Wisconsin.
Rules relating to requiring vendors to identify those portions of the software that are specifically used to count and tabulate votes.
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Employee Trust Funds:
Rules relating to not requiring a termination of employment for disability annuity or long-term disability insurance benefits.
Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board:
Rules relating to psychotherapeutic counseling.
Natural Resources:
Rules affecting ch. NR 10, relating to seasons and daily bag limits for migratory game bird hunting.
Rules affecting ch. NR 1, relating to procedures for updating the reference document which identifies and discusses generally accepted forestry management practices.
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Rules relating to uncollected cigarette and tobacco products taxes and repossessions.
Rules relating to relating to apportionment of apportionable income.
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Rules relating to establishing a network of highways on which long combination vehicles may operate, by adding two highway segments to the network.
Workforce Development
Rules affecting chs. DWD 100-150, relating to unemployment insurance technical corrections.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules affecting several chapters, relating to minor remedial drafting changes to various department rules.
Health and Family Services:
Rules affecting ch. HFS 157, rules relating to radiation protection to reflect state experience and changes in federal regulations and technology, and to increase annual registration fees for x-ray installations.
Veterans Affairs:
Rules affecting ch. VA 16, relating to the county transportation services grant program.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Hearing to consider emergency rule changes relating to a poultry flock certification program.
Hearing to consider rules relating to minor remedial drafting changes of department rules.
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Health and Family Services:
Hearings to consider rules affecting ch. HFS 157, relating to the regulation of radiation producing devices and radioactive materials and affecting small businesses.
Natural Resources:
Hearings to consider rules affecting chs. NR 10, 15, 17-19, 20 & 25, relating to deer and turkey hunting, fishing, hunting and trapping techniques, permit and license issuance, dog training and learn-to-hunt programs.
Hearing to consider rules affecting ch. NR 45, relating to the regulation of firewood entering and exiting department lands.
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Hearing to consider rules affecting ch. NR 46, relating to the administration of the Forest Crop Law and the Managed Forest Law.
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Hearings to consider rules affecting ch. NR 47, relating to to the forestry research and development grant program.
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Hearings to consider rules affecting chs. NR 135 & 340, relating to the reclamation of nonmetallic mining sites.
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Hearing to consider rules affecting to chs. NR 127, 128, 160 & 166, relating to the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program.
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Hearings to consider rules affecting chs. NR 504, 506, 512, 514, 516 & 520, relating to landfilling of solid waste.
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Hearings to consider rules affecting ch. NR 520, relating to balances in the Waste Management Program Revenue Account.
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Veterans Affairs:
Hearing to consider rules relating to the county transportation services grant program.
Employment Relations Commission:
CR 02-037 - Chs. ERC 1-18, 19, 20-25, 26-28, 30-33, 40 and 50, relating to the administration of collective bargaining laws.
CR 05-117 - Ch. Tax 2, relating to the computation of the apportionment fraction by multistate public utilities and telecommunications companies.
Veterans Affairs:
CR 05-103 - Ch. VA 13, relating to the veterans assistance program.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
CR 05-014 - An order affecting ch. ATCP 51, relating to livestock facility siting.
CR 05-068 - An order affecting chs. ATCP 99, 100 and 101, relating to agricultural producer security.
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Educational Approval Board:
CR 05-112 - An order affecting ch. EAB 4, relating to student protection fees.
CR 05-099 - An order affecting ch. Ins 8, relating to the small employer uniform employee application to group health insurance.
Technical College System Board:
CR 05-107 - An order affecting ch. TCS 17, relating to training program grants.
Workforce Development:
CR 02-137 - An order affecting ch. DWD 100, relating to unemployment insurance availability.
CR 05-067 - An order affecting ch. DWD 278, relating to garnishment.
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Health and Family Services:
Medical assistance reimbursement of nursing homes.
Medical assistance reimbursement of hospitals.
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