Analysis and supporting documents used to determine effect on small business
The department’s fiscal estimate and economic impact analysis determined that the proposed rules would not have any effect on small businesses.
Effect on small business
The rules are anticipated to have no economic impact on small businesses.
Agency contact person
Laura Brauer, DHS,, 608.266.5368
Statement on quality of agency data
See “summary of factual data and analytical methodologies” section above.
Place where comments are to be submitted and deadline for submission
Comments may be submitted to the agency contact person that is listed above until the deadline given in the upcoming notice of public hearing. The notice of public hearing and deadline for submitting comments will be published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register and to the department’s website, at Comments may also be submitted through the Wisconsin Administrative Rules Website, at:
SECTION 1. DHS 90.05 (4) (a) 2. (Note 1) is repealed.
SECTION 2. DHS 90.06 (1) (a) is amended to read:
DHS 90.06 (1) (a) “Annual income after disability deductions” means the annual parental income less a deduction of $3,300 for each member of the family participating in the birth to 3 program and each child under 19 years of age with a disability as defined in s. DHS 65.02 (5)s. 46.272 (1) (b), Stats.
SECTION 3. DHS 90.06 (1) (a) (Note) and (1m) (Note) are repealed.
SECTION 4. DHS 90.06 Table: Assignment of Parental Cost Share (Note) is amended to read:
DHS 90.06 Table: Assignment of Parental Cost Share Note: The federal poverty guidelines are adjusted yearly and are published annually in the Federal Register. The department will distribute the applicable federal poverty guidelines information that is effective each year. To receive the current Federal Poverty Guidelines, contact the Birth to 3 Program Coordinator at the Division of Disability and Elder Services, P.O. Box 7851, Madison, WI 53707, or call 608−266−8276, or fax 608−261−6752.
SECTION 5. DHS 90.06 (2) (o) 2. is amended to read:
DHS 90.06 (2) (o) 2. The early intervention record is kept separate from other records on the child maintained by the agency unless the parent specifically agrees in writing that another record and the early intervention record be kept together. Other records Records that might be kept with the early intervention record are the family support assessment and plans include an individual service plan under s. 46.985, Stats., and ch. DHS 65, and the community options program assessment under s. 46.27 (6), Stats the programs established in ss. 46.011 (1g) and 46.272, Stats.
Note: Section 46.985, Stats., was repealed by 2015 Wis. Act 55 rendering Chapter DHS 65 unenforceable and without effect. Chapter DHS 65 will be repealed in future rulemaking.
SECTION 6. DHS 90.07 (3) (b) (Note) is amended to read:
DHS 90.07 (3) (b) (Note): Referral sources should differentiate between a request or need for a formal screening and referral for an evaluation. For example, a child diagnosed as having Down syndrome, which has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay, should be referred for an evaluation rather than a formal screening, whereas a child who seems slow in speech or motor development may first be formally screened to determine if there is need for an evaluation.
SECTION 7. DHS 90.07 (3) (c) 2. (Note) is repealed.
SECTION 8. DHS 90.10 (5) (f) 4. a. and 5. b. are amended to read:
DHS 90.10 (5) (f) 4. a. Prepare a written transition plan to reflect decisions made at the conference and the roles of sending and receiving agencies at least 90 days but not more than 9 months before the child reaches age 3; and
DHS 90.10 (5) (f) 5. b. Prepare a written transition plan to reflect decisions made
at the conference and the role of sending and receiving agencies at least 90 days but not more than 9 months before the child reaches age 3.
SECTION 9. DHS 90.12 (3) (g) is amended to read:
DHS 90.12 (3) (g) The county administrative agency shall inform the parent when personally identifiable information contained in the early intervention record is no longer needed to provide early intervention services. The information shall be destroyed at the request of the parent except that a permanent record of the child’s name, date of birth, the parent’s address, the parent’s phone number, and dates of enrollment in the program names of service coordinator(s) and service provider(s), and exit data, including year and age upon exit and any programs entered into upon exiting, may be maintained. In this paragraph, “destruction” means physical destruction or removal of personally identifiable information from the early intervention record.
SECTION 10. DHS 90.12 (4) (a) is amended to read:
DHS 90.12 (4) (a) The parent of a child may review all early intervention records concerning the child unless the county administrative agency has been advised provided documentation that the parent does not have the authority under state law to review a record under state law governing such matters as custody, foster care, guardianship, separation and divorce.
