Group dynamics processing and counseling
  Lifestyle and career development
  Appraisal of individuals
  Research and evaluation
  Professional counseling orientation
  6 semester or 8 quarter hours in one of the following:
  If the academic program's emphasis is in mental health, course(s) addressing the roles and functions of a mental health counseling.
  If the academic program's emphasis is in rehabilitation counseling, course(s) addressing medical, functional, and environmental aspects of disability, rehabilitation services, case management and related services.
  As part of the above curriculum, the program shall contain a basic understanding of addiction and how to assess and intervene with individuals, groups and families who exhibit suicide ideation, psychological and emotional crisis or trauma. These are not required to be stand alone courses.
These new requirements are in line with the standards of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE).
Section 3. An effective date of September 1, 2016 will provide the time necessary for the education programs to make adjustments in their course offerings and curriculum. In addition, it will provide notice to the students pursuing their master's degrees of the new requirements.
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulation
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
Illinois: Illinois requires a master's or doctoral degree with a minimum of 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours with a minimum of 3 semester hours in each of the following areas: Human growth and development; Counseling theory; Counseling techniques; Group dynamics, processing and counseling; Appraisal of individuals; Research and evaluation; Professional, legal and ethical responsibilities relating to professional counseling; Social and cultural foundations; Lifestyle and career development; Practicum/internship; Psychopathology and maladaptive behavior; Substance abuse; and Family dynamics. The program shall include a one year residence defined as 24 semester hours. All master's degrees and doctoral programs in professional counseling or rehabilitation counseling that are accredited by CACREP, CORE and doctoral programs in psychology approved by the American Psychological Association and the Council for the National Registry of health Service Providers are approved programs.
Iowa: Iowa requires a master's degree with a minimum of 60 credit hours or equivalent quarter hours or a doctoral degree in counseling with emphasis in mental health counseling from a mental health counseling program accredited by CACREP. Graduates from non-CACREP accredited mental health counseling programs shall provide an equivalency evaluation of their educational credentials by the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc.
Michigan: Michigan requires a master's degree of not less than 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours, including a 600 clock hour internship, in a program which meets CACREP standards.
Minnesota: Minnesota requires a master's or doctoral degree of not less than 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours and a supervised field experience of not fewer than 700 hours that is counseling in nature. The degree program must be from a counseling program recognized by CACREP or from an institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Specific academic course content must include the following subject areas: The helping relationship, including counseling theory and practice; Human growth and development; Lifestyle and career development; Group dynamics, processes, counseling and consulting; Assessment and appraisal; Social and cultural foundations, including multicultural issues; Principles of etiology, treatment planning, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders and dysfunctional behavior; Family counseling and therapy; Research and evaluation; and Professional counseling orientation and ethics.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies
The Professional Counselors Section of the Marriage & Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board reviewed the standards of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE), researched the requirements of other states and convened a task force of educators in the areas of mental health counseling and rehabilitation counseling.
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business or in preparation of economic impact analysis
This rule addresses criteria for determining whether a program is equivalent to a master's degree in professional counseling and will not have an effect on small business. The requirements in the proposed rule are comparable to our neighboring states.
This rule was posted for public comment on the economic impact of the proposed rule, including how this proposed rule may affect businesses, local government units and individuals, for a period of 14 days. No comments were received relating to the economic impact of the rule.
Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis
The Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis is attached.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis or Summary
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Agency Contact Person
Sharon Henes, Paralegal, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 151, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708; telephone 608-261-2377; email at
DOA-2049 (R03/2012)
Division of Executive Budget and Finance
101 East Wilson Street, 10th Floor
P.O. Box 7864
Madison, WI 53707-7864
FAX: (608) 267-0372
Fiscal Estimate & Economic Impact Analysis
1. Type of Estimate and Analysis
X Original   Updated   Corrected
2. Administrative Rule Chapter, Title and Number
MPSW 10, 14 relating to education requirements
3. Subject
Education Requirements
4. Fund Sources Affected
5. Chapter 20, Stats. Appropriations Affected
6. Fiscal Effect of Implementing the Rule
No Fiscal Effect
Increase Existing Revenues
Decrease Existing Revenues
Increase Costs
X Could Absorb Within Agency's Budget
Decrease Cost
7. The Rule Will Impact the Following (Check All That Apply)
State's Economy
Local Government Units
Specific Businesses/Sectors
Public Utility Rate Payers
Small Businesses (if checked, complete Attachment A)
8. Would Implementation and Compliance Costs Be Greater Than $20 million?
Yes   X No
9. Policy Problem Addressed by the Rule
The policy problem addressed by this rule is the criteria necessary for an academic program to be equivalent to a master's degree in professional counseling or rehabilitation counseling. The revisions to the rule would increase the number of hours required in the program to be comparable to the majority of states, including our neighboring states. The new requirements are in line with the standards of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) and the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE).
10. Summary of the businesses, business sectors, associations representing business, local governmental units, and individuals that may be affected by the proposed rule that were contacted for comments.
Applicants for licensure as a professional counselor.
11. Identify the local governmental units that participated in the development of this EIA.
12. Summary of Rule's Economic and Fiscal Impact on Specific Businesses, Business Sectors, Public Utility Rate Payers, Local Governmental Units and the State's Economy as a Whole (Include Implementation and Compliance Costs Expected to be Incurred)
There is no economic or fiscal impact on specific businesses, business sectors, public utility rate payers, local governmental units. In preparation of the EIA, the rule was posted for economic comments for a period of at least 14 days and received no comments.
13. Benefits of Implementing the Rule and Alternative(s) to Implementing the Rule
The benefits to implementing the rule is to align our requirements with the standards of CACREP and CORE and to have our number of hours be comparable t the majority of states.
The alternative to the proposed change would be to have a lack of clarity in the course requirements standards as to what constitutes an equivalent program to a master's degree in professional counseling or rehabilitation counseling.
14. Long Range Implications of Implementing the Rule
The long range implication is for clarity in determining which programs are equivalent to a master's degree in professional counseling or rehabilitation counseling. The rule does have a future effective date of September 1, 2016 to provide the time necessary for the education programs to make adjustments in their course offerings and curriculum as well as give notice to the students pursuing their master's degrees.
15. Compare With Approaches Being Used by Federal Government
16. Compare With Approaches Being Used by Neighboring States (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota)
Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota require 48 semester hours. Iowa requires 60 credit hours. CACREP standards must be met in Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota. Illinois approves programs which are accredited by CACREP and CORE.
17. Contact Name
18. Contact Phone Number
Sharon Henes
(608) 261-2377
This document can be made available in alternate formats to individuals with disabilities upon request.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.