6. List with Description of all Entities that may be Affected by the Proposed Rule
  Wisconsin local governmental units (cities, towns, villages, sanitary districts, lake rehab & protection districts, water authorities, counties) — SDWLP applicants.
  Bond counsels — Hired by applicants to prepare municipal bond documents for SDWLP loan closings.
  Consulting engineers — Hired by applicants to plan, design, conduct bidding process, oversee construction and coordinate various players — including financial assistance agencies — in the projects.
  Financial advisors — Hired by applicants to advise them on best financial options for interim financing and permanent project financing.
  Municipal attorneys — Hired by applicants to prepare statements required by SDWLP for proof of land ownership and to provide legal advice related to other loan related documents and issues.
  Construction contractors & subcontractors — Awarded bids by applicants to construct necessary infrastructure projects; must follow certain program requirements such as paying Davis-Bacon wage rates, and soliciting and reporting utilization of disadvantaged business enterprises.
  DNR Bureau of Drinking Water & Groundwater — Provides technical expertise on drinking water issues, cooperates with SDWLP staff in setting overall program priorities, determines annual project priority scores, and reviews project plans and specifications.
  DNR Bureau of Endangered Resources — Conducts environmental reviews for SDWLP projects and shares findings with SDWLP staff.
  DNR Bureau of Facilities & Lands — Conducts review of project areas to determine impacts to historical/archaeological sites and shares findings with SDWLP staff.
  DNR Bureau of Legal Services — Provides legal counsel on proposed rule revisions and for SDWLP interpretations or actions related to unclear issues.
  DOA Capital Finance Office — Administers the SDWLP in cooperation with DNR.
  DOA Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program — Works cooperatively with the SDWLP to provide special funding packages for local governmental units that need assistance from more than one funding agency on a project.
  Wisconsin Historical Society (SHPO) — Provides expertise in historical/archaeological issues related to project sites.
  Wisconsin DOT Regional Offices and Division of Transportation System Development — Provide bidding and contract documentation to the SDWLP for projects let by DOT.
  Wisconsin Public Service Commission — Sets rates for applicant municipalities' water systems; works cooperatively with the SDWLP to assure applicants will be able to collect enough user fees to make scheduled payments on the SDWLP loan.
  U.S. Bureau of the Census — Provides income and other data needed for decision-making related to project priority scores and amount of subsidy municipalities receive.
  USDA Rural Development Wisconsin — Works cooperatively with the SDWLP to provide special funding packages for local governmental units that need assistance from more than one funding agency on a project.
  Wisconsin Rural Water Association — Provides training and assistance for water operators and municipal officials; carries out contract work related to the Safe Drinking Water Act goals; works cooperatively with the SDWLP and other funding agencies to help its members finance their water infrastructure projects.
7. Summary and Preliminary Comparison with any Existing or Proposed Federal Regulation that is Intended to Address the Activities to be Regulated by the Proposed Rule
Drinking water state revolving loan programs in each state must comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act and Amendments, federal regulations under 40 CFR Parts 9 and 35, EPA Guidelines, and grant conditions specific to each annual capitalization grant the state receives. Our current statutes already include the major requirements for drinking water state revolving funds, as identified in Section 3. A. above.
Additional requirements have been imposed by the federal government through the federal appropriation process in recent years. For example, one of the federal regulations that impacts small businesses performing construction work is the requirement that Davis-Bacon wages must be paid to workers. Another example is the requirement to award additional subsidization.
8. Anticipated Economic Impact of Implementing the Rule (Note if the Rule is Likely to have a Significant Economic Impact on Small Businesses)
The proposed rule would likely have a positive impact on small businesses. It will help streamline processes and enhance the efficiency of funding municipal infrastructure projects. Construction of infrastructure projects has a direct link to engineering and construction jobs and helps local and state economies. The proposed rule would also remove some uncertainty regarding requirements that engineering and construction companies involved in SDWLP projects must follow, as DNR would be able to relay more quickly to businesses what Congress requires each year.
Contact Person
Jeanne Cargill, 608-267-7587.
Public Defender
This Statement of Scope was approved by the governor in writing on April 15, 2013.
Rule No.
Revises sections PD 3.02 (1), 6.01, and 6.02 (1).
Relating to
Creation of a Felony Diversion case category.
Rule Type
1. Finding/Nature of Emergency (Emergency Rule Only)
Not applicable.
2. Detailed Description of the Objective of the Proposed Rule
This proposed rule will revise three sections of the PD administrative code to include a new “felony diversion" case category. This proposed case category will apply to cases in which the SPD and the prosecutor negotiate felony diversion agreements as an alternative to the filing of formal criminal charges.
