Existing statutes require that, within ten days of an applicant filing an application for a project that requires a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, the Commission send a copy of the application to the clerk in each municipality and town in which the proposed facility is located and to the main library in such county. The proposed rule change would specify that this mailing be done after the application is determined to be complete, in order to avoid sending multiple versions of the application or multiple supplements to the application. The state of Ohio also requires that applications for new transmission lines or generation facilities be sent to local officials and libraries in the affected area after the application is determined, by the Ohio Power Siting Board, to be complete and ready for review.
Wisconsin Act 89 included a requirement for a pre-application consultation between the applicants and Public Service Commission and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources staff before filing applications under Wis. Stat. §§ 196.49 and 196.491. One of the proposed rule changes acknowledges this requirement and provides guidance to the applicant about the scope of this consultation. Ohio's administrative rules also describe pre-application consultations between the applicants and the regulatory agencies.
Similar to some surrounding states (Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio), the current rules regarding applications for high-voltage transmission lines or large generating facilities state that applicants must file complete information for at least two proposed sites or routes. The Commission is proposing a rule change that would allow applicants, under certain circumstances, to submit fully developed information for only one site if the proposed generating project involves: modifying, rebuilding, replacing, or repowering an existing facility; using an existing brownfield site; or constructing a cogeneration facility located at the steam host's existing industrial plant. Also, Wisconsin Act 89 also provides for an expedited review process for electric transmission projects that involve adding conductors to existing structures if all related construction activity takes place within an existing transmission line right-of-way. The proposed rule changes describe the application information needed for an expedited review and limit the information requirements for filing to the proposed route the applicants plan to use. In Iowa, application requirements can be waived if it is determined that the public interest would not be adversely affected by a proposed project and in Ohio the requirement for fully developed information for an alternative site or route can be waived for good cause.
Wisconsin Act 89 established priority corridors that must be considered in routing new high-voltage transmission lines and specified that brownfield sites must be used to the extent practicable for new electric generating facilities. The Commission's proposed rule change would require that project applications must explain how applicants considered the siting priorities for new high-voltage transmission lines and brownfield sites for large generation facilities. The state of Iowa also has designated “priority corridors" for siting high-voltage transmission lines and requires project applicants that submit proposals that deviate from these corridors to provide an explanation of why use of the corridors is not practicable or reasonable.
The current rule for applications filed under Wis. Stat. s. 196.49 contains a definition for the term “begin construction." Wis. Stat. s. 196.491 contains a slightly different definition for the term “commencement of construction." The proposed rules use the same definition for “begin construction" and “commencement of construction." This definition, which allows surveying or collection of geological data to ascertain foundation conditions or site suitability prior to project authorization, is similar to definitions for this term found in the rules of adjacent states, including Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio.
A proposed addition in s. PSC 112.075, Wis. Adm. Code, related to emergency work was requested by Wisconsin utilities to allow necessary work in a speedy manner when an emergency situation occurs. Without such a provision a utility would, strictly speaking, be in violation of rule if it responded to an emergency without going through the procedures outlined in the rule. A similar rule applies to Wisconsin natural gas and water utilities. The notification requirement would ensure that this process was applied only in true emergencies. Finally, a requirement for Public Service Commission notification about new construction staging areas and access roads not described in a project application was added to chs. PSC 111 and 112, Wis. Adm. Code. This requirement provides clear direction to utilities during project construction and reduces the potential for adverse environmental impact. Language pertaining to the two topics, emergency work or establishment of construction staging areas, was not found in reviewing utility-related statutes or rules in surrounding states although the Commission is aware that California has an emergency work provision.
Written Comments
Any person may submit written comments on these proposed rules. The hearing record will be open for written comments from the public, effective immediately, and until Friday, July 6, 2007 at noon (Thursday, July 5, 2007 at noon, if filed by fax). All written comments must include a reference on the filing to docket 1-AC-216. File by one mode only.
Industry: File comments using the Electronic Regulatory Filing system. This may be accessed from the Commission's website, http://psc.wi.gov.
Members of the Public:
If filing electronically: Use the Public Comments system or the Electronic Regulatory Filing system. Both of these may be accessed from the Commission's website (psc.wi.gov).
