In accordance with Michigan Public Act 368 of 1978, 333.5111, the Department of Community Health maintains a list of reportable diseases, infections, and disabilities. The list is reviewed and revised at least annually. The most recent version is available at www.michigan.gov/cdinfo and is not incorporated directly into statute or code. The list is similar to the content in ch. DHS 145 Appendix A.
Minnesota Chapter 4605 Department of Health Communicable Diseases includes a list of reportable infectious diseases in section 4605.7040 Disease and Reports; Clinical Materials Submission. The list is similar to the infectious diseases included in ch. DHS 145 Appendix A.
Summary of factual data and analytical methodologies
Data were obtained through feedback from DHS 145 advisory committee members, and electronically published Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and CSTE infectious disease documents. The data sources and analysis used in drafting the rules are accurate, reliable and objective.
Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business
None. The proposed rule is anticipated to have little to no economic impact on small businesses.
Effect on small business
The proposed rule is anticipated to have little to no economic impact on small businesses.
Agency contact person
Suzanne Gibbons-Burgener, DVM, PhD
(608) 266-0749
Place where comments are to be submitted and deadline for submission
Comments may be submitted to the agency contact person that is listed above until the deadline given in the upcoming notice of public hearing. The deadline for submitting comments and the notice of public hearing will be posted on the Wisconsin State Legislature’s Administrative Rules website, http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code.
SECTION 1. DHS 145.03 (19) and (19) (Note) are amended to read:
DHS 145.02 (19) “Other disease or condition having the potential to affect the health of other persons” means a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another but that is not listed in Appendix A of this chapter and therefore is not reportable under this chapter, although it is listed in Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 18th edition (2004), edited David L Heymann, and published by official reports of the American Public Health Association, unless specified otherwise by the state epidemiologist.
Note: The handbook, official report of the American Public Health Association entitled Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 18th 20th edition (2004) (2015), edited by David L. Heymann, is on file in the Department’s Division of Public Health and the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available for purchase from the American Public Health Association, Publications Sales, PO Box 933019, Atlanta, GA 31193-3019.
SECTION 2. DHS 145.05 (2), (3), and (4) (Note) are amended to read:
DHS 145.05 (2) Local health officers shall follow the methods of control set out in section 9 under each communicable disease listed in the 18th edition (2004) of Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, edited by David L. Heymann, published by official reports of the American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, unless specified otherwise by the state epidemiologist. Specific medical treatment shall be prescribed by a physician or an advanced practice nurse prescriber.
DHS 145.05 (3) Any person licensed under ch. 441 or 448, Stats., attending a person with a communicable disease shall instruct the person in the applicable methods of control contained in Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 18th edition (2004), edited by David L. Heymann, published by official reports of the American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, unless specified otherwise by the state epidemiologist, and shall cooperate with the local health officer and the department in their investigation and control procedures.
DHS 145.05 (4) (Note)The handbook, official report of the American Public Health Association entitled Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 18th 20th edition (2004) (2015), edited by David L. Heymann, is on file in the Department’s Division of Public Health and the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available for purchase from the American Public Health Association, Publications Sales, PO Box 933019, Atlanta, GA 31193-3019. The official report of the American Academy of Pediatrics entitled Red Book: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 30th edition (2015), edited by David W. Kimberlin is available for purchase from the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Blvd, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1019. These reports are on file in the Department’s Division of Public Health and the Legislative Reference Bureau.
SECTION 3. DHS 145.07 (2) and (Note), and (3) and (Note) are amended to read:
DHS 145.07 (2)PERSONAL CARE. Home health agency personnel providing personal care in the home and persons providing personal care in health care facilities, day care centers and other comparable facilities shall refrain from providing care while they are able to transmit a communicable disease through the provision of that care, in accord with the methods of communicable disease control contained in official guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Guideline for Infection Control in Health Care Personnel, 1998,” unless specified otherwise by the state epidemiologist.
  Note: The publication, official guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention entitled, “Guideline for Infection Control in Health Care Personnel, 1998,” is on file in the Department’s Division of Public Health and the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available for purchase from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (703) 486-4650. may be found in the American Journal of Infection Control, vol. 26, 1998, pp. 289-354.
  DHS 145.07 (3)FOOD HANDLERS. Food handlers shall refrain from handling food while they have a disease in a form that is communicable by food handling, in accord with the methods of communicable disease control contained in Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 16th edition (1995), edited by Abram S. Benenson, and published by official reports of the American Public Health Association, unless specified otherwise by the state epidemiologist.
  Note: The handbook, official report of the American Public Health Association entitled Control of Communicable Disease Manual, 16th 20th edition (1995) (2015), edited by Abram S. Benenson David L. Heymann, is on file in the Department’s Division of Public Health and the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available for purchase from the American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth St., NW, Washington D.C. 20005. Publication Sales, PO Box 933019, Atlanta, GA 31193-3019.