SPD case categories reflect the anticipated cost of retained counsel and set the required payment amounts for legal representation. The proposed rule adds the felony diversion case category to three schedules: cost of retained counsel, s. PD 3.02 (1); payment for legal representation, s. PD 6.01; and discount option, s. PD 6.02 (1). The SPD currently provides representation in diversion cases within the case category of “special proceedings." The SPD's data for felony diversion cases show that the attorney time required to handle these matters generally exceeds the time required to provide representation in other special proceedings. This new felony diversion case category will more accurately reflect the amount of time attorneys spend when representing clients in felony diversion cases.
The proposed rule will change neither the number nor the nature of cases in which the SPD appoints attorneys.
3. Description of the Existing Policies Relevant to the Rule, New Policies Proposed to be Included in the Rule, and an Analysis of Policy Alternatives
Policies relevant to this rule are consistent with existing polices regarding the cost of retained counsel and payment for legal representation. The anticipated cost of counsel reflects the likely cost for a prospective client to hire a private attorney. The SPD includes this amount in its determination of an applicant's financial eligibility for SPD services. The required payment for legal representation reflects the average attorney costs for the SPD in the respective case categories.
The anticipated cost of retaining counsel in special proceedings is $750, which reflects the expectation that these case categories are less time-intensive than most other cases. A felony diversion case category will reflect the greater time generally required to provide representation in the diversion of potential felony charges. The anticipated cost of retaining counsel for this new case category will be $1,500, which is a lower cost than the $2,200 to $17,500 for other felonies, but more than the $750 for special proceedings. s. PD 3.02 (1).
The payment for legal representation in felony cases is $480 to $7,500, and for special proceedings it is $120; the payment for Felony Diversion cases will be $240. The discount payment for felony diversion cases will be $60, which is the same as other felony cases. ss. PD 6.01 and 6.02 (1).
The SPD role in these felony diversion cases encompasses initial review with the client of the potential charges, negotiations leading to a diversion agreement, and follow-up with the client to assist the client in meeting the conditions of the agreement. The follow-up includes encouraging client participation in treatment and other programming, documenting client compliance, and reporting the client's progress to the District Attorney's office.
As part of the trend toward adopting evidence-based practices within the justice system, some counties have significantly expanded the use of pre-charging diversion agreements. These agreements generally occur after an arrest and after negotiations between the defense attorney and the prosecutor. Although diversion has historically been more prevalent in misdemeanor case, Milwaukee County has in recent years successfully diverted hundreds of potential non-violent felony charges. The SPD anticipates that other counties will follow this example and expand diversion of potential felony cases.
4. Detailed Explanation of Statutory Authority for the Rule (Including the Statutory Citation and Language)
The state public defender provides legal services for indigent individuals involved in the criminal justice system under ch. 977, Wis. Stats. This chapter requires the state public defender board to consider the anticipated costs of effective representation for the case category in which the person seeks representation and to promulgate rules for payments to the state public defender for that representation.
Section 977.02 (3) (a), Stats., requires the public defender board to consider the anticipated costs of effective representation for the type of case in which the person seeks representation.
Section 977.02 (4m), Stats., requires the state public defender board to promulgate rules for payments to the state public defender under s. 977.075, Stats.
Section 977.075, Stats., requires the state public defender board to establish by rule a fee schedule that sets the amount that a client responsible for payment shall pay for the cost of the legal representation if the client does not pay the applicable discount fee. The schedule must establish a fee for a given type of case, and the fee for a given type of case must be based on the average cost, as determined by the board, for representation for that type of case.
5. Estimate of Amount of Time that State Employees Will Spend Developing the Rule and of Other Resources Necessary to Develop the Rule
The proposed rule will require minimal state employee time. The proposed rule adds the felony diversion case category to three schedules: the cost of retained counsel, s. PD 3.02 (1); payment for legal representation, s. PD 6.01; and discount option, s. PD 6.02 (1).
6. List with Description of all Entities that may be Affected by the Proposed Rule
This rule is applicable only to individual SPD clients. The rule will require individuals who are represented in felony diversion cases to pay $240 toward the cost of their representation, which is lower than for other felony cases. This increased cost reflects the significant time attorneys invest in felony diversion cases. Clients also have the option to pay a lower discount amount of $60 as provided in s. PD 6.02 (1).
7. Summary and Preliminary Comparison with any Existing or Proposed Federal Regulation that is Intended to Address the Activities to be Regulated by the Proposed Rule
The SPD is not aware of any existing or proposed federal regulation that addresses the case categories of the Wisconsin SPD.
8. Anticipated Economic Impact of Implementing the Rule (Note if the Rule is Likely to have a Significant Economic Impact on Small Businesses)
As this rule would impact only individual clients of the SPD, there is no anticipated economic impact of implementing the rule. There is no likelihood of a significant economic impact on small businesses.
Contact Person
Devon M. Lee, Legal Counsel, 315 N. Henry Street, 2nd Floor, Madison, WI 53703. (608) 261-0633. leede@opd.wi.gov.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.