Public Notices
Department of Children and Families
Child Care Development Fund Plan
Public Hearing: On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF), will hold a public hearing on Wisconsin's plan for providing child care services under the 2013-2015 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Draft Plan. The public hearing will take place in Conference Room D203 at the GEF 1 State Office Building, 201 East Washington Avenue, Madison, WI 53703. Visitors to GEF 1 must use the main entrance at 201 East Washington Avenue and register at the customer service desk in the lobby.
Background: The purpose of the public hearing is to solicit verbal or written comments from the public on Wisconsin's proposed plan for the use of federal CCDF dollars for the period of 10/01/13 through 09/30/15.
Every two years, DCF must submit a plan to the Administration for Children and Families for the use of CCDF funds over the next two years. This is an important source of funding for financing child care subsidy in Wisconsin and related programs as well as quality improvement initiatives in early care and education. Broadly speaking, the purpose of CCDF is to:
  Help low income families through offsetting the costs of child care when the are working or preparing for work;
  Support child care for participants in the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program;
  Support ongoing fraud detection efforts; and,
  To provide support that improves the quality of child care programs and services.
In the area of improving quality, funding is used to pay for the YoungStar Quality Rating Improvement System, scholarships and support for child care workers, licensing staff, to support child care resource and referral services, and to support technical assistance for child care providers. In Wisconsin, the legislative process provides direction and decisions for the use of this fund, and the DCF/Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) is responsible for its administration.
Opportunity for Public Comment: Interested parties can access the 2013-2015 CCDF Draft Plan on the Department of Children and Families Child Care web page under the heading, “Other Child Care Resources," at
Individuals who plan to testify about the CCDF Draft Plan on June 4, 2013, should submit a copy of the text of their comments to ensure clarity in the recording of comments. Staff will also receive other written comments at the hearing or through the mail for inclusion in the public comment summary document. Written comments will receive equal consideration to the testimony given at the hearing.
Contact Person: Please send your comments about the 2013-2015 CCDF Draft Plan or any questions about the web page location to Jane Penner-Hoppe by e-mail at or contact her at: Division of Early Care and Education, Department of Children and Families, PO Box 8916, Madison, WI 53708-8916, 608.261-6725. All comments must be received no later than 6/5/13. If you have specific accommodation requests for the public hearing, please contact Jane Penner-Hoppe by May 29, 2013.
Department of Health Services
Medical Assistance Reimbursement to Hospitals
Pay for Performance Payment Plan for Hospital Assessment
The State of Wisconsin reimburses hospitals for services provided to Medical Assistance recipients under the authority of Title XIX of the Social Security Act and Chapter 49 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. This program, administered by the State's Department of Health Services (Department), is called Medicaid or Medical Assistance. In addition, Wisconsin has expanded this program to create BadgerCare and BadgerCare Plus programs under the authority of Title XIX and Title XXI of the Social Security Act and ss. 49.471, 49.4665, and 49.67 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Federal statutes and regulation require that a state plan be developed that provides the methods and standards for reimbursement of covered services. A plan that describes the reimbursement system for the services (methods and standards for reimbursement) is now in effect.
The Department is proposing to modify the inpatient hospital pay-for-performance measures and associated payment rates for the current measurement cycle. The measurement cycle will be from May 15, 2013, through March 31, 2014. At the conclusion of the proposed ten and a half month measurement cycle the Department will transition to an annual twelve month measurement cycle beginning April 1, 2014, and April 1 in subsequent years.
The Department is removing two measures from the Perinatal Reporting portion of the program. The two changes listed below will continue into future cycles:
1.   Eliminating the C-Section with Labor reporting requirement
2.   Eliminating the C-Section without Labor reporting requirement
The pay for performance measures are projected to distribute $5,000,000 all funds in the upcoming measurement cycle, composed of $1,978,000 general purpose revenue (GPR) and $3,022,000 federal funds (FED).
The Department will make payments prior to December 31, 2014, and prior to December 31 in subsequent years to those hospitals that meet the performance requirements.
The effective date of the change will be May 15, 2013.