SECTION 4. DHS 145.09 (1) (Note) and (2) (Note) are amended to read:
DHS 145.09 (1) Note: Isolates for the state repository should be sent to: Mycobacteriology Laboratory, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, Room 121, 465 Henry Mall 2601 Agriculture Dr., Room 254, Madison, WI 53706 53718.
  DHS 145.09 (2) Note: The official statement of the Association of Public Health Laboratory entitled Mycobacterium tuberculosis: assessing your laboratory, 2013 is on file in the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available from the Department’s Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701–2659.
SECTION 5. DHS 145.10 (1) and (Note) and (3) (Note) are amended to read:      
DHS 145.10 (1) All persons with infectious tuberculosis or suspected tuberculosis, and their contacts, shall exercise all reasonable precautions to prevent the infection of others, under the using the applicable methods of control set out in section 9 under tuberculosis, pages 565 to 572, listed in the 18th edition (2004) of Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, edited by David L. Heymann, published by the official reports of the American Public Health Association, unless specified otherwise by the state epidemiologist.
Note: The handbook official report of the American Public Health Association entitled Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 18th 20th edition (2004) (2015), edited by David L. Heymann, is on file in the Department’s Division of Public Health and the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available for purchase from the American Public Health Association, Publications Sales, PO Box 933019, Atlanta, GA 31193-3019.
DHS 145.10 (3) Note: The official statements of the American Thoracic Society may be found in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations and report “Targeted Tuberculin Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection.” The report may be found in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 9, 2000, Vol. 49, No. RR-6. The official statements of the American Thoracic Society’s “Treatment of Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Infection in Adults and Children” Society, entitled “Official American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis may be found in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 149 63, 1994 2016, pp. 1359-1374 e147-e195. These reports are on file in the Legislative Reference Bureau, and are available from the Department’s Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659.
SECTION 6. DHS 145.12 (2) (Note), (4) (b) 2. (Note), and (4) (b) 3. (Note) are amended to read:
DHS 145.12 (2) Note: “High-risk groups” are defined in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report,Targeted Tuberculin Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection. entitled Updated Guidelines for Using Interferon Gamma Release Assays to Detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection – United States, 2010.” The report may be found in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 9 25, 2000 2010, Vol 49 vol. 59, No. RR-65, and is on file in the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available from the Department’s Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701–2659.
DHS 145.12 (4) (b) 2. Note: The official statement of the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association entitledTuberculosis Nursing: a Comprehensive Guide to Patient Care Tuberculosis Nursing: a Comprehensive Guide to Patient Care is on file in the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available from the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association, 2951 Flowers Road South, Suite 102, Atlanta, GA 30341-5533. 2452 Spring Rd, SE, Smyrna, GA 30080-3838.
DHS 145.12 (4) (b) 3. Note: The official statements of the American Thoracic Society entitled “Targeted Tuberculin Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection.” may be found in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations and report “Targeted Tuberculin Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection.” The report may be found in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 9, 2000, Vol. 49, No. RR-6. The official statement of the American Thoracic Society’sTreatment of Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Infection in Adults and Children Society, entitledOfficial American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis” may be found in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 149 63, 1994 2016, pp. 1359-1374 e147-e195. The official statement of the American Thoracic Society’s Society entitled “Diagnostic Standards and Classification of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children” may be found in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 161, 2000, pp.1376-1395. These reports are on file in the Legislative Reference Bureau, and are available from the Department’s Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659.
SECTION 7. DHS 145.13 (1) (a) (Note) is amended to read:
DHS 145.13 (1) (a) Note: “High-risk persons” are defined in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, Targeted Tuberculin Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection. entitled Updated Guidelines for Using Interferon Gamma Release Assays to Detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection – United States, 2010. The report may be found in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 9 25, 2000 2010, Vol vol. 49 59, No. RR-6 5, and is on file in the Legislative Reference Bureau, and is available from the Department’s Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701–2659.
SECTION 8. DHS 145.22 and (Note) are amended to read:
DHS 145.22Treatment guidelines. Nationally recognized guidelines, including the “Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2006” published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The official statements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall be considered in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases unless otherwise specified by the state epidemiologist. Specific medical treatment shall be prescribed by a physician or advanced practice nurse prescriber.
Note: The publication, official statements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention entitled “Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2006 2015,” is on file in the Department’s Division of Public Health and the Legislative Reference Bureau, and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9325. Telephone: (202) 512-1800. found in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 5, 2015, vol. 64, RR-3.
SECTION 9. DHS 145 Appendix A is repealed and recreated to read:
Chapter DHS 145
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.