Notice of Preliminary Hearing on Statement of Scope
The Department of Natural Resources announces that it will hold a preliminary public hearing on Statement of Scope SS 048-22 which affects chapters NR 320, NR 323, NR 326, NR 328, and NR 329, Wisconsin Administrative Code, related to structures in navigable waterways, and is related to exemptions and permitting processes for placing structures in navigable waterways, including bridges and culverts, piers, boat shelters, swim rafts, erosion control structures, fish and wildlife habitat structures, and miscellaneous structures, at the time and place shown below. Hearing Information
Date: August 18, 2022
Time: 2:00 P.M
Zoom Virtual Hearing Link:
For the hearing or visually impaired, non-English speakers, or those with other personal circumstances which might make communication at the meeting/hearing difficult, DNR will, to the maximum extent possible and with reasonable advance notice, provide aids including an interpreter, or a non-English, large-print, or recorded version of hearing documents. To access these resources, please contact the email address or phone number listed below as soon as possible.
Appearances at the Hearing and Submittal of Written Comments
Comments on the proposed scope statement must be received on or before August 18, 2022. Written comments and any questions on the proposed scope statement should be submitted to:
Department of Natural Resources
Attn: Kyle McLaughlin
107 Sutliff Ave.
Rhinelander, WI 54501