SECTIONS 1, 3, 5, and 11-32 update scientific, common, and family names. These changes reflect current understanding of the scientific community and include mostly placement of species into a different Genus or taxonomic group. Several discrepancies in spelling and missing common names are also corrected. All of these taxa are still regarded as valid species.
SECTIONS 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 add the Blanding's turtle to the list of Wild Protected Animals, Captive Wildlife Exemptions, and to the turtle season's and limits in Wisconsin's waters to protect them from harvest and collection.
SECTIONS 9 and 10 replace the list of endangered and threatened U.S. foreign and native species with a link to the latest publication as published in the Government Printing Office's Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants 50 eCFR 17.11 and 17.12. This “adoption by reference" meets the expectation set by Wis. Stats. 29.604 (3) (b) to establish the list of wild animals and wild plants on the U.S. list of endangered and threatened foreign species; wild animals and wild plants on the U.S. list of endangered and threatened native species. The U.S. list is updated daily and is found on the US Fish and Wildlife Services' endangered species web page (
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal statutes and regulations
There are no federal regulations that would be in conflict with this proposed action. Blanding's turtles are not federally listed. In 2013, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service proposed addition of the Blanding's turtle to The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) list:
Comparison with similar rules in adjacent states
There are similar possession laws in adjacent other states. The Blanding's turtle is state protected in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. In Michigan, Blanding's turtles shall not be taken or possessed except as authorized by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies used and how any related findings support the regulatory approach chosen
Since 1979, when the Blanding's turtle was added to the threatened list, there has not been a pet or food trade industry for this species in the state. However, as a result of delisting, the Blanding's turtle is subject to turtle harvest regulations as all turtles not listed as threatened or endangered in ch.
NR 27 or otherwise specified have a 135-day open season between July 15 and November 30 where the public may capture and possess up to 5 individuals.
Internationally there is concern for this species because of the increasing trend in the pet trade and commercial collecting. Regionally the Blanding's turtle is state protected in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. In Michigan, Blanding's turtles cannot be taken or possessed except as authorized by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources.
As stated by the Department in the final adopted rule order for ER-27-11, that while the Blanding's turtle no longer meets the scientific criteria for listing as Threatened, the population is vulnerable to harvest and collection and should be added to the Protected Wild Animal list (s.
NR 10.02) and harvest/collection limits.
These proposed rule changes were developed with the assistance of the Bureaus of Natural Heritage Conservation, Fisheries Management, Wildlife Management, and Legal Services.
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine the effect on small business or in preparation of an economic impact report
Pursuant to s.
227.137, Wis. Stats., the department is required to solicit comments on the economic impact of the proposed rule. Small businesses, as defined in s.
227.114 (1), Wis. Stats., were be asked to identify themselves as a small business in their comments. No comments were received in the 2-week comment period between January 22 and February 5, 2014.
The department anticipates minimal economic impact, with few entities affected as collection and possession limits will not change. Interested parties may include individuals using turtles as bait or food, and parties interested in developing a pet/food trade for the Blanding's turtle in Wisconsin.
Effect on Small Business (Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis)
Pursuant to s.
227.137, Wis. Stats., the department is required to solicit comments on the economic impact of proposed rule. Small businesses, as defined in s.
227.114 (1), Wis. Stats., were asked to identify themselves as a small business in their comments. No comments were received in the 2-week EIA comment period held between January 22 and February 5, 2014. The Department's email distribution list will be submitted to the Governor's Office of Regulatory Compliance. The EIA does not indicate that the proposed rule is reasonably expected to have a total impact of $20,000,000 in implementation and compliance costs.
The department will submit the rule package and economic impact analysis to the Wisconsin Legislative Council under s.
227.15, Wis. Stats., and hearings on the proposed rule will be held by the department after proper notice in accordance with ss.
227.17 and
227.18, Wis. Stats. A small business regulatory flexibility analysis that contains the provisions in s.
227.19 (3) (e), Stats., will be included in the final rule order.
Environmental Analysis
The Department has made a preliminary determination that adoption of the proposed rules would not involve significant adverse environmental effects and would not need an environmental analysis under ch.
NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code. However, based on comments received, an environmental analysis may be prepared before proceeding. This analysis would summarize the Department's consideration of the impacts of the proposal and any reasonable alternatives.
Fiscal Estimate Summary
These proposed rules do not establish any requirements on businesses or local units of government.
The department anticipates minimal economic impact as the proposed rule changes will continue similar possession and collection limits that the Blanding's turtle received under the protections afforded to the species on Wisconsin's Threatened species list. The Blanding's turtle was added to the Threatened species list in 1979. As such, there has not been a market for its collection and possession since then. No changes to the permitting process for researchers and rehabilitators are expected as part of this proposed rule change.
Agency Contact Persons
Terrell Hyde, (608) 264-9255,
terrell.hyde@wisconsin. gov or Erin Crain, (608) 267-7479, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Conservation NH/6, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
DOA-2049 (R03/2012)
Division of Executive Budget and Finance
101 East Wilson Street, 10th Floor
P.O. Box 7864
Madison, WI 53707-7864
FAX: (608) 267-0372
Fiscal Estimate & Economic Impact Analysis
1. Type of Estimate and Analysis
X Original ⍽
Updated ⍽ Corrected
2. Administrative Rule Chapter, Title and Number
This rule modifies Ch.'s NR 10 related to the list of Wild Protected Animals, NR 16 related to Captive Wildlife – Reptile and Amphibian Possession Exemptions, NR 27 related to the list of US and Wisconsin Endangered and Threatened species, and Ch.'s NR 19, NR 21, and NR 22 related to turtle seasons and limits.
3. Subject
Preliminary economic impact analysis for public comment relating to adding Blanding's turtles (Emyoidea blandingi) to the list of Wild Protected Animals, and eliminating harvest and collection through the Department's list of turtle seasons and limits and captive wildlife exemptions.
4. Fund Sources Affected
5. Chapter 20, Stats. Appropriations Affected
6. Fiscal Effect of Implementing the Rule
⍽ No Fiscal Effect
⍽ Indeterminate
⍽ Increase Existing Revenues
⍽ Decrease Existing Revenues
⍽ Increase Costs
X Could Absorb Within Agency's Budget
⍽ Decrease Cost
7. The Rule Will Impact the Following (Check All That Apply)
⍽ State's Economy
⍽ Local Government Units
⍽ Specific Businesses/Sectors
⍽ Public Utility Rate Payers
⍽ Small Businesses (if checked, complete Attachment A)
8. Would Implementation and Compliance Costs Be Greater Than $20 million?
⍽ Yes
X No
9. Policy Problem Addressed by the Rule
The objective of this proposed rule is to protect Blanding's turtles from the threat of harvest and collection since they were removed from the Wisconsin Threatened species list. The Blanding's turtle was delisted on January 1, 2014 per administrative rule ER-27-11. This emergency and permanent rule is a follow-up action that was proposed during the public comment for ER-27-11. As stated by the Department in the final adopted rule order for ER-27-11, that while the Blanding's turtle no longer meets the scientific criteria for listing as Threatened, the population is vulnerable to harvest and collection and should be added to the Protected Wild Animal list (NR 10.02) and harvest/collection limits.
Since 1979, when the Blanding's turtle was added to the threatened list, there has not been a pet or food trade industry for this species in the state. However, as a result of delisting, the Blanding's turtle is subject to turtle harvest regulations as all turtles not listed as threatened or endangered in NR 27 or otherwise specified have a 135-day open season between July 15 and November 30 where the public may capture and possess up to 5 individuals.
Internationally there is concern for this species because of the increasing trend in the pet trade and commercial collecting. Regionally the Blanding's turtle is state protected in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. In Michigan, Blanding's turtles cannot be taken or possessed except as authorized by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources.
The proposed rule changes will continue similar possession and collection limits that the Blanding's turtle received on the State's Threatened list. As such, minimal controversy is anticipated.
10. Summary of the businesses, business sectors, associations representing business, local governmental units, and individuals that may be affected by the proposed rule that were contacted for comments.
Pursuant to s. 227.137, Wis. Stats., the department was required to solicit comments on the economic impact of the proposed rule. Small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114(1), Wis. Stats., were asked to identify themselves as a small business in their comments. The 2-week EIA comment period was between January 22 and February 5, 2014. No comments were received.