If filing by mail, courier, or hand delivery: Address comments to Sandra J. Paske, Secretary to the Commission, Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 7854, Madison, WI 53707-7854, FAX (608) 266-3957.
If filing by fax: Send fax comments to (608) 266-3957. Fax filing cover sheet MUST state “Official Filing," the docket number 1-AC-216, and the number of pages (limited to 25 pages for fax comments).
Contact Person
Questions regarding this matter should be directed to Terri Kosobucki, Docket Coordinator at (608) 267-3595 or terri.kosobucki@psc.state.wi.us. Media questions should be directed to Linda Barth, Director of Governmental and Public Affairs at (608) 266-9600. Hearing or speech-impaired individuals may also use the Commission's TTY number, if calling from Wisconsin (800) 251-8345, if calling from outside Wisconsin (608) 267-1479.
The Commission does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of programs, services, or employment. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations to participate in this proceeding or who needs to get this document in a different format should contact the Docket Coordinator, as indicated in the previous paragraph, as soon as possible.
Copy of Rule
A copy of this entire notice including the text of the proposed rule may be accessed from the electronic regulatory filing portion of the Commission's website (psc.wi.gov).
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This rulemaking does not affect small businesses.
Fiscal Estimate
This rulemaking will no have any fiscal effect and will not have a significant effect on the private sector.
Notice of Hearing
Workforce Development
(Workforce Solutions, Chs. DWD 11—)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to ss. 49.155 and 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., the Department of Workforce Development proposes to hold a public hearing to consider rules relating to child care enrollment underutilization and affecting small businesses.
Hearing Information
June 20, 2007
G.E.F. 1 Building, A415
1:30 p.m.
201 E. Washington Avenue
Interested persons are invited to appear at the hearing and will be afforded the opportunity to make an oral presentation of their positions. Persons making oral presentations are requested to submit their facts, views, and suggested rewording in writing.
Visitors to the GEF 1 building are requested to enter through the left East Washington Avenue door and register with the customer service desk. The entrance is accessible via a ramp from the corner of Webster Street and East Washington Avenue. If you have special needs or circumstances regarding communication or accessibility at the hearing, please call (608) 267-9403 at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. Accommodations such as ASL interpreters, English translators, or materials in audiotape format will be made available on request to the fullest extent possible.
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Workforce Development
Statutory authority: Sections 49.155 and 227.11 (2) (a), Stats.
Statutes interpreted: Section 49.155, Stats.
Related statutes or rules: Section 48.65, Stats., and Chs. HFS 45, 46, and 55; Section 48.651, Stats., and Ch. DWD 55
Explanation of agency authority. The Department administers the child care subsidy program under s. 49.155, Stats., and reimburses child care providers for services provided pursuant to s. 49.155 (3m), Stats.
Summary of the rule. The current s. DWD 56.04 (2) (d) provides that a child care administrative agency shall authorize payment to licensed group and family day care centers based on authorized units of service except as follows:
  The agency may authorize payment to licensed providers based on units of service used by each child up to the maximum number of authorized units, with the reimbursement rate increased by 10% to account for absent days, if the schedule of child care to be used is expected to vary widely.
  The agency may authorize payment to licensed providers based on units of service used by each child, up to the maximum number of authorized units, if the agency has documented 3 separate occasions where the provider significantly overreported the attendance of a child.
The current methodology for authorizing payment to licensed providers has caused the child care subsidy program to pay for significant amounts of time when care is not actually being provided. This rule attempts to control costs by reducing payments to licensed child care providers for authorized child care services that are significantly underused. The rule will repeal the presumption of enrollment authorization for licensed providers and provides that a local child care administrative agency shall authorize on either an enrollment or attendance basis as follows:
  The agency shall authorize the number of hours needed on an enrollment basis if the need for care is anticipated to be approximately the same number of hours each week.
  The agency shall authorize payment based on the hours of actual attendance by each child if the need for care is anticipated to vary from week to week or if the child has a history of variable attendance.
  The agency may authorize payment on the hours of actual attendance if the agency has documented 3 separate occasions where the provider significantly overreported the attendance of a child.
