The Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission proposes an order to amend sections LIRC 1.025 (3) and (4), 2.05, 3.05, and 4.04, relating to the rules of practice and procedure before the commission.
Submission of Written Comments
Written comments pertaining to the proposed rules should be submitted to the Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission, P.O. Box 8126, Madison WI 53708-8126. Facsimile: (608) 267-4409.
The deadline for submission is 30 days from the date of the publication of the 30 day notice in this Register.
Copies of Proposed Rules
A copy of the proposed rules and the full fiscal estimate may be obtained from the Labor and Industry Review Commission upon request.
Analysis Prepared by Labor and Industry Review Commission
Statutes interpreted
Sections 40.65 (2), 102.18 (3) and (4), 106.52 (4), 106.56 (4), 108.09 (6), 108.10 (2) and (3), 111.39 (5) (a), 303.07 (7) and 303.21, Stats., allow parties to file petitions for commission review and describe the process by which the commission conducts such review. The proposed rule amendments provide minor clarifications and updates.
Statutory authority
Section 103.04 (2), Stats.
Explanation of agency authority
The Labor and Industry Review commission reviews and decides appeals of decisions of administrative law judges of the Department of Workforce Development in cases arising under Wisconsin's unemployment insurance, workers compensation, employment discrimination and public accommodations discrimination laws. The commission's rules govern procedure in such appeals.
Related statute or rule
No federal statute or regulation requires adoption of the proposed rules or are relevant to the substance of the proposed rules. Wisconsin Statutes ss. 102.23(1)(a), 227.53(1)(a)3. and 801.50(2)(a) establish the circuit court venue provisions clarified in the rule amendments at LIRC 2.05, 3.05 and 4.04.
Plain language analysis
Current rules allow petition for commission review from decisions by administrative law judges of the Department of Workforce Development to be filed by facsimile transmission. Under the rule, petitions faxed and received on a given day are considered to have been received on that day, for purposes of determining timeliness, even if they are received after regular office hours. The LIRC rule conflicts with the rule of the DWD Equal Rights Division (ERD), which treats faxed documents received after regular office hours as having been received on the next business day. The ERD rule applies, because ERD is the only authorized entity to accept petitions for commission review from ERD decisions. This proposal amends the LIRC rule to clarify the special timeliness circumstances applicable to petitions from ERD decisions.
Current s. LIRC 1.025 (4) contains a reference to the internet page for filing a LIRC petition for review in UI. A DWD agency wide email migration changes the internet “address" or page to a revised format, which is substituted in the proposed rule.
Current LIRC rules regarding judicial review erroneously state that out of state plaintiffs or petitioners should commence actions for judicial review in Dane County. This is based on outdated statutory and case law. Sections 801.50 (2) (a) and 227.53 (1) (a) 3., of the statutes provide that actions for judicial review by out of state plaintiffs or petitioners shall be commenced in the county where the claim or dispute arose. The proposed rule amendment corrects the error.
Comparison with federal regulations
There are no federal regulations governing practice and procedure before the commission.
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
Adjacent states have higher-level administrative authorities (excepting Minnesota) for deciding appeals in unemployment insurance, workers compensation and employment discrimination cases which are analogous to the Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission. Rules of practice of such authorities are generally comparable to those of the commission.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies
The commission has not collected any data or conducted any analyses in connection with its development of these proposed rule changes.
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business
The commission has not collected any data or conducted any analyses in connection with its development of these proposed rule changes.
Small Business Impact
The commission's rules of procedure affect small businesses when they are parties to cases pending before the commission. The proposed rule changes simply clarify existing rules and are not anticipated to have any effect on small businesses.
Fiscal Estimate
Assumptions used in arriving at fiscal estimate
These minor rule changes involve only clarification of existing procedural matters, including the filing of electronic appeals to the commission and the proper venue for circuit court review of commission decisions when the plaintiff or petitioner is a non-resident of Wisconsin. Neither clarification should have any fiscal impact on members of the public who file the affected appeals or the commission in dealing with the appeals.
