Anatomical gift recording on driver's license or ID card: training for operator's license examiner; DOT information requirements -
Act 446
Digitized images of applicants for driver's licenses and ID cards authorized -
Act 113
Machine-readable ID cards for MA recipients: system operation date changed [Sec. 2991] -
Act 27
Citizenship or immigration status of W-2 applicants -
Act 289
``Alcohol concentration" definition standardized re BAC -
Act 436
Alcohol testing before issuance of citation: court decision codified -
Act 426
Alcohol testing of public school students permitted; pupil discipline, suspension or expulsion authorized; school board written policies required -
Act 327
Traffic regulation cases requiring forfeiture: appeals limited -
Act 139
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -
Act 380
Internal revenue code update [Sec. 1987m, 3373b-k, w, 3393m, 3396b-r, 3399g-k, 3404c, e-s, 3406v, 3412m, 3528m, p, 9348 (8x)] [3399j, 3404jm — partial veto]
Act 27
Tax liability of formerly married persons -
Act 418
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling re fuel tax and filing of late or extended returns -
Act 428
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number
Act 118
WRS put in compliance with federal internal revenue code re beneficiaries and maximum benefit and contribution limits [partial veto] -
Act 302
Corporations, service corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships: laws revised and expanded
Act 400
Development opportunity zone in the city of Eau Claire created -
Act 2
Development zone: program and job credits revised; provisions re day care, environmental remediation, research and W-2 tax credits [partial veto] -
Act 209
Earned income tax credit advance payment [vetoed] -
Earned income tax credit: new method of calculating created [Sec. 3382m-3393] -
Act 27
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -
Act 380
Adoption expenses: tax exemption created -
Act 261
College tuition prepayment program established; segregated fund and income tax benefit created [partial veto]
Act 403
Domestic abuse awareness and prevention program to be developed; income tax check-off to fund [Sec. 817m, 1113m, 2345j, 3395e, 9348 (4q)] [vetoed] -
HMO and LSHO tax exemptions revised [Sec. 3344, 3345, 3397, 3399f, 3405, 3406, 3407, 4873, 7029, 7032, 9348 (5m)] -
Act 27
Medical savings accounts by employer or self-employed persons authorized; tax exemption provided; exclusion re certain coverage portability provisions; study required re enactment of federal legislation -
Act 453
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, contracting, minority businesses, LAB audit, sky box special rental payments, contributions to youth sports organizations and smoke-free environment in certain stadium seating areas [partial veto] -
. Act 56
Tax exemption for bond interest revised [Sec. 3320p, 3321g, 3323p, 3330b, 3399em, er, j, r, 3404jm, 3405g-r, 3406m, 9348 (4tmt), (7c)] [3399er, 3404jm, 3405r, 9348 (4tmt) — partial veto; 3320p, 3321g, 3323p, 3330b — vetoed]
Act 27
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling re fuel tax and filing of late or extended returns -
Act 428
Viatical settlements and contracts: standards and requirements established; income tax exemption provided
Act 371
Credential renewal procedures revised; nonrenewal for tax delinquency [Sec. 3422m, 6472g, j, 6567j-L, 6572b, c, 9347 (3b)] [3422m, 6567L, 6572c — partial veto]
Act 27
Credential renewal procedures revised; nonrenewal for tax delinquency; judicial review and DOR hearing authorized
Act 233
Delinquent tax accounts: fees charged revised [Sec. 3438, 9148 (2), 9448 (1)] -
Act 27
Set off of unpaid municipal obligations [Sec. 1112m, 3414m, 3415r, 3419m, 3420m, 3423g-t, 3424dm, 3429m] [3429m — partial veto] -
Act 27
Domestic abuse awareness and prevention program to be developed; income tax check-off to fund [Sec. 817m, 1113m, 2345j, 3395e, 9348 (4q)] [vetoed] -
Indigency verification and collection of representation costs: SPD authority expanded; provisions re social security number on applications, use of collection agency and DOA and DILHR duties [Sec. 1110, 1111, 2448d-h, 3422, 3423, 3649m, r, 6398m, 7257, 7263e, f, k, 7269-7281s, 7290m, p, 9144 (2), (2m), 9444 (1x)] -
Act 27
Operation Balkan endeavor: income tax and state health insurance revisions provided for military personnel [partial veto] -
Act 255
Children's code and juvenile proceedings: petitions to include statement re applicability of federal Indian child welfare act -
Act 352
Children's code: statement of legislative purpose modified and expanded; American Indian child provisions specified
Act 275
Community aids funds to employ private attorneys re certain children's code proceedings -
Act 275
Conservation work projects and youth camps operated by DNR: programs repealed [Sec. 713, 714, 716, 717, 1256, 1257, 6260, 6261] -
Act 27
Development zone: program and job credits revised; provisions re day care, environmental remediation, research and W-2 tax credits [partial veto] -
Act 209
Economic support and work programs transferred from DHSS to DILHR; LIEAP transferred to DOA [for section numbers, see entry under ``Public assistance"]
Act 27
Elderly benefit specialist services: references to tribal governments and commissions deleted [Sec. 2331, 2232]
Act 27
Electronic benefit transfer system for food stamp and other benefits created, program not implemented if certain conditions apply; county and tribal governing body participation optional; use of nontraditional retailers (farmers' markets); JCF to review -
Act 368
Federal child welfare funds allocation revision; allocation for services to American Indians eliminated [Sec. 2625-2632] -
Act 27
Foreign protection orders of courts: provisions re full faith and credit, enforcement and protection of individuals; revisions re 1995 WisAct 71 -
Act 306
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906] -
Act 27
Indian gaming investigation activities funding [Sec. 544, 1019, 6985] -
Act 27
Indian gaming receipts: moneys received as reimbursement for Gaming commission services included [Sec. 6984]
Act 27
Indian student assistance program revisions [Sec. 559m, 1887e, g] -
Act 27
Medical benefits or assistance assignment: provisions revised re general relief, RNIP and contracted HMOs [Sec. 3067-3072, 7042-7044, 7046, 9326 (5)] -
Act 27
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewas: social services contract with DHSS authorized [Sec. 9126 (26j)]
Act 27
RNIP and general relief programs eliminated and replaced with relief block grants and other county programs; contracting with private health providers authorized [for section numbers, see entry under ``Relief program"] -
Act 27
Tribal AODA services: use of medical relief block grants permitted [Sec. 46b] -
Act 216
Tribal prisoners confined in county jail: agreements between sheriff and county board and recognized tribe authorized -
Act 379
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; requirements re LAB audit, community steering committee, children's services network, persons with linguistic barriers and refugees [partial veto] -
Act 289
Wisconsin works agency contracts: notice and assistance to employes re election of county or tribal governing body not to participate [Sec. 46hb] -
Act 216