The department anticipates minimal economic impact, with few entities affected as collection and possession limits will not change. Interested parties may include individuals using turtles as bait or food, and parties interested in developing a pet/food trade for the Blanding's turtle in Wisconsin.
11. Identify the local governmental units that participated in the development of this EIA.
Pursuant to s. 227.137 Wis. Stats., the department is required to solicit comments on the economic impact of the proposed rule, and if requested to coordinate with local governments in the preparation of an Economic Impact Analysis (EIA). No comments or requests to coordinate were received.
12. Summary of Rule's Economic and Fiscal Impact on Specific Businesses, Business Sectors, Public Utility Rate Payers, Local Governmental Units and the State's Economy as a Whole (Include Implementation and Compliance Costs Expected to be Incurred)
The department anticipates minimal economic impact as the proposed rule changes will continue similar possession and collection limits that the Blanding's turtle received under the protections afforded to the species on Wisconsin's Threatened species list. The Blanding's turtle was added to the Threatened species list in 1979. As such, there has not been a market for its collection and possession since then.
No changes to the permitting process for researchers and rehabilitators are expected as part of this proposed rule change. As part of the administrative rule ER-27-11, researchers will need to apply for a Scientific Collectors Permit or Research License Authorization to collect or possess a Blanding's turtle instead of an Endangered and Threatened Species Permit.
The effect of this proposed rule will be minimal with few entities affected as collection and possession limits will not change. Interested parties may include individuals using turtles as bait or food, and parties interested in developing a Blanding's turtle pet/food trade in the state.
These proposed rules do not establish any requirements on businesses or local units of government.
13. Benefits of Implementing the Rule and Alternative(s) to Implementing the Rule
The objective of this rule is to protect Blanding's turtles from the threat of harvest and collection since they were removed from the Wisconsin Threatened species list. Given the population-age structure of the species, the impact of collection may be severe enough to place the Blanding's turtle's long term survival in the state in jeopardy, causing the species to be considered for addition back to the state's endangered and threatened species list. The proposed rule changes will continue similar possession and collection limits that the Blanding's turtle received on the State's Threatened list. As such, minimal controversy is anticipated.
14. Long Range Implications of Implementing the Rule
The long range implications of this rule proposal will be the same as the short term implications in protecting the Blanding's turtle from the threat of harvest and collection and keeping them off the Wisconsin Threatened species list. These rule proposals will continue harvest and collection limits that the Blanding's turtle received while listed on the State's Threatened species list.
15. Compare With Approaches Being Used by Federal Government
There are no federal regulations that would be in conflict with the proposed rule changes. The proposed changes would support the United States Fish and Wildlife Service proposed addition of the Blanding's turtle to The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) list:
16. Compare With Approaches Being Used by Neighboring States (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota)
There are similar laws in other states. The Blanding's turtle is state protected in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. In Michigan, Blanding's turtles shall not be taken or possessed except as authorized by the Director of the Department of Natural Resources.
17. Contact Name
18. Contact Phone Number
Terrell Hyde
This document can be made available in alternate formats to individuals with disabilities upon request.
Notice of Hearing
Safety and Professional Services —
Pharmacy Examining Board
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to authority vested in the Pharmacy Examining Board in sections 15.08 (5) (b) and 450.02 (2), Wis. Stats., and interpreting sections 450.035 and 450.085, Wis. Stats., the Pharmacy Examining Board will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated below to consider an order to amend sections
Phar 1.02 (7),
7.10, and
16.03, relating to council and exam names.
Hearing Dates and Locations
Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: 1400 East Washington Avenue
Room 121A
(Enter at 55 North Dickinson Street)
Madison, WI
Appearances at the Hearing
Interested persons are invited to present information at the hearing. Persons appearing may make an oral presentation but are urged to submit facts, opinions and argument in writing as well. Facts, opinions and argument may also be submitted in writing without a personal appearance by mail addressed to Sharon Henes, Administrative Rules Coordinator, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, P.O. Box 8366, Madison, Wisconsin 53708. Written comments must be received at or before the public hearing to be included in the record of rule-making proceedings.
