Hearing dates and the comment submission deadline are to be determined.
Section 1   NR 10.01 (1) (b) and (c) are amended to read:
Kind of Animal
Open season (all dates inclusive)  
Daily Bag Limit
Possession Limit
(b) All species of wild ducks
Entire state.
As established by zone.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 10: 6 ducks to include not more than 4 mallards of which only 1 2 may be a hen mallard, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 3 1 scaup and 3 wood ducks. In addition, 5 mergansers to include not more than 2 hooded mergansers.
Three times the daily bag limit except opening day when it is the same as the daily bag limit and the second day when it is twice the daily bag limit.
Oct. 10-21: 6 ducks to include not more than 4 mallards of which only 2 may be a hen mallard, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup (no more than 1 may be from the Southern or Open Water Zones) and 3 wood ducks. In addition, 5 mergansers to include not more than 2 hooded mergansers.
Oct. 22-30: 6 ducks to include not more than 4 mallards of which only 2 may be a hen mallard, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup (no more than 1 may be from the Open Water Zone) and 3 wood ducks. In addition, 5 mergansers to include not more than 2 hooded mergansers.
Oct. 31- Dec.14: 6 ducks to include not more than 4 mallards of which only 2 may be a hen mallard, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup and 3 wood ducks. In addition, 5 mergansers to include not more than 2 hooded mergansers.
(1) Northern zone as established in s. NR 10.32.
Beginning on the Saturday nearest October 1 September 24 and continuing for 60 consecutive days.
(2) Southern zone as established in s. NR 10.32.
Beginning on the Saturday nearest October 1 and continuing for 9 days, followed by a 5-day closure, and then reopens for 51 consecutive days.
(3) Mississippi River Open Water zone as established in s. NR 10.32.
Beginning on the Saturday nearest October 16 and continuing for 60 consecutive days.
(c) Coots. and moorhens
Entire State.
Concurrent with the open season for ducks established in par. (b).
45 except opening day when it is the same as the daily bag limit and the second day, when it is twice the daily bag limit.
Section 2   NR 10.01 (1) (c) (Note) is repealed.
Section 3   NR 10.01 (1) (d) is created to read:
(d) Common Gallinule (Moorhen).
Entire State.
Sept. 1 – Nov. 9.
45 except opening day when it is the same as the daily bag limit and the second day, when it is twice the daily bag limit.
Section 4   NR 10.01 (1) (e), (f) 1., (g) 1. c. and e., 2. b. and d., and 3. b. and d., (v) and (4) (c) are amended to read:
Kind of Animal
Open season (all dates inclusive)  
Daily Bag Limit
Possession Limit
(e) Sora and Virginia rails.
Entire State.
Concurrent with the open season for
ducks established in par. (b). Sept. 1 – Nov. 9.
75 except opening day when it is the same as the daily bag limit and the second day, when it is twice the daily bag limit.
(f) 1. Snipe.
Entire State.
Concurrent with the open season for
ducks established in par. (b). Sept. 1 – Nov. 9.
24 except opening day when it is the same as the daily bag limit and the second day, when it is twice the daily bag limit.
(g) 1. Canada geese and its subspecies.
c. Southern zone as established in s. NR 10.32.
Begins on September 16 continuing until the 5−day closure in the southern duck zone hunting season in par. (b) and then reopens continuing until the closure of the southern duck zone hunting season in par. (b) and then reopens on Dec. 16 ­20 continuing for a season total of 92 days.
3 Canada goose daily bag limit for the period of Sept. 16 – Dec. 5. 5 Canada goose daily bag limit for the period of Dec. 20 – Jan. 4.
9 from Sept. 16- Dec. 5, and 15 from Dec, 20.- Jan. 4, except opening day when it is the same as the daily bag limit and the second day, when it is twice the daily bag limit.
e. Mississippi River subzone.
Begins on the Saturday nearest October 1 and continues for 7 9 days, followed by a 7 5−day closure, and then reopens for a season total of 92 days.
9 except opening day when it is the same as the daily bag limit and the second day when it is twice the daily bag limit.
2. Snow or blue and Ross’ geese.
b. Southern zone as established in s. NR 10.32.
Begins on September 16 continuing until the 5−day closure in the southern duck zone hunting season in par. (b) and then reopens continuing until the closure of the southern duck zone hunting season in par. (b) and then reopens on Dec. 16 20 continuing for a season total of 92 days.
d. Mississippi river subzone.
Begins on the Saturday nearest October 1 and continues for 7 9 days, followed by a 7 5−day closure, and then reopens for a season total of 92 days.
3. All other geese.
b. Southern zone as established in s. NR 10.32.
Begins on September 16 continuing until the 5−day closure in the southern duck zone hunting season in par. (b) and then reopens continuing until the closure of the southern duck zone hunting season in par. (b) and then reopens on Dec. 16 20 continuing for a season total of 92 days.
d. Mississippi River subzone.
Begins on the Saturday nearest October 1 and continues for 7 9 days, followed by a 7 5−day closure, and then reopens for a season total of 92 days.
(v) Special youth waterfowl hunt event. Persons under the age of 16 may hunt all species of wild duck, mergansers, geese, coots, and moorhens common gallinules, Sora and Virginia rails, and snipe statewide for 2 consecutive days starting on the Saturday before the beginning of the open season established for the north duck zone by par. (b). Approvals under ch. 29, Stats., are not required pursuant to s. 29.197 (1), Stats., except for registration in the harvest information program under s. NR 10.12 (11) and a Canada goose hunting permit for the season or zone where goose hunting, as listed in par. (g) 1., if hunting Canada geese. Daily bag limits are those described under pars. (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g), except that the daily bag limit for the zone or subzone being hunted as listed in par. (g) 1. a. to h., on that date shall apply to Canada geese, and all other waterfowl hunting regulations apply. Hunters shall be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older and be in compliance with ss. 29.592 and 29.593, Stats. One adult may not accompany more than 2 hunters and pursuant to s. 29.592, Stats., not more than one of the 2 hunters may be age 10 or 11, or be a person who does not possess a certificate of accomplishment under s. 29.591, Stats., or its equivalent from another state, country or province.
Kind of Animal and Locality
Open season (all dates inclusive)  
(c) Beaver Trapping
1. Zone A as described in s. NR 10.35.
2. Zone B as described in s. NR 10.35
3. Zone C as described in s. NR 10.35
4. Zone D as described in s. NR 10.35
Beginning on the Saturday nearest November 4 and continuing through April 30.
Beginning on Saturday nearest November 4 and continuing through April 30.
Beginning on the Saturday nearest November 4 and continuing through March 31.
Beginning on the day following the close of the open season for ducks as established under sub. (1) (b) 1. 2. and continuing through March 15.
Section 5   NR 10.32 is repealed and recreated to read:
Section 6. Effective Date. This rule takes effect on the first day of the month following publication in the Wisconsin Administrative Register as provided in s. 227.22 (2) (intro.), Stats.
Section 7. Board adoption. This rule was approved and adopted by the State of Wisconsin Natural Resources Board on October 27, 2021.
Dated at Madison, Wisconsin _____________________________.
          STATE OF WISCONSIN    
          DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES               BY ______________________________________
            For Preston D. Cole, Secretary
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.