Agency Contact Person
Jonelle Brom, Bureau of Permanence and Out-of-Home Care, Division of Safety and Permanence, (608) 264-6933,
Notice of Hearing
Moveable Soccer Goals, Ch. Comm 9
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to section 167.21 (2), Stats., the Department of Commerce will hold a public hearing on proposed rules to create Chapter Comm 9, relating to anchorage of moveable soccer goals.
Hearing Information
The public hearing will be held as follows:
Date and Time:
February 15, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Conference Room 3B
Tommy G. Thompson Center
201 W. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI
This hearing is held in an accessible facility. If you have special needs or circumstances that may make communication or accessibility difficult at the hearing, please call (608) 266-8741 or (608) 264-8777 (TTY) at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. Accommodations such as interpreters, English translators, or materials in audio tape format will, to the fullest extent possible, be made available upon a request from a person with a disability.
Submittal of Written Comments
Interested persons are invited to appear at the hearing and present comments on the proposed rules. Persons making oral presentations are requested to submit their comments in writing. Persons submitting comments will not receive individual responses. The hearing record on this proposed rulemaking will remain open until February 23, 2011, to permit submittal of written comments from persons who are unable to attend the hearing or who wish to supplement testimony offered at the hearing. Written comments should be submitted to James Quast, at the Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 2689, Madison, WI 53701-2689, or Email at
Copies of Proposed Rules
The proposed rules and an analysis of the proposed rules are available on the Internet at the Safety and Buildings Division Web site at Paper copies may be obtained without cost from Norma McReynolds, at the Department of Commerce, Program Development Bureau, P.O. Box 2689, Madison, WI 53701-2689, or Email, or at telephone (608) 267-7907 or TDD Relay dial 711 in Wisconsin or (800) 947-3529. Copies will also be available at the public hearing.
Analysis Prepared by Department of Commerce
Statutes interpreted
Statutory authority
Related statute or rule
None known.
Explanation of agency authority
Under 2009 Wisconsin Act 390, s. 167.21, Stats., the Department is directed to develop rules to address the securing of movable soccer goals.
Summary of proposed rules
The proposed rules establish minimum standards for the securing of movable soccer goals to lessen the likelihood of the goals tipping over or overturning. The proposed rules apply to both existing and new movable soccer goals. The proposed rules reflect guidelines of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulations
The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission's has published Guidelines for Movable Soccer Goal Safety. The guidelines include a section on anchoring, securing and counterweighting soccer goals. The guidelines were published in 1995.
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
An Internet-based search of the anchoring or securing of movable soccer goals in the states of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota found that none of the states have specific rules or programs regarding the subject.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies
The proposed rules were developed by reviewing the provisions under 2009 Wisconsin Act 390 in conjunction with the following documents:
  ASTM F 1938, Standard Guide for Safer Use of Movable Soccer Goals, 2009.
  ASTM F 2056, Standard Safety and Performance Specification for Soccer Goals, 2009.
  ASTM F 2673, Standard Safety Specification for Special Tip-Resistant Movable Soccer Goals, 2008.
  Consumer Product Safety Commission's, Guidelines for Movable Soccer Goal Safety.
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business
The proposed rules implement the mandates of 2009 Wisconsin Act 390 regarding the securing of movable soccer goals. The rules would apply to all existing and future movable soccer goals. The department does not believe that the proposed rules will increase the effect on small businesses over the mandates of the Act.
Effect of Small Business
An economic impact report has not been required pursuant to s. 227.137, Stats.
The small business regulatory coordinator for the Department of Commerce is Carol Dunn, who may be contacted at telephone (608) 267-0297, or Email at
Environmental Analysis
The Department has considered the environmental impact of the proposed rules. In accordance with chapter Comm 1, the proposed rules are a Type III action. A Type III action normally does not have the potential to cause significant environmental effects and normally does not involve unresolved conflicts in the use of available resources. The Department has reviewed these rules and finds no reason to believe that any unusual conditions exist. At this time, the Department has issued this notice to serve as a finding of no significant impact.
Fiscal Estimate
State fiscal effect
Local government costs
Long-range fiscal implications
No long-range fiscal implications are anticipated.