SECTION 11. DHS 90.12 (4) (b) 1. is amended to read:
DHS 90.12 (4) (b) 1. Make the records available to the parent without unnecessary delay but not later than 15 working10 days following the date of the request except that, if the request is in connection with a meeting on the individualized family service plan or a hearing to resolve a dispute or complaint involving the parent and the county agency or service provider, the records shall be made available at least 5 days before the meeting or hearing but in no case later than 15 working10 days following the date of the request;
SECTION 12. DHS 90.12 (5) (b) 3. (Note) is repealed.
SECTION 13. DHS 90.12 (5) (c) is amended to read:
DHS 90.12 (5) (c) Appointment of mediator. 1. a. A party that requests mediation may nominate a mediator from the roster under par. (d). If a party nominates a mediator, the department shall include in the notice under par. (b) 1. the name of the nominated mediator.
b. If both parties nominate the same person as mediator, the department shall appoint that person as mediator if he or she is on the roster under par. (d) and available to mediate.
c. If both parties request mediation but neither party nominates a mediator, the department shall propose a mediator from the roster under par. (d).
d. If both parties consent to mediation but the party that requests mediation does not nominate a mediator, the nominated mediator is not available or the other party does not consent to the appointment of the nominated mediator, the department shall propose a mediator from the roster under par. (d).
2. Whenever the department proposes a mediator under subd. 1. c. or d., the department shall send information about the mediator’s training and experience to both parties. Within 2 business days after receiving the information, either party may request the department to propose a different mediator from the roster under par. (d).
3. Both parties may agree to use a mediator not listed on the roster in par. (d). If the parties choose a non−roster mediator, the parties shall agree to pay the compensation of that mediator as provided in par. (g) 3.The department shall select mediators on a random, rotational, or other impartial basis.
SECTION 14. DHS 90.12 (6) (a) 2. c. (Note) is repealed.
SECTION 15. DHS 90.12 (6) (b) (Note) is repealed.
SECTION 16. DHS 90.12 (6) (d) 4. d. is amended to read:
DHS 90.12 (6) (d) 4. d. Issue a written decision, and mail it to both parties and to the state birth to 3 program coordinator not later than 4530 days after receipt of the request for hearing under par. (b), unless granting an extension of the time period limit at the request of either party. If an extension is granted, the impartial decision−maker shall include that extension and the reason for it in the hearing record; and
SECTION 17. DHS 103.04 (7) (d) is amended to read:
DHS 103.04 (7) (d) 18Under 19 year old case. An 18Any person under 19 years old who resides with a parent or parents maymust have his or her BadgerCare eligibility determined either with the parent(s) or parents or separately.
SECTION 18. DHS 103.085 (3) (b) 2. is repealed.
SECTION 19. DHS 103.085 (6) is repealed.
SECTION 20. DHS 104.01 (3) is amended to read:
DHS 104.01 (3) CONFIDENTIALITY OF MEDICAL INFORMATION. Information about recipients shall be confidential and only disclosable in accordance with ss. 146.81 to 146.83, Stats 42 CFR pt. 2 and ss. 146.48 to 146.83, Stats. No privilege exists under MA regarding communications or disclosures of information requested by appropriate federal or state agencies or their authorized agents concerning the extent or kind of services provided recipients under the program. The disclosure by a provider of these communications or medical records, made in good faith under the requirements of this program, shall not create any civil liability or provide any basis for criminal actions for unprofessional conduct.
SECTION 21. DHS 104.01 (9) (b) 2. g., is repealed.
SECTION 22. DHS 104.02 (1) is amended to read:
DHS 104.02 Recipient duties. (1) NOT TO SEEK DUPLICATION OF SERVICES. A recipient may not seek the same or similar services from more than one provider, except as provided in s. DHS 104.04.
SECTION 23. DHS 104.02 (1) (Note) is repealed.
SECTION 24. DHS 105.02 (5) is amended to read:
DHS 105.02 (5) PARTICIPATION IN SURVEYS. Nursing home and hospital providersProviders shall participate in surveys conducted for research and MA policy purposes by the department or its designated contractors. Participation involves accurate completion of the survey questionnaire and return of the completed survey form to the department or to the designated contractor within the specified time period.
