Section 45.20 (2) (c) 2. a., Stats.
Explanation of agency authority
The department is charged with administering a grant program to reimburse eligible veterans for undergraduate tuition within the program limitations. It provides eligible applicants with printed and electronic applications for the program through county veterans service offices, school veterans officials and directly from the department. The Legislature has granted the agency authority to promulgate a rule for setting the time an application for the program must be completed and received by the department.
Related statute or rule
There is no related statute or rule.
Plain language analysis
The amendment of VA 2.02 (2) will create a specific time period for the completion and submission of an application for the veterans tuition reimbursement program.
Comparison with federal regulations
There is no current or pending federal regulation which would provide tuition reimbursement for the eligible veterans under this program.
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
There are no similar rules in adjacent states.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies
The department has reviewed the provision of financial aids through public and private institutions of higher education. It has also discussed the application deadlines for financial aids with school veterans officials and county veterans service officers. The department has determined that the majority of applications for financial aid in institutions of higher education occur within the first 60 days following the initiation of the semester or term. The department is proposing a time frame for applying for this program consistent with the majority of other financial aids applications.
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business
No analysis was performed regarding an economic impact statement.
Small Business Impact
These rules have no effect upon small businesses, nor any significant fiscal impact upon the private sector.
Fiscal Estimate
Assumptions used in arriving at fiscal estimate
The amended rule will require the application to be completed and received by the department no later than 60 days after the starting date of the course, term or semester for which reimbursement is requested. The proposed rule amendment will show initially an increase in the department's denial rate and a decrease in expenditures of the tuition reimbursement grant for eligible veterans. Available data shows that based on historic trends the percentage of applications denied by not being submitted within the required time limit; in FY07 13%, FY08 9% and in FY09 0%.
For the purpose of the fiscal impact of this fiscal estimate, the decrease in expenditures is projected to be:
Base Demand
% denials
Fiscal Impact
Adjusted Demand
The fiscal effect in FY11 will be ($182,392) and in FY12 ($118,976).
Please contact the Agency Contact Person listed below to request a copy of the fiscal estimate.
State fiscal effect
Decrease existing appropriation.
Fund sources affected
Affected Ch. 20 appropriations
Section 20.485 (2) (tf), Stats.
Text of the Proposed Permanent and Emergency Rules
SECTION 1. VA 2.02 (2) is amended to read:
(2) REIMBURSEMENT APPLICATION. An application shall be submitted on a form approved by the department. It may be submitted through a county veterans service officer, through any other agent authorized by the department, or directly to the department, either manually or electronically. The application may not be submitted until the semester for which reimbursement is requested has been completed. Applications shall be received by the department or an authorized agent no later than 60 days after the starting date of the course, term or semester for which reimbursement is requested. Applications are considered received if all student information is completed and a physical or electronic date stamp is affixed to the application. The school veterans coordinator shall list the completion date of the semester, the cost of tuition, other assistance received or applied for by the applicant, the number of credits enrolled in during the semester, and the semester grade point average. Applications are considered complete when all required information has been provided and the completed application is submitted to the department manually or electronically. Completed applications submitted more than 60 days following the last day of the course, term or semester for which reimbursement is requested will be denied unless good cause can be shown for the delay in submission.
Agency Contact Person
James A. Stewart, Chief Legal Counsel
30 West Mifflin Street, P.O. Box 7843
Madison, WI 53707-7843
Phone: (608) 266-3733
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.