The proposed rule was posted for a period of 60 days to solicit public comment on economic impact, including how the proposed rule may affect business, local government units, and individuals. No comments relating to Economic Impact were received.
The Department evaluated whether the rules would have an environmental impact and concluded that the rules do not result in any possible significant, adverse environmental or social impacts. Therefore, preparation of an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement under s. 1.11, Stats., was not necessary.
The Department completed an evaluation of the potential impact on housing under s. 227.115, Stats., and concluded the rules do not impact housing.
Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis:
The Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis are attached.
Effect on small business:
These proposed rules may have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats., and were submitted to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board for a determination on whether the rules will have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses. No report was received. The Department’s Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-2112.
Agency contact person:
Joseph Ricker, Attorney, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 4822 Madison Yards Way, P.O. Box 8366, Madison, Wisconsin 53708 - 8366; telephone 608-267-2242; email at
Section 1. SPS 302.61 (2) is amended to read:
SPS 302.61 (2) The fee for revisions to previously approved plumbing and private sewage plans shall be $85.00 for the first hour and $80.00 per hour thereafter per plan. This fee shall apply when plans are revised for reasons other than those which were requested by the department.
Section 2. SPS 305.003 (2m) is created to read:
SPS 305.003 (2m) “ASSE” means American society of sanitary engineering.
Section 3. SPS 305.003 (72) (Note) is repealed.
Section 4. SPS Table 305.02 line 73. is amended to read:
Table 305.02 (Partial Table)
License, Certification, Registration, or Enrollment Category
Application Fee
Examination Fee
Certification, Registration, or Enrollment Fee
Cross Connection Control Assembly Tester
Section 5. SPS Table 305.06 line 66. is amended to read:
Table 305.06 (Partial Table)
Cross Connection Control Assembly Tester
4 years
Date of Issuance
Section 6. SPS 305.10 (1) (intro.) and (2) are amended to read:
SPS 305.10 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2) pertaining to licenses or registrations for master plumbers, journeyman plumbers, cross connection control assembly testers, and utility contractors, the department may deny, suspend, or revoke a license, certification, registration, or enrollment under this chapter in accordance with the following provisions:
(2) Pursuant to s. 145.10, Stats., the department may suspend or revoke the license or registration of any master plumber, journeyman plumber, master plumber−restricted, journeyman plumber−restricted, utility contractor, or cross connection control assembly tester in accordance with this subsection.
Section 7. SPS 305.125 (1) (h) (intro.) is amended to read:
SPS 305.125 (1) (h) The amount of forfeiture assessed against an individual who does not hold a registration as a cross connection control assembly tester under s. SPS 305.99 and who tests cross connection control devices assemblies to meet the requirements in s. SPS 382.22 (8) shall be one of the following:
Section 8. SPS 305.90 (1) (a), (b) 1. (intro.), b., and c. are amended to read:
SPS 305.90 (1) (a) Except as provided under s. 145.06 (4), Stats., and pursuant to s. 145.06, Stats., no person may install plumbing unless the person holds a license or registration issued by the department as a licensed master plumber, licensed master plumber−restricted, licensed journeyman plumber, licensed journeyman plumber−restricted, registered plumbing apprentice, registered plumbing learner−restricted, registered utility contractor, or registered pipelayer.
(b) 1. Pursuant to s. 145.14, Stats., the plumbing activities that may be undertaken by a person who holds a license or registration as a licensed master plumber−restricted service, licensed journeyman plumber−restricted service, or a registered plumbing learner−restricted service shall be limited to the installation or modification of all of the following:
b. Building sewers, sanitary; building sewers, storm; and private interceptor main sewers, as defined in ch. SPS 381, from the street main to the immediate inside or proposed inside foundation wall of a building.
c. Water services, and private water mains, manufactured home community water supply systems, and campground or recreational vehicle park water supply systems as defined in ch. SPS 381.
Section 9. SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 1. e. to h. are created to read:
SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 1. e. Manufactured home community drain systems, sanitary; manufactured home community drain systems, storm; campground or recreational vehicle park drain systems, sanitary; and campground or recreational vehicle park drain systems,
storm, as defined in ch. SPS 381.
f. Wastewater treatment devices, as defined in ch. SPS 381, not located within a building’s foundation perimeter.
g. Stormwater use systems, not located within a building’s foundation perimeter.
h. Reclaimed water systems, not located within a building’s foundation perimeter.
Section 10. SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 2. a., b., and c., are amended to read:
SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 2. a. The plumbing activities that may be undertaken by a person who holds a license as a licensed master plumber−restricted service type 2 or licensed journeyman plumber−restricted service type 2 shall be limited to the installation or modification of underground drain and vent piping and plumbing delineated
under subd. 1.
b. The plumbing activities that may be undertaken by a person who holds a license as a licensed master plumber−restricted service type 3 or licensed journeyman plumber−restricted service type 3 shall be limited to the modification of existing water distribution systems and plumbing delineated under subd. 1.
c. The plumbing activities that may be undertaken by a person who holds a license as a licensed master plumber−restricted service type 4 or licensed journeyman plumber−restricted service type 4 shall be limited to the installation or modification of drain and vent piping to existing drain stacks and vent stacks for the conversion from a private sewage system to municipal sewers and plumbing delineated under subd. 1.
Section 11. SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 3. is renumbered SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 3. (intro.) and amended to read:
3. Pursuant to s. 145.14, Stats., the plumbing activities that may be undertaken by a person who holds a license or registration as a licensed master plumber−restricted appliance, licensed journeyman plumber−restricted appliance, or registered plumbing learner−restricted appliance shall be limited to connections with an existing water distribution system which do not require a direct connection to the drain system for the installation and modification of water heaters, water softeners, water treatment devices and other items in connection with an existing water supply system which do not require direct connection to the drain system. the following:
Section 12. SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 3. a. to c. are created to read:
SPS 305.90 (1) (b) 3. a. Items requiring connection with a water distribution system.
b. Stormwater use or reclaimed water supply systems.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.