            :   (CLEARINGHOUSE RULE 21-005)
An order of the Optometry Examining Board to repeal Opt 1.02 (2), 5.03 (23), 5.10 (1) (d), 5.11, and 5.14; to amend Opt 5.03 (16), 5.03 (17) (a) 3., 5.03 (17) (b) 3., and 5.10 (1) (f); to repeal and recreate Opt 1.02 (4) and (5); and to create Opt 1.02 (5m) and 5.045 (3), relating to unprofessional conduct.
Analysis prepared by the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
Statutes interpreted: Sections 449.03, 449.08 and 449.25, Stats.
Statutory authority: Sections 15.08 (5) (b), 227.11 (2) (a) and 449.25, Stats.
Explanation of agency authority:
Section 15.08 (5) (b), Stats., states that the examining board, “[s]hall promulgate rules for its own guidance and for the guidance of the trade or profession to which it pertains, and define and enforce professional conduct and unethical practices not inconsistent with the law relating to the particular trade or profession.”
Section 227.11 (2) (a), Stats., sets forth the parameters of an agency’s rule-making authority, stating an agency, “may promulgate rules interpreting the provisions of any statute enforced or administered by the agency, if the agency considers it necessary to effectuate the purpose of the statute, but a rule is not valid if the rule exceeds the bounds of correct interpretation.”
Section 449.25, Stats., provides that the examining board shall promulgate rules relating to informed consent, stating that, “[a]ny optometrist who treats a patient shall inform the patient about the availability of reasonable alternate modes of treatment and about the benefits and risks of these treatments.…
Related statute or rule:
Sections 449.01 (2), 449.03 (1), and 990.01 (20), Stats.
Plain language analysis:
The proposed rule clarifies that it is unprofessional conduct for an optometrist to fail to conduct certain procedures during a minimum eye examination and a minimum eye examination for the fitting of contact lenses.
It also removes the requirement that optometrists provide a written disclosure to extended wear contact lens patients describing the risks associated with extended wear contact lenses. The language in the rule is outdated and rewriting the disclosure statement would place unnecessary administrative requirements on optometrists. The public is protected by s. 449.25 (1), Stats., designating a “reasonable optometrist” standard requiring “…disclosure only of information that a reasonable optometrist would know and disclose under the circumstances.”
The proposed rule removes the requirement that optometrists make a notation in the patient file that ophthalmic lenses have been verified prior to dispensing and that they verify that ophthalmic lenses meet an obsolete American National Institute Standards, Inc. (ANSI) standard prior to dispensing.
It also clarifies that where the patient is a minor or is an incompetent person, informed consent must be received from the patient’s parent or legal guardian prior to treatment.
Summary of, and comparison with, existing or proposed federal regulation:
No existing or proposed federal regulations relate to disclosure to patients of risks associated with extended wear contact lens or verification of technical standards for ophthalmic lenses prior to dispensing to a patient.
Summary of public comments received on statement of scope and a description of how and to what extent those comments and feedback were taken into account in drafting the proposed rule:
Comparison with rules in adjacent states:
No existing or proposed Illinois regulations relate to disclosure to patients of risks associated with extended wear contact lens or verification of technical standards for ophthalmic lenses prior to dispensing to a patient.
No existing or proposed Iowa regulations relate to disclosure to patients of risks associated with extended wear contact lens or verification of technical standards for ophthalmic lenses prior to dispensing to a patient.
No existing or proposed Michigan regulations relate to disclosure to patients of risks associated with extended wear contact lens or verification of technical standards for ophthalmic lenses prior to dispensing to a patient.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.