For any week in which a child whose authorized payments are on an enrollment basis attends less than 50% of the of the authorized hours of care, payment shall be made on the basis of actual hours of attendance used, unless the agency determines that the absence is for a reason approved by the Department, such as short-term illness of the child or death in the family. This policy does not apply to a child with a special needs authorization.
Payment to certified providers is based on a child's attendance and remains unchanged in this rule.
In addition the rule increases the penalties for a provider who submits false or inaccurate attendance reports. The current s. DWD 56.04 (5) (c) allows for the child care administrative agency to refuse to issue new child care authorizations to a provider for a period of time not to exceed 6 months, revoke existing child care authorizations to the provider, or refuse to issue payment to the provider until the violation is corrected. This rule provides additional penalties in the following situations:
If it is the provider's second documented instance of submitting an inaccurate attendance report or the inaccurate report resulted in or would have resulted in an overpayment of $1000 or more, the agency may refuse to issue new child care authorizations to a provider for a period of time not to exceed 1 year.
If it is the provider's third or subsequent documented instance of submitting an inaccurate attendance report or the inaccurate report resulted in or would have resulted in an overpayment of $5000 or more, the agency may refuse to issue new child care authorizations to a provider for a period of time not to exceed 5 years.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies. By paying the hourly rate for actual attendance to child care providers when attendance is under 50% of the authorized level for the child care subsidy program, the Department will avoid paying for significant amounts of time where care is not actually being provided. By comparing the amount currently paid for enrollment authorizations against the amount that would be paid if underutilized authorizations of 50% or less are paid for actual hours of care, it is estimated that the Department will realize $20,387,000 in annual savings in federal block grant funds.
Summary of related federal regulations. NA
Comparison with rules in adjacent states:
Michigan. A provider may only receive payment for a child's hours of attendance, except for absences due to the child's illness, not to exceed 2 consecutive weeks, and state holidays.
Illinois. Payment to licensed and license-exempt child care centers are based on authorized days if the total of days attended for all publicly-funded children at the center location are 80% of the authorized days for the month.
Payment to licensed home providers are based on authorized days if the total of days attended for all children in a family are 80% of the family's authorized days for the month.
Payment to license-exempt home providers are based only on attendance.
Iowa. Payment is based on authorized days with payment allowed for a child not in attendance not to exceed 4 days per calendar month.
Minnesota. Payment is based on authorized days except child care providers may not be reimbursed for more than 25 full-day absent days per child, excluding holidays, in a fiscal year, or for more than 10 consecutive full-day absent days, unless the child has a documented medical condition that causes more frequent absences.
Effect on Small Businesses
The rule will affect small businesses but will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses. The Department's Small Business Regulatory Coordinator is Jennifer Jirschele, jennifer.jirschele@dwd. state.wi.us, (608) 266-1023.
Analysis used to determine effect. The Legislature and Governor set the funding level for the Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy. In the current fiscal year, that amount is $343 million, after the addition of $30 million from the budget adjustment act.
These rules do not affect the amount of funding in the program. All of the allocated funding will be spent as subsidies for child care for the children of working families. We do not anticipate that the proposed rules will in any way change the extent to which these dollars are spent on small businesses.
Agency Contact Person
Barbara Stiefvater, Child Care Section, (608) 266-8200, barbara.stiefvater@dwd.state.wi.us.
Place to Submit Comments and Deadline for Submission.
An electronic copy of the proposed rules is available at http://www.dwd.state.wi.us/dwd/hearings.htm. A copy of the proposed rules is also available at http://adminrules. wisconsin.gov. This site allows you to view documents associated with this rule's promulgation, register to receive email notification whenever the Department posts new information about this rulemaking order, and submit comments and view comments by others during the public comment period. You may receive a paper copy of the rule or fiscal estimate by contacting:
Elaine Pridgen
Office of Legal Counsel
Dept. of Workforce Development
P.O. Box 7946
Madison, WI 53707-7946
(608) 267-9403
Written comments on the proposed rules received at the above address, email, or through the http://adminrules. wisconsin.gov web site no later than June 21, 2007, will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.