Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules relating to credit report security freezes.
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 104-131 Rules relating to tax credits and exemptions for internet equipment used in the broadband market. |
Dentistry Examining Board:
Rules relating to the different levels of anesthesia, including nitrous oxide, anxiolysis, conscious sedation-enteral, conscious sedation-parenteral, deep sedation, and general anesthesia, and the requirements for each level.
Health and Family Services:
Community Services, Chs. HFS 30— Rules relating to the adoption of children to include preadoption training requirements that will apply to private adoptions, international adoption, and adoptions of children with special needs and affecting small businesses. |
Medical Assistance, Chs. HFS 101-109 Rules affecting ch. HFS 107, relating to benefits covered by the Wis. Medical Assistance program, and affecting small businesses. [First Appearance] | |
Natural Resources:
Fish and Game, etc., Chs. NR 1— Rules relating to contracting for timber sale establishment services on state land. |
Rules relating to declaring natural emergencies on forested lands owned by the state and under the jurisdiction of the department.
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Rules relating to the control of fish diseases and invasive species.
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Rules affecting chs. NR 19 and 20, relating to the control of fish diseases and invasive species. [First Appearance]
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Optometry Examining Board:
Rules relating to continuing education.
Regulation and Licensing:
Rules relating to substance abuse professionals.
Rules relating to allowing the operation of certain 2-vehicle combinations on certain highways without a permit.
Workforce Development:
Workforce Solutions, Chs. DWD 11 to 59 Rules relating to child care rates. |
Rules relating to child care enrollment underutilization.
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Public Works Construction, Chs. DWD 290-294 Rules relating to the adjustment of thresholds for application of prevailing wage rates. |
Rules affecting ch. Ins 2, relating to use of the 2001 CSO Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table in determining reserve liabilities.
Medical Examining Board:
Rules affecting ch. Med 8, relating to prescribing limitations on physician assistants.
Natural Resources:
Rules relating to preventing the spread of the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus from the Great Lakes to hatcheries, inland lakes, and the Mississippi River drainage.
Rules affecting ch. NR 140, relating to groundwater quality standards.
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Rules affecting chs. NR 406, 407 and 445, relating to implementing air permit requirements and hazardous air pollutant emission requirements for sources of emissions of hazardous air contaminants associated with agricultural waste.
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Rules affecting ch. NR 500 series, relating to the management of accumulated sediment in detention structures required by the Clean Water Act (CWA).
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Health and Family Services:
Rules affecting chs. HFS 83, 88, 89, 132, and 134, relating to reporting requirements regarding involuntary administration of psychotropic drugs.
Rules affecting ch. HFS 107, relating to prior authorization of dental services.
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Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Hearings to consider rules affecting chs. ATCP 60, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, 80 to 82 and 85, relating to food and dairy license and reinspection fees.
Elections Board:
Hearing to consider emergency rules creating s. ElBd 3.50, relating to charges for voter registration data.
Health and Family Services:
Hearing to consider rules affecting ch. HFS 107, relating to benefits covered by the Wisconsin Medical Assistance program, and affecting small businesses.
Natural Resources:
Hearing to consider rules affecting chs. NR 400, 406, 407, 410 and 439, relating to construction permits and stack test requirements.
Hearing to consider rules affecting ch. Tax 1, relating to electronic funds transfer.
CR 07-007 - Chs. Comm 5 and 20, relating to dwelling contractor certification.
Regulation and Licensing:
CR 06-125 - Chs. RL 4 and 174 to 177, relating to the registration of sanitarians.
CR 06-103 - Ch. Trans 200, relating to specific information signs.
Veterans Affairs:
CR 07-022 - Ch. VA 8, relating to the county veterans service officer grant program.
Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors:
CR 06-057 - An order affecting A-E 6, relating to land surveyor education and experience requirements.
Health and Family Services:
CR 05-052 - An order affecting ch. HFS 107, relating to private duty nursing and respiratory care service benefits covered by the Wisconsin medical assistance program.
Natural Resources:
CR 06-104 - An order affecting ch. NR 17, relating to hound dog training and trialing on captive wild animals.
CR 06-111 - An order affecting ch. NR 25, relating to commercial fishing open seasons in Lake Michigan for chubs.
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Public Service Commission:
CR 06-106 - An order affecting ch. PSC 135, relating to incorporating recent changes to the federal pipeline safety regulations.