(1)“Board" or “joint board" means the examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers, and professional land surveyors, and registered interior designers.
(3)“Section of the board" means either the architect section, the landscape architect section, the professional engineer section, the designer section, or the land surveyor section, or the registered interior designer section.
Section 3. A-E 1.03 (2) (a) is amended to read:
A-E 1.03 (2) (a) Composition. The rules committee of the board is comprised of one member from each section and 3 public members. The board chair shall appoint the 3 public members from any of the 56 sections of the board.
Section 4. A-E 2.01, 2.02 (1) and (2) and (4) and (6), and (8) (intro), (a), and (b) are amended to read:
A-E 2.01 Purpose. The purpose of the rules in this chapter is to specify general requirements and procedures which apply to persons credentialed by any section of the board. Requirements specific to architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers, or professional land surveyors, or registered interior designers are specified in chs. A-E 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, 14, and 15. Rules of professional conduct for all registrants or permit holders are specified in ch. A-E 8.
A-E 2.02 (1) Each architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, and professional land surveyor, and registered interior designer shall obtain a seal that complies with board specifications for registration seals. The overall diameter may not be less than 15⁄8 inches nor more than 2 inches. Each seal shall include the registrant's name, registration or permit number and city.
(2)The following designs for registration seals have been approved:
(See PDF for image)(See PDF for image)(See PDF for image)
(4)Each sheet of plans, drawings, documents, specifications, and reports for architectural, landscape architectural, professional engineering, design, or professional land surveying, and registered interior design practice shall be signed, sealed, and dated by the registrant or permit holder who prepared, or directed and controlled preparation of, the written material, except as specified in sub. (5).
(6)Any addition, deletion or other revision to each sheet of plans, drawings, documents, specifications and reports for architectural, landscape architectural, professional engineering, design­, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design practice which affects public health and safety or any state or local code requirements may not be made unless signed, sealed and dated by the registrant or permit holder who made or directed and controlled the making of the revision.
(8)Plans, specifications and calculations for buildings and structures not exempt under s. 443.15, Stats., which have been prepared by an architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer other than the Wisconsin registered architect, or engineer, or registered interior designer who is submitting the plans, specifications and calculations for filing as public documents, may be submitted if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) The plans, specifications and calculations shall have been prepared by or under the supervision of an architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer licensed in some state of the United States, and shall bear the signature and seal or stamp of the architect or professional engineer who prepared them or under whose supervision and control they were prepared.
(b) A certificate, dated, signed, and sealed by the Wisconsin registered architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer who is submitting the plans, specifications, and calculations for filing as public documents, shall be attached to the plans, specifications, and calculations. The certificate shall indicate that the plans, specifications and calculations were prepared by an architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer other than the submitting registered architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer; shall describe the work performed by the submitting registered architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer; and shall include statements to the effect that the plans and specifications have been reviewed and comply with all applicable local and state building codes, and that the reviewing registered architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer will be responsible for the supervision of construction in accordance with the requirements of the state, and of the county and municipality where the building or structure is to be erected. If the registered architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer who originally prepared the plans, specifications and calculations was registered in Wisconsin at the time they were prepared, the certificate shall also specify why the original architect, or professional engineer, or registered interior designer is not submitting the plans, specifications, and calculations for approval.
Section 5. A-E 2.03 (1) (a) and (b) are amended to read:
A-E 2.03 (1) (a) “Firm" means any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership located in this state which provides or offers to provide architectural, landscape architectural, professional engineering, design, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design services to the public.
(b) “Resident" means a currently-registered architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer who spends the majority of his or her working schedule in one firm location and who is in charge of and responsible for the type of services offered or provided from that location.
Section 6. A-E 2.03 (2) (f) is created to read:
A-E 2.03 (2) (f) A resident registered interior designer in each separate business location which provides or offers to provide registered interior design services.
Section 7. A-E 2.06 (1) (g) is created to read:
A-E 2.06 (1) (g) Registration as a registered interior designer.
Section 8. A-E 8.02, 8.03 (intro), (1) and (2), (2) (a), (3), (3) (a), and (5) (c) 4. and 5. are amended to read:
A-E 8.02 Intent. The intent of the examining board in adopting this chapter is to establish rules of professional conduct for the professions of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, and professional land surveying, and registered interior design. A violation of any standard specified in this chapter may result in disciplinary action under ss. 443.11 to 443.13, Stats.
A-E 8.03 Definitions. In ch. 443, Stats., and chs. A-E 1 to 9, and 14:
(1)“Gross negligence in the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design" means the performance of professional services by an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer which does not comply with an acceptable standard of practice that has a significant relationship to the protection of health, safety or public welfare and is performed in a manner indicating that the professional knew or should have known, but acted with indifference to or disregard of, the accepted standard of practice.
(2)“Incompetency in the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, or land surveying, or registered interior design" means conduct which demonstrates any of the following:
(a) Lack of ability or fitness to discharge the duty owed by an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or land surveyor, or registered interior designer to a client or employer or to the public.
(3)“Misconduct in the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design" means an act performed by an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer in the course of the profession which jeopardizes the interest of the public, including any of the following:
(a) Violation of federal or state laws, local ordinances or administrative rules relating to the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design.
(5) (c) 4. Mere assumption by an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer of responsibility for work without having control of the work.
5. Assuming charge, control, or direct supervision of work in which the architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer does not have technical proficiency.
