:   (CLEARINGHOUSE RULE )
An order of the Physical Therapy Examining Board to repeal ss. PT 1.02 (2) and 3.02; to amend ss. PT 1.04 and 8.02; to repeal and recreate s. PT 8.05, relating to temporary reentry licensure.
Analysis prepared by the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
Statutes interpreted:
Sections 448.53 and 448.55, Stats.
Statutory authority:
Sections 15.08 (5) (b), 227.11 (2) (a), and 448.55 (3), Stats.
Explanation of agency authority:
Pursuant to ss. 15.08 (5) (b) and 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., the Physical Therapy Examining Board (Board) is generally empowered to promulgate rules that will provide guidance within the profession and that interpret the statutes it enforces or administers. Pursuant to s. 448.55 (3), Stats., the Board has express authority to, “promulgate rules that require an applicant for renewal of a license to demonstrate continued competence as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.” These proposed rules will give guidance within the profession regarding the requirements for renewing a license. Therefore, the Board is empowered both generally and specifically to promulgate the proposed rule.
Related statute or rule:
Wis. Admin Code chs. PT 1, 3 and 8
Plain language analysis:
The Physical Therapy Examining Board (Board) reviewed its rules and determined that certain provisions needed clarifying. First, s. PT 1.04 was amended by removing language regarding the application deadline date. By requiring the completed application include all required documents including verified documentary evidence of graduation from a school of physical therapy by the application deadline date the Board is in fact requiring applicants to complete their postsecondary education as a condition of taking the exam. The deadline date was removed in keeping with 2013 Wisconsin Act 114 which required boards to refrain from requiring the completion of postsecondary education before an applicant is eligible to take a credentialing examination. Secondly, the Board decided to repeal the temporary reentry license found in s. PT 3.02 and the term candidate for reentry in s. PT 1.02 (2). These provisions were originally designed to allow persons who had not practiced as a physical therapist for a period of 3 years or more an opportunity to gain clinical experience while waiting for full licensure. However, s. PT 2.01 (h) already addresses applicants returning to the practice of physical therapy after a 3 year absence by requiring an oral examination. Lastly, the Board revised requirements for reinstatement of a license found in s. PT 8.05 by adding conditions applicants need to follow if their license has been surrendered, revoked, or has unmet disciplinary requirements.
SECTION 1. repeals the term candidate for reentry from the Definitions section.
SECTION 2. removes the deadline date from the s. PT 1.04.
SECTION 3. repeals the temporary reentry license.
SECTION 4. removes the application form language from s. PT 8.02.
SECTION 5. amends the reinstatement language found in s. PT 8.05 by adding a provision on unmet discipline.  
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulation:
Comparison with rules in adjacent states:
Illinois: Illinois allows restoration of license which has been expired or on inactive status for more than 5 years. Ill Admin. Code tit. 68 §1340.60 a). Licensees must do one of the following to restore their license: (1) submit certification of current licensure from another state or territory, (2) submit an affidavit attesting to military service, (3) pass the National Physical Therapy Examination, or (4) submit evidence of recent attendance at an educational program in physical therapy.
Iowa:   Iowa allows reactivation of a license that has been on inactive status for more than five years. Licensees must provide verification of a license from every jurisdiction in which the licensee was licensed or has practiced during the time period that the licensee’s Iowa license was inactive. The licensee must also provide verification of completion of 80 hours of continuing education within 2 years of the application for reactivation. 645 Iowa Admin. Code 200.15.
Michigan: Michigan allows relicensure of a license that has lapsed for 3 years or more. Licensees must: (1) submit a completed application on a form provided by the department, (2) pass an examination of Michigan laws and rules related to the practice of physical therapy, and (3) either establish that licensee has been employed as a physical therapist in another jurisdiction or pass the National Physical Therapy Examination. Mich. Admin. Code R.338.7137 (2).
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.