Copies of Proposed Change
A copy of the proposed change may be obtained free of charge at your local county agency or by calling or writing as follows:
Regular Mail
Division of Health Care Access and Accountability
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 537001-0309
State Contact
Sean Gartley
Bureau of Benefits Management
(608) 267-9313 (phone)
(608) 266-1096 (fax)
A copy of the proposed change is available for review at the main office of any county department of social services or human services. Department staff have notified the health directors of Native American tribes in Wisconsin of this proposal and will consult with them.
Written Comments
Written comments are welcome. Written comments on the proposed change may be sent by FAX, email, or regular mail to the Division of Health Care Access and Accountability. The FAX number is (608) 266-1096. The email address is Regular mail can be sent to the address above. All written comments will be reviewed and considered.
All written comments received will be available for public review between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily in Room 350 of State Office Building, 1 West Wilson Street, Madison, Wisconsin. Revisions may be made in the proposed changed pay for performance measures based on comments received.
Department of Health Services
Medical Assistance Reimbursement to Hospitals
Pay For Performance Hospital Withhold
The State of Wisconsin reimburses providers, including hospitals, for services provided to Medical Assistance recipients under the authority of Title XIX of the Social Security Act and ss. 44.43 to 49.47, Wisconsin Statutes. This program, administered by the State's Department of Health Services (the Department), is called Medical Assistance (MA) or Medicaid. In addition, Wisconsin has expanded this program to create BadgerCare and BadgerCare Plus programs under the authority of Title XIX and Title XXI of the Social Security Act and ss. 49.471, 49.4665, and 49.67 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Federal statutes and regulation require that a state plan be developed that provides the methods and standards for reimbursement of covered services. A plan that describes the reimbursement system for the services (methods and standards for reimbursement) is now in effect.
The Department is modifying its withhold-based inpatient / outpatient hospital pay for performance program. Fee-for-service inpatient hospital claims with dates of discharge between May 15, 2013, and March 31, 2014, and fee-for-service outpatient hospital claims with dates of service between May 15, 2013, and March 31, 2014, will be subject to a 1.5% withholding on each payable inpatient and outpatient hospital claim amount. At the conclusion of the proposed ten and a half month measurement cycle, the Department will transition to an annual twelve month measurement cycle beginning April 1, 2014, and April 1 in subsequent years.
In addition to the change in duration of the measurement cycle, the Department will make the following two changes from the previous cycle's measures.
1.   The Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Measure will be transitioned from pay for reporting (i.e., if a hospital reports data for the measure it is deemed in compliance) to pay for performance (i.e. hospital is evaluated on its performance as compared to its baseline and / or the national average).
2.   The Department will add an Early Elective Induced Delivery measure as a pay for reporting measure (i.e., if a hospital reports data for the measure it is deemed in compliance).
The Department will make payments to hospitals prior to December 31, 2014, and prior to December 31 in subsequent years to those hospitals that meet the performance requirements.
The fiscal impact of this change is likely to be minimal. As in previous years, the total amount redistributed is funded through the 1.5 percent withheld from fee-for-service claims. Based on data from previous years, the Department anticipates total payments of approximately $6 million all funds, composed of approximately $3.6 million federal monies, or FED, and $2.4 million general purpose revenues, or GPR. The amount of the actual payments will be determined by the accounting performed as to which hospitals met performance-based targets prior to December 31, 2013, and prior to December 31 of subsequent years.
The effective date of the change will be May 15, 2013.
Copies of Proposed Change
A copy of the proposed change may be obtained free of charge at your local county agency or by calling or writing as follows:
Regular Mail
Division of Health Care Access and Accountability
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 537001-0309
State Contact
Sean Gartley
Bureau of Benefits Management
(608) 267-9313 (phone)
(608) 266-1096 (fax)
A copy of the proposed change is available for review at the main office of any county department of social services or human services. Department staff have notified the health directors of Native American tribes in Wisconsin of this proposal and will consult with them.
Written Comments
Written comments are welcome. Written comments on the proposed change may be sent by FAX, email, or regular mail to the Division of Health Care Access and Accountability. The FAX number is (608) 266-1096. The email address is Regular mail can be sent to the address above. All written comments will be reviewed and considered.
All written comments received will be available for public review between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily in Room 350 of State Office Building, 1 West Wilson Street, Madison, Wisconsin. Revisions may be made in the proposed changed pay for performance measures based on comments received.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.