(c) Assessment or diagnosis.
(d) Plan of treatment for the patient.
(e) Any written documentation of informed consent.
(3) Each patient health care record entry shall be dated, identify the practitioner, and be sufficiently legible to allow interpretation by other practitioners for the benefit of the patient.
Nat Med 2.03 Practice standards for naturopathic doctors. A naturopathic doctor may practice naturopathic medicine and naturopathic physical medicine as specified in ss. 69.18 (1) (cj), 146.82 (3) (a), 255.06 (1) (d), 448.56 (1), 462.04, 466.01 (6) (a) and (b), 466.01 (7) (a), and 466.05 (1) (a) and (b), Stats.
Nat Med 2.04 Prohibited practices. A naturopathic doctor may not engage in any practices specified in ss. 466.01 (6) (c) and (7) (b), Stats.
Nat Med 2.05 Telehealth practice. (1) A naturopathic doctor who uses telehealth in the diagnosis and treatment of a patient located in this state shall be licensed to practice as a naturopathic doctor by the board under s. 466.04 (1), Stats.
(2) A naturopathic doctor shall be held to the same standards of practice and conduct including patient confidentiality and recordkeeping, regardless of whether health care services are provided in person or by telehealth.
Nat Med 2.06 Advertising. Any advertisement, marketing, or other public representation by or referring to a licensee shall clearly state the licensees authorized scope of practice, including the specific license held by the provider. 
Nat Med 3
Licensure requirements and renewal
Nat Med 3.01. License not required. Pursuant s. 466.02 (2), Stats., certain individuals are not required to obtain a license under this chapter to engage in practice or activities relating to naturopathic medicine.
Nat Med 3.02 Licensure requirements. An applicant for licensure as a naturopathic doctor shall submit all of the following requirements:
(1) A complete application for the license on a form provided by the department including any information required by the board to determine an applicant’s minimal competency to practice.
Note: Instructions for initial licensure applications can be found on the department of safety and professional services’ website at http://dsps.wi.gov.
(2) The fee specified in s. 440.05 (1), Stats.
(3) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, Stats, evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant does not have an arrest or a conviction record.
(4) Verified documentary evidence that the applicant has complied with at least one of the educational requirements specified in s. 466.04 (1) (d), Stats.
(5) Evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has satisfied the examination requirements under s. Nat Med 3.04.
(6) If required by the board, completion of an oral examination as specified in s. Nat Med 3.05.
Nat Med 3.03. Reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses. A reciprocal license to practice naturopathic medicine shall be granted to a service member, former service member, or the spouse of a service member or former service member who the board determines meets all of the requirements under s. 440.09 (2), Stats. Subject to s. 440.09 (2m), Stats., the board may request verification necessary to make a determination under this section.
Note: Instructions for applications can be found on the department of safety and professional services’ website at http://dsps.wi.gov.
Nat Med 3.04. Examinations.
(1) Examinations required. Each applicant for licensure under this chapter must provide evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has passed all of the following:
(a) One of the following for the competency-based examination:
1. Part I Biomedical Science Examination and Part II Core Clinical Science Examination of the NPLEX.
2. For graduates of approved naturopathic medical programs prior to 1978, a competency−based state naturopathic medicine licensing examination or equivalent Canadian provincial licensing examination for the practice of naturopathic medicine approved by the board.
(b) Part II Core Clinical Science Examination of the NPLEX for the pharmacology exam.
(c) Except as specified in par. (d), evidence of a passing score on a jurisprudence exam approved by the board. The passing score is 85 percent.
(d) For licenses issued prior to the effective date of the permanent rule, a signed statement by the applicant committing to satisfying the requirement under par. (c) before the end of the first renewal period.
(2) Failure and reexamination. If an applicant has failed any of the exams required under sub. (1) 4 or more times in this state or another licensing jurisdiction in the United States or Canada, the board may require the applicant to submit evidence satisfactory to the board of further professional training or education in examination areas in which the applicant had previously demonstrated deficiencies. If the evidence provided by the applicant is not satisfactory to the board, the board may require the applicant to obtain further professional training or education as the board deems necessary to establish the applicant's fitness to practice naturopathic medicine in this state. In order to determine any further professional training or education requirement, the board shall consider any information available relating to the quality of the applicant's previous practice, including the results of the applicant's performance on any oral examination required under s. Nat Med 3.05.
Nat Med 3.05 Oral Examination. (1) An applicant may be required to complete an oral examination if the applicant:
(a) Has a medical condition which in any way impairs or limits the applicant's ability to practice naturopathic medicine with reasonable skill and safety.
(b) Uses chemical substances so as to impair in any way the applicant's ability to practice naturopathic medicine with reasonable skill and safety.
(c) Has been disciplined or had licensure denied by a licensing or regulatory authority in this state or another jurisdiction.
(d) Has been found to have been negligent in the practice of naturopathic medicine or has been a party in a lawsuit in which it was alleged that the applicant had been negligent in the practice of naturopathic medicine.
(e) Has been convicted of a crime the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of naturopathic medicine.
(f) Has been diagnosed as suffering from pedophilia, exhibitionism, or voyeurism.
(g) Has engaged in the illegal use of controlled substances.