Place Where Comments are to be Submitted and Deadline For Submission
Comments may be submitted to Sharon Henes, Administrative Rules Coordinator, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 151, P.O. Box 8366, Madison, WI 53708-8935, or by email to Comments must be received at or before the public hearing to be held on
March 26, 2014, to be included in the record of rule-making proceedings.
Copies of Rule
Copies of this proposed rule are available upon request to Sharon Henes, Administrative Rules Coordinator, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 1400 East Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8366, Madison, Wisconsin 53708, or by email at
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Safety and Professional Services
Statutes interpreted
Statutory authority
Explanation of agency authority
The board has authority to promulgate rules for the guidance of the profession and to interpret the provisions of the statutes it enforces. The board shall adopt rules defining the active practice of pharmacy.
Related statute or rule
Plain language analysis
Section 1 capitalizes the proper name of the examination.
Sections 2 and 3 correct the name of the organization which approves the course of study to Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as amended in the statutes by
2013 Act 124. In addition, Section 3 removes the qualification of “pharmacist" for attendance and deletes in the note the reference to a list of board approved programs which is no longer compiled.
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulation
Comparison with rules in adjacent states
Illinois: Illinois administrative code references the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education and the North American Pharmacy Licensing Examination.
Iowa: Iowa administrative code references the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education and the North American Pharmacy Licensing Examination.
Michigan: Michigan administrative code references the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education and the North American Pharmacy Licensing Examination.
Minnesota: Minnesota administrative code references the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education and the North American Pharmacy Licensing Examination.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business or in preparation of economic impact analysis
The rule was posted for economic impact comments for 14 days and none received.
Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis
The Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis is attached.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis or Summary
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s.
227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Agency Contact Person
Sharon Henes, Administrative Rules Coordinator, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 151, P.O. Box 8366, Madison, Wisconsin 53708; telephone 608-261-2377; email at
DOA-2049 (R03/2012)
Division of Executive Budget and Finance
101 East Wilson Street, 10th Floor
P.O. Box 7864
Madison, WI 53707-7864
FAX: (608) 267-0372
Fiscal Estimate & Economic Impact Analysis
1. Type of Estimate and Analysis
X Original ⍽ Updated ⍽ Corrected
2. Administrative Rule Chapter, Title and Number
Phar 1, 7, 16
3. Subject
Council and exam name
4. Fund Sources Affected
5. Chapter 20, Stats. Appropriations Affected
6. Fiscal Effect of Implementing the Rule
X No Fiscal Effect
⍽ Indeterminate
⍽ Increase Existing Revenues
⍽ Decrease Existing Revenues
⍽ Increase Costs
⍽ Could Absorb Within Agency's Budget
⍽ Decrease Cost
7. The Rule Will Impact the Following (Check All That Apply)
⍽ State's Economy
⍽ Local Government Units
⍽ Specific Businesses/Sectors
⍽ Public Utility Rate Payers
⍽ Small Businesses (if checked, complete Attachment A)
8. Would Implementation and Compliance Costs Be Greater Than $20 million?
⍽ Yes X No
9. Policy Problem Addressed by the Rule
This rule corrects the names of the North American Pharmacy Licensing Examination and Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
10. Summary of the businesses, business sectors, associations representing business, local governmental units, and individuals that may be affected by the proposed rule that were contacted for comments.
11. Identify the local governmental units that participated in the development of this EIA.
12. Summary of Rule's Economic and Fiscal Impact on Specific Businesses, Business Sectors, Public Utility Rate Payers, Local Governmental Units and the State's Economy as a Whole (Include Implementation and Compliance Costs Expected to be Incurred)
13. Benefits of Implementing the Rule and Alternative(s) to Implementing the Rule
The benefit is to refer to both the exam and education council by their correct proper names.
14. Long Range Implications of Implementing the Rule
The benefit is to refer to both the exam and education council by their correct proper names.
15. Compare With Approaches Being Used by Federal Government
16. Compare With Approaches Being Used by Neighboring States (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota)
Our neighboring states reference the North American Pharmacy Licensing Examination and Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
17. Contact Name
18. Contact Phone Number
Sharon Henes
(608) 261-2377
This document can be made available in alternate formats to individuals with disabilities upon request.