Assumptions used in arriving at fiscal estimate
Under the mandates of 2009 Wisconsin Act 390, the proposed rules establish minimum standards for the securing of movable soccer goals to lessen the likelihood of the goals tipping over or overturning. The proposed rules apply to both existing and new movable soccer goals. The proposed rules reflect guidelines of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Owners of moveable soccer goals would be responsible for facilitating proper anchorage. Owners would include any political subdivision of the state, such as school districts, municipal recreational departments and public universities. It is believed that most owners posses the necessary equipment or means to anchor their soccer goals; the unknown variable is whether the necessary time and effort is taken for anchorage when a goal is relocated. The department does not believe that compliance with the rules will impose a significant cost to owners.
Agency Contact Person
James Quast, Program Manager
(608) 266-9292
Notice of Hearing
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 100
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to section 560.0335 (4) of the Statutes, the Department of Commerce will hold a public hearing on emergency rules and proposed permanent rules to create Chapter Comm 103 relating to a disabled veteran-owned business certification program, and affecting small businesses.
Hearing Information
The public hearing will be held as follows:
Date and Time:
February 15, 2011
1:00 p.m.
Third Floor, Room 3B
Thompson Commerce Center
201 W. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI
This hearing will be held in an accessible facility. If you have special needs or circumstances that may make communication or accessibility difficult at the hearing, please call Sam Rockweiler at (608) 266-0797 or at Contact Through Relay at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. Accommodations such as interpreters, English translators, or materials in audio tape format will, to the fullest extent possible, be made available upon a request from a person with a disability.
Submittal of Written Comments
Interested persons are invited to appear at the hearing and present comments on the proposed rules. Persons making oral presentations are requested to submit their comments in writing, via e-mail. Persons submitting comments will not receive individual responses. The hearing record on this rulemaking will remain open until February 18, 2011, to permit submittal of written comments from persons who are unable to attend the hearing or who wish to supplement testimony offered at the hearing. E-mail comments should be sent to If e-mail submittal is not possible, written comments may be submitted to Sam Rockweiler, Department of Commerce, Division of Environmental and Regulatory Services, P.O. Box 14427, Madison, WI 53708-0427.
Copies of Proposed Rules
The proposed rules and an analysis of the rules are available by entering “Comm 103" in the search engine at the following Web site: public/Home. Paper copies may be obtained without cost from Sam Rockweiler at the Department of Commerce, Division of Environmental and Regulatory Services, P.O. Box 14427, Madison, WI 53707, or Email at, or at telephone (608) 266-0797, or at Contact Through Relay. Copies will also be available at the public hearing.
Analysis Prepared by Department of Commerce
Statutes interpreted
Section 560.0335, as created in 2009 Wisconsin Act 299.
Statutory authority
Sections 227.11 (2) (a) and 560.0335 (4), Stats.
Explanation of agency authority
Section 227.11 (2) (a) of the Statutes authorizes the Department to promulgate rules interpreting the provisions of any Statute administered by the Department. Section 560.0335 (4) directs the Department to promulgate rules for certifying disabled-veteran-owned businesses.
Related statute or rule
Chapters Comm 104 and 105 contain the requirements for the Department's Woman-Owned Business Certification program and Minority Business Certification program, respectively. Although the statutory directives for those two programs differ somewhat from the statutory directives for certifying disabled-veteran-owned businesses, many of the best practices that the Department has developed in those two programs are extrapolative to certifying disabled- veteran-owned businesses.
Plain language analysis
The proposed rules primarily specify (1) which businesses are eligible for becoming certified in this program; (2) how to apply for certification and recertification; (3) how the certifications will be issued, renewed, and rescinded; and (4) how to appeal a decision by the Department. Parameters are also included for recognizing equivalent certifications that are issued by other public agencies.
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulations.