State fiscal effect
Local government fiscal effect
Long-range fiscal implications
Agency Contact Person
James Pflasterer, General Counsel
Telephone: (608) 266-7728
Text of Proposed Rule
SECTION 1. LIRC 1.025 (3) and (4) are amended to read:
LIRC 1.025 (3) Petitions for review may be filed by facsimile transmission. A petition for review transmitted by facsimile is not deemed filed unless and until the petition is received and printed at the recipient facsimile machine of the commission or of the division of the department to which the petition is being transmitted. The party transmitting a petition by facsimile is solely responsible for ensuring its timely receipt. The commission is not responsible for errors or failures in transmission. A Except in the case of a petition for review in fair employment and public accommodations cases under s.106.52 or s.111.39(5) Stats., where a facsimile transmission filed after the regular business hours of the equal rights division shall be considered filed on the next business day, a petition for review transmitted by facsimile is deemed filed on the date of transmission recorded and printed by the facsimile machine on the petition. If the commission's or department's records indicate receipt of the facsimile at a date later than that shown, then the later date shall control.
(4) Except in the case of petitions for review in fair employment and public accommodations cases under s. 106.52 or 111.39(5), Stats., petitions for review may be filed electronically through the internet website of the commission, at the page found at htm Successful filing of a petition for review electronically through the internet website of the commission will result in a display on the petitioner's internet browser of a message confirming that the petition has been successfully filed. A petition for review transmitted electronically through the website of the commission is not deemed filed unless and until the confirmation message is displayed. The commission is not responsible for errors in transmission that result in failure of a petition to be successfully filed electronically through the website of the commission. A petition for review filed electronically through the internet website of the commission is deemed filed on the date of filing stated on the commission's electronic record of the filing.
SECTION 2. LIRC 2.05 is amended to read:
LIRC 2.05 Actions for judicial review. Judicial review of any commission decision under s. 108.09 or 108.10, Stats., shall be commenced in the manner and upon the grounds specified in ss. 108.09(7) and 102.23, Stats., and not under ch. 227 or s. 801.02, Stats. Either party may commence a legal action for review of the commission decision in circuit court within 30 days from the date the decision was mailed to the party's last known address. Such action is commenced only by filing a summons and complaint with the circuit court and serving an authenticated copy of the summons and the complaint upon the commission, all within 30 days. Service must be made upon a commissioner of the labor and industry review commission or an agent authorized by the commission to accept service only at the commission's office in Madison. Such service shall be deemed complete service on all parties but there shall be left with the person so served as many copies of the summons and complaint as there are defendants. Service by mail is effective only if the pleadings are actually received by the commission within the appeal period. The complaint shall state the grounds upon which review is sought. The action shall be commenced against the commission, and the party in whose favor the decision was made shall also be made a defendant. The proceedings shall be in the circuit court of the county where the plaintiff resides except that, if the plaintiff is a state agency, the proceedings shall be in the circuit court of the county where the defendant resides. If the plaintiff is a non-resident of Wisconsin, the proceedings shall be in the circuit court for Dane county for the county where the claim arose. The proceedings may be brought in any circuit court if all parties stipulate and that court agrees. The appealing party shall arrange for preparation of the necessary legal documents.
SECTION 3. LIRC 3.05 is amended to read:
LIRC 3.05 Actions for judicial review. Judicial review of any commission decision shall be commenced in the manner and upon the grounds specified in s.102.23, Stats., and not under ch. 227, Stats., or s. 801.02, Stats. Either party may commence a legal action for review of the commission decision in circuit court within 30 days from the date the decision was mailed to the party's last known address. Such action is commenced only by filing a summons and complaint with the circuit court and serving an authenticated copy of the summons and the complaint upon the commission, all within 30 days. Service must be made upon a commissioner of the labor and industry review commission or an agent authorized by the commission to accept service only at the commission's office in Madison. Such service shall be deemed complete service on all parties but there shall be left with the person so served as many copies of the summons and complaint as there are defendants. Service by mail is effective only if the pleadings are actually received by the commission within the appeal period. The complaint shall state the grounds upon which review is sought. The action shall be commenced against the commission, and the party in whose favor the decision was made shall also be made a defendant. The proceedings shall be in the circuit court of the county where the plaintiff resides except that, if the plaintiff is a state agency, the proceedings shall be in the circuit court of the county where the defendant resides. If the plaintiff is a non-resident of Wisconsin, the proceedings shall be in the circuit court for Dane county for the county where the claim arose. The proceedings may be brought in any circuit court if all parties stipulate and that court agrees. The appealing party shall arrange for preparation of the necessary legal documents.