Section 9. A-E 8.04 (intro) is amended to read:
A-E 8.04 Offers to perform services shall be truthful. When offering to perform professional services, an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer:
Section 10. A-E 8.05 (1) (intro) is amended to read:
A-E 8.05 (1) An architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer:
Section 11. A-E 8.06 (intro) is amended to read:
A-E 8.06 Professional obligations. An architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer:
Section 12. A-E 8.07 (intro), (1), and (2) are amended to read:
A-E 8.07 Unauthorized practice. An architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer:
(1)Shall assist in enforcing laws which prohibit the unlicensed practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, and professional land surveying, and registered interior design by reporting violations to the board.
(2)May not delegate professional responsibility to unlicensed persons and may not otherwise aid or abet the unlicensed practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design.
Section 13. A-E 8.08 (intro) and (4) are amended to read:
A-E 8.08 Maintenance of professional standards. An architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer:
(4)Shall notify the department in writing if the registrant or licensee has been disciplined for unprofessional conduct in other states where the registrant or licensee holds a credential or has violated federal or state laws, local ordinances or administrative rules, not otherwise reportable under s. SPS 4.09 (2), which are related to the practice of an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer. The notification shall be submitted within 48 hours of the disciplinary finding or violation of law and shall include copies of the findings, judgments, and orders so that the department may determine whether the circumstances are substantially related to the practice of the registrant or licensee.
Section 14. A-E 8.09 (intro), (1), and (2) are amended to read:
A-E 8.09 Adherence to statutes and rules. An architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer:
(1)Shall comply with the requirements in ch. 443, Stats., rules in this chapter and all other federal, state, and local codes which relate to the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, and professional land surveying, and registered interior design.
(2)May not engage in conduct that may adversely affect his or her fitness to practice architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design.
Section 15. A-E 8.10 (1) and (3) are amended to read:
A-E 8.10 (1) No architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, or designer, or registered interior designer may sign, seal or stamp any plans, drawings, documents, specifications or reports for architectural, landscape architectural, professional engineering, or design, or registered interior design practice which are not prepared by the registrant or under his or her personal direction and control.
(3)No architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer shall allow work performed by him or her or under his or her personal direction and control to be signed, sealed or stamped by another except that an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer working under the personal direction and control of another registrant or licensee may allow that registrant or licensee to sign and seal or stamp the work.
Section 16. A-E 8.11 (3) is amended to read:
A-E 8.11 (3)Signing or sealing plans, specifications, reports, maps, plats, or charts prepared for the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, designing, or professional land surveying, or registered interior design.
Section 17. A-E 12.01 is amended to read:
A-E 12.01 Authority and purpose. The rules in this chapter are adopted by the examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers, and land surveyors, and registered interior designers pursuant to ss. 15.08 (5) (b)227.11 (2) and 443.015, Stats., and govern the biennial continuing education requirements for architect registrants.
Section 18. A-E 14 and 15 are created to read:
Chapter A−E 14
A−E 14.01 Authority and purpose. The rules in this chapter are adopted under authority in ss. 15.08 (5) (b), 227.11, 443.075, and 443.10, Stats. The purpose of the rules in this chapter is to interpret basic requirements for registration as a registered interior designer as specified in ss. 443.075, and 443.10, Stats.
A−E 14.02 Definitions. In this chapter:
(1) “Architect” has the meaning in s. 443.01 (1), Stats.
(2) “Practice of interior design” has the meaning in s. 443.01 (5m) (a), Stats.
(3) “Registered interior designer” has the meaning in s. 443.01 (9), Stats.
A−E 14.03 Requirements for registration as a registered interior designer.
(1) Registration by examination. An applicant for registration as a registered interior designer under s. 443.075 (1), Stats., shall submit all of the following:
(a) Evidence of a passing score on the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Examination of the Council for Interior Design Qualification.
(b) References from at least 3 individuals having personal knowledge of the applicant’s work in the practice of interior design, 2 of whom are Wisconsin registered interior designers, and 1 of whom is either a registered interior designer or a registered architect.
(c) Any additional data, exhibits, or references showing the extent and quality of the applicant’s experience that may be required by the registered interior designer section.
(2) Registration for registered architects. An applicant for registration as a registered interior designer under s. 443.075 (2), Stats., shall submit all of the following:
(a) Evidence of current registration as an architect under s. 443.03, Stats.
(b) Evidence that the applicant is a graduate of a 4-year architecture program.
(c) Evidence of at least 6 years of demonstrated practical experience in the practice of interior design including at least all of the following areas:
1. Programming and pre-design.
2. Schematic design.
3. Design development.
4. Production of construction documents.
5. Construction administration.
6. Professional practice.
(d) References from at least 3 individuals having personal knowledge of the applicant’s work in the practice of interior design, 2 of whom are registered interior designers, and 1 of whom is either a registered interior designer or a registered architect.
(e) Any additional data, exhibits or references showing the extent and quality of the applicant’s experience that may be required by the registered interior designer section.
Chapter A-E 15
Continuing Education for Interior Designers
A-E 15.01 Authority and Purpose The rules in this chapter are adopted under the authority in ss. 15.08 (5) (b), 227.11 (2) and 443.015, Stats., and govern biennial continuing education of registered interior designers.
A-E 15.02 Definitions In this chapter:
(1) “Biennium" means a 2-year period beginning February 1 of each even-numbered year.
(2) “Continuing education" means the planned, professional development activities designed to contribute to the advancement, extension and enhancement of the professional skills and scientific knowledge of the licensee in the practice of registered interior design and for improvement of the safety and welfare of the public.
(3) “Health, safety and welfare" or “HSW" means any topics or subjects related to the practice of registered interior design which are deemed appropriate to safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare, including the proper planning, design and construction of buildings, structures, infrastructures, and the spaces within and surrounding buildings and structures that meet the following criteria:
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.