Title 13 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 125, Subparts A thru E, address the definitions, eligibility requirements, contracting requirements, protest procedures, penalties, and records retention requirements under the federal Small Business Administration's Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (SDVO) Small Business Concern (SBC) program. The purpose of the SDVO SBC program is to assist these businesses in obtaining a fair share of federal-government contracts, subcontracts, and property sales. An SDVO SBC is one in which at least 51 percent of the business is owned, controlled, and actively managed by service-disabled veterans – or in the case of a veteran with a permanent and severe disability, a spouse, surviving spouse, or permanent caregiver of the veteran. The SDVO SBC must also meet the small-size standards corresponding to the federal North American Industry Classification System code assigned to a contract at the time of the contract offer. Verification eligibility is for a 12-month period.
Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 74, addresses the application guidelines, oversight, and records management requirements of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) VetBiz Vendor Information Pages (VIP) database. Eligibility for the CVE VIP is based on the type of ownership and control, and the absence of (1) debarment or suspension concerns, (2) false application statements, and (3) significant unresolved financial obligations to the federal government. Applications for the VetBiz VIP verification status must be filed electronically in the VIP database located at
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
An Internet-based search of state-level rules in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan revealed the following information relating to certification of businesses that are owned by disabled veterans.
Minnesota offers a targeted-group procurement program to help remedy the effects of past discrimination against members of targeted groups. To be considered under the program, a business must be designated as a targeted business by the Minnesota Commissioner of Administration. The criteria for this designation are included in chapter 1230 of the Minnesota Administrative Rules. This chapter addresses certification of small, targeted-group businesses that are at least 51-percent owned and operationally controlled on a day-to-day basis by socially disadvantaged persons, which by definition include individuals with a physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. This chapter is also similar to the rules proposed in chapter Comm 103 in addressing the application process; documentation of majority ownership and control; issuance or denial of the credential; and use of either an informal review or a statutory, contested-case hearing process for appeals. The rules proposed in chapter Comm 103 differ by applying more narrowly to only veterans with disabilities, and by not being limited to just small businesses.
Chapter 54 of the rules of the Iowa Department of Economic Development establishes a targeted, small-business procurement program for promoting the growth, development, and diversification of small Iowa businesses that are owned by minorities, women and persons with disabilities. Chapter 55 of the rules of that Department establishes a targeted, small-business financial assistance program to assist women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and low-income individuals in establishing or expanding small business ventures in Iowa. Prior to participation in either of these two programs, a business must be certified as a targeted small business under chapter 25 of the rules of the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals. Under the definitions in that chapter, a targeted small business (1) is 51-percent or more owned, operated, and actively managed by minorities, women, or persons with disabilities; (2) is located within the state; (3) has an annual gross income of less than $4 million; and (4) is operated for profit. The certification rules in the chapter are similar to the rules proposed in chapter Comm 103 in addressing the application process; documentation of majority ownership and control; issuance or denial of the credential; on-site audits by the Department; decertification; recertification; and use of a statutory, contested-case hearing process for appeals. The rules proposed in chapter Comm 103 differ by applying more narrowly to only veterans with disabilities, and by not being limited to just small businesses.
Title 44, Part 10 of the Illinois Administrative Code implements the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act (30 ILCS 575). This Act establishes a goal that at least 12 percent of contracts awarded by state agencies subject to the Act be awarded to businesses which are owned and controlled by minorities, females, or persons with disabilities. These businesses typically cannot have gross sales over the previous three years of $31.4 million or more, including sales from any affiliates. The Act also allows for certain special treatment in contracting with certified businesses; and establishes a Council, Secretary, and, in the Department of Central Management Services, a program function to implement and oversee the Act. Section 10.30 of Part 10 addresses the roles of the State agencies and the Council in achieving compliance with the contract-awarding goals. Under section 10.50, only certified businesses are eligible for the benefits of the Business Enterprise program, and state agencies can count only those expenditures with a certified vendor, or subcontractor, toward meeting the contract-awarding goals. The certification rules in sections 10.50 to 10.72 are similar to the rules proposed in chapter Comm 103 in addressing the application process, documentation of majority ownership and control, issuance or denial of the credential, consideration of certification by another entity, reconsideration, decertification, appeals, and recertification. The rules proposed in chapter Comm 103 differ by applying more narrowly to only veterans with disabilities, by not being limited to just small businesses, and by not accepting certifications from private-sector entities.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.