(h) Has been subject to adverse formal action during the course of naturopathic medicine education, postgraduate training, hospital practice, or other naturopathic medicine employment.
(i) Has not practiced naturopathic medicine for a period of 5 years or more prior to application unless the applicant has graduated from a school of naturopathic medicine within that period.
(j) Has failed the national examination 4 times or more and the board has determined that further examination is required.
(2) The board will notify each applicant required to complete an oral examination of the time and place scheduled for that applicant's examination. Failure of an applicant to appear for an examination as scheduled may void that applicant's application and require the applicant to reapply for licensure unless prior scheduling arrangements have been made with the board by the applicant.
(3) An oral examination of an applicant is conducted by the board. The purpose of an oral exam is to evaluate the applicant's eligibility for a license. 
(4) The grade of an exam shall be the applicant's final grade for the oral examination under this subsection. The passing grade for an oral exam under this subsection is 90 percent.
Nat Med 3.06 Renewal. (1) A licensee shall renew their license as specified by s. 440.08 (2) (a), Stats. and satisfy the following requirements:
(a) A complete application for the license on a form provided by the department including any information required by the board to determine an applicant’s eligibility.
Note: Instructions for renewal applications can be found on the department of safety and professional services’ website at http://dsps.wi.gov.
(b) Pay the required fee prior to the date specified in s. 440.08 (2) (a), Stats.
(c) Attest to the completion of the requirements under s. Nat Med 4.02.
(2) Late renewal within 5 years. If the application for renewal is filed less than 5 years after the expiration of the applicant's last license, the applicant shall pay the late renewal fee in s. 440.08 (3) (a), Stats., and meet the requirements under sub. (1).
(3) Late renewal after 5 years and reinstatement.
(a) Late renewal after 5 years. If the application for renewal is 5 years or more after the expiration of the applicant's last license, the board shall make such inquiry as it finds necessary to determine whether the applicant is competent to practice under the license in this state and shall impose any reasonable conditions on reinstatement of the license, including oral examination, as the board deems appropriate. All applicants under this paragraph shall be required to pass the jurisprudence examination, which is the same examination given to initial applicants.
(b) Reinstatement. An applicant who has a license with unmet disciplinary requirements which has not been renewed within 5 years of the renewal date or whose license has been surrendered or revoked may apply to have the license reinstated in accordance with all of the following:
1. Evidence of completion of the requirements in par. (a).
2. Evidence of completion of disciplinary requirements, if applicable.
3. Evidence of rehabilitation or change in circumstances warranting reinstatement of the credential.
Nat Med 4
Continuing Education
Nat Med 4.01. Definitions. In this chapter:
(1) “Biennium” means the 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a), Stats.
(2) “Continuing education” means professional educational activity designed to advance the professional skills and knowledge of a licensee in the practice of naturopathic medicine for the improvement of public health, safety, and welfare.
(3) “Continuing education credit hour” means 50 minutes of instruction or participation spent by the licensee in actual attendance or completion of an approved educational activity.
Nat Med 4.02. Continuing education requirements.
(1) During the biennium, unless granted a waiver under sub. (3), a licensee shall complete 30 credit hours of continuing education approved under s. Nat Med 4.03 and related to the practice of naturopathic medicine. The 30 credit hours of continuing education shall include 5 hours in pharmacy and 2 hours in ethics.
(2) During the time between initial licensure and commencement of a full 2−year licensure period, new licensees are not required to meet continuing education requirements.
(3) The board may grant a waiver, partial waiver, or postponement of the continuing education requirements in cases of hardship.
(4) Continuing education credit hours may be counted for teaching or presenting a course that promotes the development, expansion, or improvement of a licensee’s clinical skills and enhances their practice. Two hours of continuing education can be claimed for each credit hour of instruction. However, continuing education credit hours may not be counted for repeat presentations of the same course or program, or for courses or programs whose subject matter is pharmacy or ethics.
Nat Med 4.03. Acceptable continuing education programs. The board may approve a continuing education program that is approved by one of the following:
(1) North American Naturopathic Continuing Education Accreditation Council (NANCEAC) through the Federation of Naturopathic Medicine Regulatory Authority (FNMRA).
(2) American Medical Association (AMA) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA) category 1 courses through Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
(3) American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP).
(4) National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP).
(5) Other recognized organizations devoted to the practice of naturopathic medicine and approved by the board.
Nat Med 4.04. Evidence of compliance.
(1) At the time of each renewal, each licensee shall sign a statement certifying that, within the 2 years immediately preceding the renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a), Stats., the licensee has completed the continuing education credit hours required under this chapter.
(2) A licensee who fails to complete the continuing education credit hours by the renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a), Stats., may not practice naturopathic medicine until the license is restored.
Nat Med 4.05. Recordkeeping. Every licensee shall maintain a written record of the continuing education hours required under this chapter for not less than 6 years after completion of each credit. Records required include but are not limited to attendance verification records in the form of completion certificates or other documents supporting evidence of attendance.
Nat Med 5
Code of ethics and unprofessional conduct
Nat Med 5.01. Adoption of Standards. The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians code of ethics, as approved in August 2012, is incorporated by reference into this chapter.
Note: A copy of the above standards is on file in the office of the legislative reference bureau.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.