The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board adopts an order to repeal NR 811.39 (2) (e) 2., 811.48 (5) (e), 811.52 (1) (d) 1., 2., 3., 811.56 (1) (f), 811.57 (2) (j) 7. (Note), 811.58 (1) (e), 811.64 (4) (c) 1., (10) (i) (Note) and (16) (b); to renumber NR 811.02 (1) and 811.232 (4); to renumber and amend 811.232 (intro.) (1), (2), (3), 811.75 (1) (a) and 811.85; to consolidate, renumber, and amend 811.64 (4) (c) (title) and 2.; to amend NR 811.01, 811.08 (3) (intro.), 811.09 (1) (h) 2. (intro.), 811.12 (1) (c) and (d) 1., 811.12 (5) (intro.), (a), (d) 9., (7) (b), (c), (h), (10) (c), (11) (intro.), (12) (intro.) and (f), (13) (intro.), (14) (a) 1., 15 (a) and (Note), 811.13 (1) (intro.), (a), (b), (c), (2) (intro.), (3), (4) (title), (a), (c), (d) (intro.), (5) (intro.), (6) (intro.), (a), (7) (intro.), (a), (d), (e) 2. and (8), 811.14 (5), 811.19 (3) and (5), 811.21 (intro.), (1) (intro.), (b), (e) and (2) (a), 811.22 (3), 811.23 (1) (f), 811.231 (2) (d) and (g), 811.27 (1) (c), 811.28 (5) (b), 811.29, 811.31 (2) (b), 811.34 (6) (e), 811.36 (1) (a), 811.37 (1), (4) (Note), (5) (a) and (b) 2., 811.39 (2) (e) (intro.), 3. (intro.), (f) 1., 2. (Note), (3) (d), (6) (a) to (d) and (7) (f), 811.40 (1) (d), (g) and (j) and (n) (intro.), 811.43 (1), (4), 811.45 (1) (e), 811.47 (intro.) and (7) (b) 1., 811.48 (1) (a) 2., 3., 4., (b), (4) (title), (5) (title), (6) (b), (7) (a), 811.49 (1) (b), (c), (f) 6. b. and (j) 1., 811.50 (3), 811.51 (1) (c), (2) (a), (3) (h), 811.52 (1) (d) (intro.), (3) (d), 811.53 (2) (e) 7., 811.54 (2) (d) 2., 811.55 (2) (c), 811.57 (2) (intro.), (j) 3., 4., 811.60 (intro.), (3) and (5) (c), 811.61 (7), 811.63 (5) (a) and (b), 811.64 (1) (a), (3) (a) 2., 3., (4) (a) 1., 3., 5., (4) (d) 1., (7) (a), (b), (8) (c), (10) (i) and (16) (c), 811.68 (2), (3), 811.69 (1), (3), 811.70 (1), (4), (9), 811.71 (1), (5), (7), 811.72 (1), (2) (c), 811.73 (2) (e), 811.75 (1) (c), 811.84 (9), 811.851, 811.853 (1), (2) (a), (d), (3) (b), (4) (b), (d), 811.856 (2) (a), 811.857 (2), (3), 811.858 (intro.), (1) (b), (d), (f), (2), (3), 811.859 (1) (intro.), (a), (2), 811.860 (1), 811.861 (1), (2), (4) (title) and 811.862 (1) (b); to repeal and recreate NR 811.12 (9), 811.13 (title), 811.39 (6) (intro.), 811.40 (1) (L), 811.45 (2) (k), 811.48 (8), 811.853 (2) (g) and (3) (d), 811.853 (4) (c), 811.854, 811.855, 811.856 (intro.), 811.858 (4) and 811.860 (2) and (3); and to create NR 811.02 (1g), (19m), (29m), (37d), (37h), (37p), (37t), (38m), (46m), (63m), (64m), 811.12 (1) (g) (intro.), 5., (k), (5) (d) 10., (10) (c) (Note), (12) (h), (i), (13) (a) 8., (b) 7., (14) (intro.), 811.13 (intro.), 811.21 (2) (a) (Note), 811.22 (1m), (3m), 811.23 (1) (i) and (j), 811.231 (2) (i), 811.232 (1) (d) and (2), 811.25 (1) (h) 2. bm., 811.31 (1m), 811.39 (2) (e) 3. a., b., c., d., e., (6) (e), (f), 811.40 (1) (cm), (n) 1., 2., 811.43 (9), 811.44 (1) (h) and (2) (Note), 811.45 (3m), 811.49 (1) (k) 9., 811.495, 811.50 (3) (Note), 811.57 (2) (j) 8. and 9., 811.575, 811.60 (Note), 811.605, 811.61 (7) (Note), 811.64 (4) (a) 6., 7., (8) (f) 4. and (16) (d), 811.685, 811.73 (2) (e) (Note), 811.75 (1) (ag), 811.85 (1), (2), 811.853 (intro.), (3) (e), 811.857 (1) (title), 811.858 (1) (g), (h), (2) (Note), and 811.861 (2) (Note) relating to updating, correcting and clarifying existing code requirements and adding requirements for new technologies related to community drinking water system sources, source water quality, storage, treatment, and distribution and affecting small business. |