30 sq. ft. for a dog more than 30 inches long.
  For each additional dog in the primary enclosure, the following area:
  3.375 sq. ft. for a dog up to 10 inches long.
  6 sq. ft. for a dog 11 to 16 inches long.
  9 sq. ft. for a dog 17 to 22 inches long.
  13.5 sq. ft. for a dog 23 to 26 inches long.
  18 sq. ft. for a dog 26 to 30 inches long.
  22.5 sq. ft. for a dog more than 30 inches long.
Shelter, shade and windbreak.
An outdoor primary enclosure shall include all of the following:
  A dog shelter (see below) that is accessible by all dogs kept in the primary enclosure.
  A shaded area, other than the dog shelter, which is adequate to shade all dogs in the primary enclosure from direct sunlight during all sunlight hours, without crowding.
  A windbreak, other than the dog shelter, which is adequate to shelter all dogs in the primary enclosure from wind.
Dog shelter.
A dog shelter, provided for dogs kept in an outdoor primary enclosure, shall be all of the following:
  Made of a durable material, have 4 sides, a roof, and a flat solid floor.
  Be big enough to accommodate all dogs kept in the primary enclosure without crowding. The roof of the shelter shall be at least 12 inches higher than the standing height of the tallest dog that may use the shelter.
  Be constructed and maintained to do all of the following:
  Prevent injury to dogs that use it.
  Allow all dogs using it to retain or dissipate enough body heat for health and comfort.
  Allow all dogs using it to remain dry and clean.
  Give all dogs using it reasonable protection from predators.
Outdoor primary enclosure; construction.
An outdoor primary enclosure shall be constructed and maintained to prevent dogs from escaping from the enclosure. If any portion of the primary enclosure is covered by a roof or overhead screen, the roof or screen must be at least 12 inches higher than the standing height of the tallest dog in the primary enclosure.
Outdoor tethering; general.
A dog may not be tethered outdoors unless all of the following apply.
  The dog is of a breed for which tethering is considered reasonably appropriate.
  The dog can readily tolerate tethering, based on its age, health and physical condition.
  The tethered dog can easily enter and lie down in a dog shelter that complies with this rule (see above).
  The tethered dog is not a pregnant or nursing female.
  The tether cannot become entangled with any object.
  The tether has an anchor swivel.
  The tether is at least 6 feet long and of sufficient length for the size of the dog.
  The tether is attached to the dog by means of a non-tightening collar or harness of sufficient size for the dog.
Tethering prohibited at animal control facilities and animal shelters.
Tethering may not be used for any dog kept outdoors at an animal control facility or animal shelter.
Access to run or exercise area.
Each dog kept in an outdoor primary enclosure must have access, for at least 30 minutes each day, to a run or exercise area that meets all of the following requirements:
  It must be large enough for the dog's size and temperament (considering the number of dogs that may use the run or exercise area at any given time), and large enough so that the dog can achieve a running stride.
  It must include a shaded area large enough to shade all dogs using the run or exercise area. However, the run or exercise area need not include a shelter unless the run or exercise area also serves as a primary enclosure.
Outdoor facility maintenance.
Outdoor facilities must be maintained to protect the health and safety of dogs kept in those facilities. Maintenance must include all of the following:
  Excreta must be removed from outdoor primary enclosures at least daily.
  Pests and parasites must be controlled as necessary to maintain dog health and comfort.
  Dog bedding must be kept in a clean, dry condition.
Transporting dogs
A license holder (and the license holder's employees and agents) must comply with the following standards related to the transportation of dogs:
Portable enclosures.
A portable enclosure used to transport one or more dogs, including any enclosure that is placed on or forms part of a transport vehicle, must meet all of the following requirements:
  It must be constructed of water-resistant and cleanable material.
  It must be designed to keep all dogs within the enclosure clean and dry.
  It must be designed to protect the health and safety of all dogs in the enclosure.
  It must have ventilation openings to ensure the comfort and health of all dogs in the enclosure.
  It must be securely closed when in use.
  It must be cleaned and sanitized between occupancy by different dogs, and more often as necessary to keep it in a clean condition.
  When on a transport vehicle, it must be all of the following:
  Positioned so that each dog in the enclosure has access to sufficient air for normal breathing.
  Positioned so that the opening through which dogs enter and exit the enclosure is accessible at all times for emergency removal of dogs from the enclosure.
  Positioned so that all dogs in the enclosure are protected from the elements.
  Positioned or protected so that no dog in the enclosure is exposed to excreta falling from above.
  Secured as necessary to prevent reasonably foreseeable movement that may injure dogs.
Care of dogs during transport.
The following standards apply to dogs that are being transported:
  Each dog must at all times be protected from hypothermia and hyperthermia. Transportation vehicles must be heated or cooled, if necessary, to comply with this paragraph.
  Each dog must have sufficient space to turn, stand, and lie down.
  Each dog must be provided with food and water, according to standards in this rule.
  Dogs must be separated if incompatible (see grouping and separation standards above).
  Each dog shall be visually inspected every 4 hours.
  Each dog must be removed from the transport vehicle at least once every 12 hours, and be allowed to urinate, defecate and exercise.
  Each dog must be promptly removed from the transport vehicle when the vehicle reaches its destination.
Transport vehicles.
The following standards apply to a transport vehicle that is used to transport dogs:
  The vehicle must be equipped to provide fresh or filtered air, without injurious drafts, to all dogs that are transported in the vehicle.
  The dog cargo space must be constructed and maintained to minimize the ingress of exhaust from the vehicle's engine.
Prohibited conduct
No license holder may do any of the following, either directly or through an employee or agent:
  Prevent or interfere with a DATCP inspection under this chapter, or assault an inspector.
  Refuse or fail, without just cause, to produce evidence or records requested by DATCP.
  Misrepresent a dog's breed or pedigree, or move a diseased dog in violation of current law.
  Knowingly accept dogs from a person who is not properly licensed to supply those dogs (unless the person accepts the dogs to protect them, and promptly reports the acceptance to DATCP).
In response to a written request, DATCP may grant a written variance from an animal care standard under this rule if DATCP finds that the variance is reasonable and necessary under the circumstances and will not compromise the purpose served by the standard. A variance must be issued in writing, must include DATCP's findings, and must include the specific terms of the variance (including any time limit on the variance). A variance request must include information to show that the variance is justified.
Comparison with federal regulations
Currently, USDA licenses and inspects approximately 49 kennels in Wisconsin that are selling puppies wholesale. USDA establishes minimum facility standards for those licensed facilities.
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
Minnesota has no comparable licensing program for dog sellers or dog facilities. Proposed legislation failed in the last session, but will likely be reintroduced in the next session.
Illinois licenses and regulates persons that have custody of more than 5 female dogs who breed dogs for sale. Illinois also licenses and regulates pet shops, dog dealers, kennel operators and catteries. Regulations establish minimum standards of care, record keeping requirements, and requirements for dog movement.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.