SECTION 25. DHS 105.16 (6) (a) (intro.) is amended to read:
DHS 105.16 (6) (a) A certified home health agency may be certified to provide respiratory care services under s. DHS 107.113 if registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and respiratory therapists employed by or under contract to the agency and providing these services are certified under ch. Med 20 and:
SECTION 26. DHS 105.19 (1) (b) is amended to read:
DHS 105.19 (1) (b) For MA certification to perform respiratory care services as a provider in independent practice, the provider shall be certified pursuant to ch. Med 20 and shall be a nurse described in par. (a) or a respiratory therapist. Any person providing or supervising respiratory care who is not credentialed by the national board on respiratory care shall know how to perform the services under s. DHS 107.113 (1) and shall have the skills necessary to perform those services. Skills required to perform services listed in s. DHS 107.113 (1) (e) to (f) are required on a case−by−case basis, as appropriate. In no case may a person provide respiratory care before that person has demonstrated competence in all areas under s. DHS 107.113 (1) (a) to (d). A registered nurse who fulfills these requirements shall coordinate the recipient’s care.
SECTION 27. DHS 105.22 (1) (b) is amended to read:
DHS 105.22 (1) (b) A psychologist licensed under ch. 455, Stats., who is listed or eligible to be listed in the national register of health service providers in psychology;
SECTION 28. DHS 105.22 (1) (bn) to (br) are created to read:
DHS 105.22 (1) (bn) A marriage and family therapist licensed under s. 457.10, Stats., including holding a valid training or temporary license;
DHS 105.22 (1) (bo) A professional counselor licensed under s. 457.12, Stats., including holding a valid training or temporary license;
DHS 105.22 (1) (bp) An advanced practice social worker certified under s. 457.08 (2), Stats.;
DHS 105.22 (1) (bq) An independent social worker certified under s. 457.08 (3), Stats.;
DHS 105.22 (1) (br) A clinical social worker licensed under s. 457.08 (4), Stats.;
SECTION 29. DHS 105.22 (3) is amended to read:
DHS 105.22 (3) REIMBURSEMENT FOR OUTPATIENT PSYCHOTHERAPY SERVICES. Reimbursement shall be made to any certified outpatient mental health clinic meeting the requirement under sub. (1) (c) for services rendered by any provider who meets the applicable requirements under ch. DHS 35 and working for that clinic, except that a provider certified under sub. (1) (a), (b), or (bm) may be reimbursed directlypsychotherapy provider whose practice, as described by individual licensure or clinic certification regulations, allows for the delivery of psychotherapy without clinical supervision. For outpatient psychotherapy services delivered by certified providers who are required, under individual licensure or clinic certification regulations, to practice under a clinical supervisor, reimbursement shall be made to the supervising provider. The supervising provider must be MA certified.
SECTION 30. DHS 105.23 (1) (c) is amended to read:
DHS 105.23 (1) TYPES OF PROVIDERS. For MA certification, an outpatient alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) treatment provider shall be:
(a) An outpatient facility operated by a board and certified under s. DHS 75.13;
(b) An outpatient facility or hospital outpatient AODA facility certified under s. DHS 75.13; or
(c) A provider certified under ss. DHS 105.05 (1) or, 105.22 (1) (b), 105.22 (1) (d), 105.22 (1) (e), or 105.22 (1) (h), Stats., excluding holding a valid training or temporary license.
SECTION 31. DHS 106.06 (27) is repealed.
SECTION 32. DHS 107.03 (12) is amended to read:
DHS 107.03 (12) Consultations between or among providers, except as specified in s. 49.45 (29y), Stats. s. DHS 107.06 (4) (e);
SECTION 33. DHS 107.06 (4) (e) is repealed.
SECTION 34. DHS 107.09 (4) (v) is repealed.
SECTION 35. DHS 107.112 (2) (a) and (4) (e) are amended to read:
DHS 107.112 (2) (a) Prior authorization is required for personal care services in excess of 25050 hours per calendar year.
DHS 107.112 (4) (e) Personal care services provided in excess of 25050 hours per calendar year without prior authorization;
SECTION 36. DHS 107.13 (2) (d) 1. is amended to read:
DHS 107.13 (2) (d) Non−covered services. All of the following services are not covered services:
1. Collateral interviews with persons not stipulated in par. (c) 1., and consultations, except as provided in s. 49.45 (29y), Stats., and s. DHS 107.06 (4) (d).
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.