The 2009 biennial budget act (2009 Wis. Act 28) made significant changes to the seed law. Act 28 repealed many outdated standards effective January 1, 2011 and authorized DATCP to establish new standards by rule.
The temporary emergency rule implements the new law, pending adoption of a proposed “permanent" rule. The proposed “permanent" is identical to this temporary emergency rule. Pursuant to 2009 Wis. Act 28, section 9103(3), the temporary emergency rule took effect on January 1, 2011 and will remain in effect until July 1, 2011 or until the effective date of the proposed “permanent" rule, whichever is sooner.
This rule updates Wisconsin's seed standards to make them more consistent with federal law, current generally-accepted business practices, the model state seed law published by the association of American seed control officials, and seed testing standards published by AOSA, Inc. (the association of official seed analysts). The rule is designed to protect seed purchasers, to ensure fair and accurate labeling of seed, and to ensure fair competition in the sale of seed.
Statute(s) interpreted
Section 93.07(1), 94.38 to 94.46, Stats.
Statutory authority
Sections 93.07(1) and 94.45(6), Stats. This emergency rule is also adopted pursuant to the nonstatutory provision in 2009 Wis. Act 28, section 9103(3).
Explanation of statutory authority
DATCP has general authority, under s. 93.07(1), Stats., to interpret laws under its jurisdiction. DATCP has specific authority, under ss. 94.45(6), Stats., to promulgate rules for:
The testing, labeling, distribution and sale of agricultural seed (including crop seed, vegetable seed for home gardens, lawn and turf seed, flower seed and native species seed).
Seed labeler licensing.
Seed law administration.
2009 Wis. Act 28 repealed outdated seed standards effective January 1, 2011, and authorized DATCP to adopt new standards by rule. A non-statutory provision, contained in section 9103(3) of Act 28, authorized DATCP to adopt interim rules by the emergency rulemaking procedure under s. 227.24, Stats., without a finding of emergency. Under this non-statutory provision, the interim rules may remain in effect until July 1, 2011 or until the effective date of proposed “permanent" seed rules, whichever date is earlier.
Related rule(s) or statute(s)
The department of natural resources (“DNR") administers rules under ch. NR 40 related to the classification and control of invasive species, including invasive plant species. DATCP administers pesticide rules under chs. ATCP 29 and 30 (including pesticides used on treated seed).
Plain language analysis
This rule modifies Wisconsin rules governing the sale and labeling of agricultural and vegetable seed. This rule establishes standards related to seed labels, seed germination, and seed evaluation and testing. It establishes general standards for all agricultural seeds, and specialized standards for certain kinds of seed. The standards in this rule are generally consistent with all of the following:
The federal seed act (7 USC 1551 et. seq.) and the federal plant variety protection act (7 U.S.C. 2321 et seq.).
Model standards contained in the Recommended Uniform State Seed Law (July 2007) published by the association of American seed control officials.
Seed evaluation standards and methods prescribed in the Rules for Seed Testing (October 1, 2010) published by AOSA, Inc. (the association of official seed analysts).
This rule incorporates seed labeler license fees set by s. 94.43, Stats. (this rule does not change the statutory fees). This rule also creates a mechanism by which DATCP may, for good cause, grant individual variances from labeling requirements under this rule if the variance is consistent with the purposes of this rule and is necessary to avoid unfairness or unnecessary hardship.
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulations
USDA administers the following federal laws:
The federal seed act (7 USC 1551 et. seq.). Under the federal seed act, seed shipped in interstate commerce must be labeled with information that allows seed buyers to make informed choices. Label information must be truthful.
The federal plant variety protection act (7 U.S.C. 2321 et seq.). Under the plant variety protection act, a plant breeder may obtain a certificate of plant variety protection (similar to a patent) for a new plant variety that meets certain criteria.
This rule is consistent with these federal laws.
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
Most states, and all of the states surrounding Wisconsin, have adopted seed labeling and testing standards that are similar to the standards under this rule.
Data and analytical methodologies
DATCP consulted with DNR, the university of Wisconsin–extension, and AOSA, Inc. (the association of official seed analysts) to develop the standards in this rule. DATCP also consulted with an advisory committee that included Wisconsin seed industry representatives and seed purchasers.