SECTION 4. LIRC 4.04 (1) is amended to read:
LIRC 4.04 Actions for judicial review. (1) FAIR EMPLOYMENT. Judicial review of any commission order or decision in fair employment cases under s. 111.39(5), Stats., shall be commenced in the manner and upon the grounds specified in ss. 227.52 and 227.53, Stats. Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the commission shall be entitled to judicial review in circuit court. Proceedings for review shall be instituted within 30 days from the date of the decision. Such proceedings are instituted by serving a petition for review, either personally or by certified mail, upon the labor and industry review commission in Madison, and, by filing such petition with the clerk of the circuit court for the county where the judicial review proceedings are to be held. Copies of the petition shall be served upon all parties who appeared before the commission in the case not later than 30 days after commencing the proceeding for review. The copies shall be served personally, by certified mail, or when service is timely admitted in writing, by first class mail. The petition shall state the nature of the petitioner's interest, the facts showing that the petitioner is a person aggrieved by the decision, and the grounds upon which review is sought. The petition shall be entitled in the name of the person serving it as petitioner and the commission as respondent. The proceedings shall be in the circuit court of the county where the petitioner resides. If the petitioner is a non-resident of the state, the proceedings shall be in the circuit court for Dane county for the county where the dispute arose.
Notice of Hearing
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to ss. 29.014, 29.089, 29.193, 29.197, 29.597, 169.085, 169.24, and 227.11, Stats., the Department of Natural Resources will hold public hearings on revisions to Chapters NR 10 and 19, Wis. Adm. Code, relating to hunting, trapping regulations, and wildlife rehabilitation.
Hearing Information
Date and Time:
May 11, 2009
Room 613
DNR Central Office
at 1:00 PM
101 South Webster Street
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Please call Scott Loomans at (608) 267-2452 with specific information on your request at least 10 days before the date of the scheduled hearing.
Submission of Written Comments
The proposed rule and fiscal estimate may be reviewed and comments electronically submitted at the following Internet site: Written comments on the proposed rule may be submitted via U.S. mail to Mr. Scott Loomans, Bureau of Wildlife Management, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707. Comments may be submitted until May 11, 2009. Written comments whether submitted electronically or by U.S. mail will have the same weight and effect as oral statements presented at the public hearing.
Copies of Proposed Rule
A personal copy of the proposed rule and fiscal estimate may be obtained from Mr. Scott Loomans at the address listed above.
Analysis Prepared by Department of Natural Resources
Statutes interpreted
Sections 29.014, 29.089, 29.193, 29.197, 29.597, 169.085, 169.24, and 227.11, Stats.
Statutory authority
Sections 29.014, 29.089, 29.193, 29.197, 29.597, 169.085, 169.24, and 227.11, Stats.
Plain language analysis
The intent of these rule changes is to correct drafting errors, provide clarification to existing rules, simplify regulations, and update administrative code language and references. Policy issues affected by this rule are ones which have already been addressed by previous rulemaking. The proposed rules will:
1.   Clarify that access permits are required of deer hunters at Lake Wissota state park.
2.   Clarify that the harvest of deer of either sex is allowed by archery and gun hunters who possess disabled hunting permits, making this regulation consistent with the law that applies to disabled hunters during firearm seasons.
3.   Clarify that, where it is legal to place bait for hunting deer, bait may be placed on the day before the archery season as is currently allowed on the day before the gun seasons.
4.   Remove the prohibition of hunting deer with full metal jacketed, nonexpanding type bullets so that only nonexpanding type bullets are prohibited.
5.   Establish that the prohibition of hunting and firearm discharge on the day before the firearm deer season applies only to the traditional nine-day deer season.
6.   Establish that velvet antlers may be possessed in a CWD zone and clarifies that antlers being transported out of a CWD zone must be free of brain tissue but hair or hide does not need to be removed.
7.   Incorporate by reference the definitions for a section of federal regulations that are already incorporated into Wisconsin code related to baiting migratory game birds.
8.   Eliminate an unnecessary cross reference.
9.   Eliminate confusing and unnecessary language and clarifies that, where body-gripping type traps from 60 to 75 square inches in size are prohibited, larger traps are also prohibited.
10.   Eliminate an unnecessary gear requirement; relaxing mechanical locks are not needed on snares.
11.   Eliminate a limit on participation by disabled hunters during turkey seasons that is no longer needed with only seven turkey management zones.
12.   Correct an omission in the name of a deer management unit.
13.   Include trapping as an educational outdoor skills activity for which certain exemptions are available so that this rule language will be consistent with statute.
14.   Clarify that volunteer wildlife rehabilitators may only serve in a limited capacity on wildlife rehabilitation activities.
15.   Correct the number of a subdivision.
16.   Update wildlife rehabilitation code language so that it is consistent with proposed changes to the list of threatened and endangered species.
Related statute or rule
There are no state rules or statutes currently under promulgation that directly relate to the provisions that are proposed in this administrative order.
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.