Section 4.   Med 1.02 (3) (cm) is created to read:
  Med 1.02 (3) (cm) An applicant may apply to the board for waiver of the requirements of par. (a) or (b) on grounds of prolonged illness or disability or other similar circumstances, and each case will be considered individually on its merits by the board.
Section 5.   Med 1.06 (1) (a) (intro.) and 9., (b), and (d) are amended to read:
  Med 1.06 (1) (a) (intro.) All applicants shall complete the computer-based examination under sub. (3) (b), and an open book examination on statutes and rules governing the practice of medicine and surgery in Wisconsin. In addition, an applicant may be required to complete an oral interview examination if the applicant:
  9. Has within the past 2 years engaged in the illegal use of controlled substances.
  (b) An application filed under s. Med 1.02 shall be reviewed by an application review panel of at least 2 board members designated by the chairperson of the board. The panel shall determine whether the applicant is eligible for a regular license without completing an oral interview examination.
  (d) Written and computer-based All written examinations and oral interviews examinations as required shall be scored separately and the applicant shall achieve a passing grade on all examinations to qualify for a license.
Section 6.   Med 1.06 (2) is repealed.
Section 7.   Med 1.06 (3) (a) and (b) are amended to read:
  Med 1.06 (3) (a) The board accepts the results of the FLEX examination administered on or before December 31, 1993, as its written examination and requires a score of not less than 75.0 on each component of the 2-component 75 on both Component 1 and Component 2 of the FLEX examination administered on or after January 1, 1985. Every applicant shall have taken the complete 2-component examination the first time the applicant was admitted to the FLEX examination.
  (b) Commencing January 1, 1994, the board accepts requires the 3-step USMLE sequence as its written or computer-based examination and administers step 3 of the sequence. Minimum standard The minimum passing scores score for each step Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 shall be not less than 75.0 75 on the 2-digit scale. Step 2 CS, which is scored as pass or fail, shall be passed. Applicants who have completed a standard M.D. training or D.O. medical education program shall complete all 3 steps of the examination sequence within 10 years from the date upon which the applicant first passes a step, either step Step 1 or step Step 2. Applicants who have completed a combined M.D. or D.O. and Ph.D. medical scientist training program shall complete all 3 steps of the examination sequence within 12 years from the date upon which the applicant first passes a step, either step Step 1 or step Step 2. Applicants who have passed a step may not repeat the step unless required to do so in order to comply with the 10-year or 12-year time limit. If the applicant fails to achieve a passing grade on any step, the applicant may apply for and be reexamined on only the step failed according to the reexamination provisions of s. Med 1.08 (1).
Section 8.   Med 1.06 (3) (bm) is created to read:
  Med 1.06 (3) (bm) The board shall waive completion of the 3-step USMLE sequence for an applicant who has passed all 3 levels of the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination, commonly known as the COMLEX-USA. The applicant shall have achieved a minimum passing score for Level 1, Level 2-CE, and Level 3 of not less than 75 on the 2-digit scale. Level 2-PE, which is scored as pass or fail, shall have been passed.
Section 9.   Med 1.06 (3) (c), (d), (e), and (f) (intro.) and 2. are amended to read:
  Med 1.06 (3) (c) Prior to the January 1, 2000, the board shall waive completion of steps Steps 1 and 2 of the USMLE sequence for applicants who have passed FLEX component Component 1; and shall waive step Step 3 of the USMLE sequence for applicants who have passed FLEX component Component 2. Prior to January 1, 2000, the board shall waive any step of the USMLE sequence for applicants who have passed the corresponding part of the NBME examination.
  (d) The board may waive the requirement for written or computer-based examinations required in this section for any applicant who has achieved a an overall FLEX weighted average score of no less than 75.0 on all 3 components of 75 on the FLEX examination taken prior to January 1, 1985 in a single session in another licensing jurisdiction in the United States or Canada, in no more than 3 attempts. If the applicant had been examined 4 or more times before achieving a weighted average score of no less than 75.0 on all 3 components 75, the applicant shall meet the requirements specified in s. Med 1.08 (2).
  (e) The board may waive the requirement for written or computer-based examinations required in this section for any applicant who has achieved a score of no less than 75.0 75 on each of the 2 components Components 1 and 2 of the FLEX examination administered on or after January 1, 1985 in another licensing jurisdiction in the United States or Canada, if the applicant achieved a score of no less than 75.0 75 on each of the 2 components in no more than 3 attempts. If the applicant has been examined 4 or more times before achieving a score of 75.0 75 on either or both components of the FLEX examination, the applicant shall meet the requirements specified in s. Med 1.08 (2).
  (f) (intro.) An applicant who has passed all 3 components of any of the examinations of the following boards and councils may submit to the board verified documentary evidence thereof, and the board will accept this in lieu of requiring further written or computer-based examination of the applicant.:
  2. National Board of Osteophathic Medical Examiners of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons.
Section 10.   Med 1.06 (4) is created to read:
  Med 1.06 (4) (a) An oral examination of an applicant is conducted by one or more physician members of the board. The purpose of an oral exam is to evaluate the applicant’s eligibility for a regular license under the applicable circumstances specified in s. Med 1.06 (1) (a) 1. to 11. The passing grade for an oral exam under this paragraph is 90 percent.
  (b) Any applicant who fails the oral examination under par. (a) shall be examined by the board. The grade of an exam under this paragraph shall be the applicant’s final grade for the oral examination under this subsection. The passing grade for an exam under this paragraph is 90 percent.
Section 11.   Med 1.06 (5), 1.07, and 1.08 (1) are repealed.
Section 12.   Med 1.08 (2) is amended to read:
  Med 1.08 (2) If an applicant has been examined 4 or more times in another licensing jurisdiction in the United States or Canada before achieving a passing grade in written or computer−based examinations also required under this chapter, the board may require the applicant to submit evidence satisfactory to the board of further professional training or education in examination areas in which the applicant had previously demonstrated deficiencies. If the evidence provided by the applicant is not satisfactory to the board, the board may require the applicant to obtain further professional training or education as the board deems necessary to establish the applicant’s fitness to practice medicine and surgery in this state. In order to determine any further professional training or education requirement, the board shall consider any information available relating to the quality of the applicant’s previous practice, including the results of the applicant’s performance on the oral interview examination required under s. 448.05 (6), Stats., and s. Med 1.06.
Section 13.   Med 1.09 is repealed.
Section 14.   Med 14.03 is amended to read:
  Med 14.03 Registration required; method of registration. Each licensee shall register biennially with the board. Prior to November 1 of each odd−numbered year the renewal date under s. 440.08 (2), Stats., the department shall mail to each licensee at his or her last known address as it appears in the records of the board an application form for registration. Each licensee shall complete the application form and return it with the required fee to the department located at 1400 East Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708 prior to the next succeeding November 1. The board shall notify the licensee within 30 business days of receipt of a completed registration form whether the application for registration is approved or denied.
Section 15.   Med 14.06 (2) (intro.) is amended to read:
  Med 14.06 (2) (intro.) Failure to renew a license by November 1 of odd− numbered years the renewal date under s. 440.08 (2), Stats., shall cause the license to lapse. A licensee who allows the license to lapse may apply to the board for reinstatement of the license as follows:
Section 16. EFFECTIVE DATE. The rules adopted in this order shall take effect on the first day of the month following publication in the Wisconsin administrative register, pursuant to s. 227.22 (2) (intro.), Stats.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.