Standards Incorporated by Reference
This emergency rule incorporates, by reference, seed testing standards published by AOSA, Inc. (the association of official seed analysts). DATCP has requested the attorney general's permission to incorporate these standards by reference. Copies of the standards are on file with DATCP and the legislative reference bureau, and may be obtained from AOSA, Inc.
Small Business Impact
This rule will promote fair competition in the seed industry, for the benefit of seed businesses and seed purchasers. It will update obsolete seed standards, and will ensure that all seed labelers use the same standards for seed labeling and analysis. It will facilitate interstate commerce by making Wisconsin standards more consistent with current standards used by the United States department of agriculture (“USDA") and other states. This rule will not have any significant adverse impact on affected businesses.
If you have comments or concerns relating to small business impact, you may also contact DATCP's small business regulatory coordinator Keeley Moll at the address above, or by email at or by telephone at (608) 224-5039.
Environmental Impact
This rule will protect the environment by helping to prevent the spread of certain noxious weed seeds. Other parts of the rule will have no environmental impact.
Fiscal Estimate
This rule will have no fiscal impact on state or local government. This rule incorporates, without change, seed labeler license fees set by s. 94.43, Stats.
Agency Contact Person
Questions and comments related to this rule, including hearing comments, may be directed to:
Greg Helmbrecht
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
Telephone: (608) 224-4596
Notice of Hearings
(Without Public Hearing)
Health Services
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to section 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., and interpreting section 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., and according to the procedure set forth in section 227.16 (2) (e), Stats., the Department of Health Services will adopt the following rules revising Chapter DHS 1, relating to status and retention period for records of clients who have unpaid liability to the Department or counties as proposed in this notice, without public hearing unless, on or before February 1, 2011, the Department of Health Services is petitioned for a public hearing by 25 natural persons who will be affected by the rule; a municipality which will be affected by the rule; or an association which is representative of a farm, labor, business or professional group that will be affected by the rule:
Submittal of Written Comments
Comments may be submitted until February 1, 2011 to:
Troy K. Kitzrow
Supervisor, Billing and Collections
Bureau of Fiscal Services
Division of Enterprise Services
Department of Health Services
1 West Wilson Street; Room 750
Madison, WI 53707
Analysis by Department of Human Services
Statute(s) interpreted
Sections 46.03 (18) and 46.10 (1) to (14) (a), Stats.
Statutory authority
Section 227.11 (2), Stats.
Explanation of statutory authority
Section 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., allows agencies to promulgate rules interpreting the provision of any statute enforced or administered by the agency if the agency considers it necessary to effectuate the purpose of the statute.
Related rule(s) or statute(s)
Chapter 46, Stats.
Plain language analysis
In this order, the Department proposes to promote uniformity and cost savings by revising the status and retention period for records of clients who have unpaid liability to the Department or counties. The changes include repealing and recreating rules to more clearly state when a client record may be closed. The changes also include reducing the retention period for closed inpatient mental health records under s. DHS 1.06 (3) (e) from 10 years to 5 years. The current rules are confusing for Department and county staff and have led to different interpretations. The proposed changes may decrease costs and should increase uniformity and accountability for counties and the Department.
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulations
There appear to be no existing proposed federal regulations that are the same or similar to the proposed rules.
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
Illinois: There appear to be no administrative rules that are the same or similar to the proposed rules.
Iowa: There appear to be no administrative rules that are the same or similar to the proposed rules.
Michigan: There appear to be no administrative rules that are the same or similar to the proposed rules.
Minnesota: There appear to be no administrative rules that are the same or similar to the proposed rules.
Data and analytical methodologies
The Department analyzed ss. 46.03 (18) and 46.10 (1) to (14) (a), Stats., the Department's current practices and existing rules when deciding how to revise the rules proposed in this order.
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business
The proposed rules relate to the status and retention periods of client records relating to payment for the services. The proposed rules do not affect businesses.
Small Business Impact
The proposed rules do not affect businesses.
Fiscal Estimate
The proposed changes may decrease costs and should increase uniformity and accountability for counties and the Department. The Department's potential savings may be up to $1,000 annually. The savings for counties is unknown. The rules do not affect businesses.
Text Of Proposed Rule
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.