Gambling devices: exemption re interstate transportation into La Crosse, Manitowoc, Marinette, Sturgeon Bay and Superior; certain persons in shipbuilding business exempted from gambling activity prohibitions -
Act 11
Dam aids provided for town of Spider Lake, Sawyer county and town of Douglas, Marquette county [Sec. 9142 (10g)]
Act 27
Dental services at Milwaukee county correctional centers: Marquette dental school to provide [Sec. 6314]
Act 27
Marriage application: disclosure of certain information to law enforcement officers under certain conditions; form revised -
Act 469
Real estate transfer fee: all intraspousal transfers made exempt -
Act 458
Special distinguishing registration plates re U.S. armed services: transferrable to surviving spouse
Act 253
Spousal impoverishment asset protection level and monthly income limit modified [Sec. 3003-3006, 9426 (20)]
Act 27
AFDC maternity benefit and special needs benefit for pregnancy revised [Sec. 2853, 9326 (9), 9426 (12)] [9426 (12) — partial veto; 9326 (9) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Birth to three program: eligibility for case management services [Sec. 2995] -
Act 27
Child welfare services transferred from Milwaukee county to DHFS: planning required; Milwaukee child welfare partnership council created; TPR and adoption resource pool; MA coverage and automated information system provisions; DOA duties set -
Act 303
HIRSP eligibility: exception for certain maternal and child health services (remedial legislation)
Act 407
Infant testing for controlled substances without consent of parent or guardian; termination of program repealed
Act 386
Maternal and child health services: provisions re assignment of benefits and 3rd party claims (remedial legislation)
Act 407
Mother's breast-feeding her child in public: exemption from certain prohibitions -
Act 165
Right from the start program: funding and birth certificate fees revised [Sec. 801-803, 2623, 2623d, 3343d, 9409 (1)]
Act 27
WIC program administration by DHSS specified; contract provision (remedial legislation) -
Act 407
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements set; abortion coverage excluded, certain exceptions provided [partial veto] -
Act 289
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components [partial veto] -
Act 289
AODA services covered by MA: sunset date removed [Sec. 3021] -
Act 27
Assisted living facility program created; DHSS and DOA duties set [Sec. 817j, 2232, 2255, 2949, 2974b, 3221b-g, 3234b, 3244g, 4387n, 9126 (6), 9426 (4)] [3234b — partial veto; 817j — vetoed] -
Act 27
Birth to three program: eligibility for case management services [Sec. 2995] -
Act 27
Child welfare services transferred from Milwaukee county to DHFS: planning required; Milwaukee child welfare partnership council created; TPR and adoption resource pool; MA coverage and automated information system provisions; DOA duties set -
Act 303
CIP-IB program: DHSS authorized to provide higher reimbursement services re closed facility; DOA to appprove [Sec. 2266, 9126 (3)] -
Act 27
CIP reimbursement for services provided by centers for the developmentally disabled revised [Sec. 2955-2957, 9426 (10)] -
Act 27
CIP II definition and bed closure impact [Sec. 2245, 2248, 2249, 2251, 2253, 2257-2259] -
Act 27
Dental (removable and fixed prosthodontic) services under MA: coverage restored; provisions re federal financial participation and retroactive payments -
Act 164
Dental services under MA: coverage revised [Sec. 3011, 3019b, c, 9326 (23)] -
Act 27
Group health insurance market reform; provisions re guaranteed acceptance, preexisting condition exclusions and limitations, portability, contract termination and renewability; collective bargaining of certain health care coverage requirements [partial veto] -
Act 289
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, created in DOA; report required; sunset provided -
Act 442
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care service re 1995 WisAct 27 revised -
Act 457
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care services: MA expenditures limited; certain exceptions provided; study of personal care benefits [Sec. 2987-2989, 3002m, 3012, 3020m, 9126 (28q)] -
Act 27
Hospital operating deficit reduction program: technical change [Sec. 2981b] -
Act 27
MA copayment, coinsurance and deductible collection procedures revised -
Act 191
MA expense recovery by DHSS re estate property, joint banking and payable on death accounts [Sec. 3074, 7065, 7190, 7196, 7200, 7201-7205] -
Act 27
MA funded bed utilization in nursing homes: report requirements repealed [Sec. 807, 933, 2979]
Act 27
MA services: county operating deficit program created [Sec. 2975] -
Act 27
MA services: county operating deficit program revised; local health department provision; types of services expanded re federal funds [Sec. 46k-p] -
Act 216
Machine-readable ID cards for MA recipients: system operation date changed [Sec. 2991] -
Act 27
Managed care medical assistance forms working group created [Sec. 9126 (28x)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Medical benefits or assistance assignment: provisions revised re general relief, RNIP and contracted HMOs [Sec. 3067-3072, 7042-7044, 7046, 9326 (5)] -
Act 27
Mental health crisis intervention services: local governments may provide as MA benefit [Sec. 3002b, 3023]
Act 27
Migrant worker eligibility for MA and food stamps; federal waiver provision [Sec. 2788-2790, 2793, 3026]
Act 27
Nurse-midwifery services: MA coverage regardless of physician prescription [Sec. 3013] -
Act 27
Outpatient hospital services: supplemental MA payments expanded [Sec. 2985] -
Act 27
Pharmacist cost savings under MA program: incentive-based payment system created [Sec. 2989d] [partial veto]
Act 27
RNIP and general relief programs eliminated and replaced with relief block grants and other county programs; contracting with private health providers authorized [for section numbers, see entry under ``Relief program"] -
Act 27
School medical services: provisions re federal MA funds [Sec. 821b, 3000, 3022, 9126 (7m)] [3000 — partial veto; 821b — vetoed] -
Act 27
Spousal impoverishment asset protection level and monthly income limit modified [Sec. 3003-3006, 9426 (20)]
Act 27
Supplemental payments to county nursing homes extended; provision re additional federal MA funds [Sec. 7299]
Act 27
Targeted case management services for high-cost chronic or catastrophic health conditions [Sec. 3002r, 3023m]
Act 27
Targeted case management services modified re child at risk of physical, mental or emotional dysfunction [Sec. 2993, 2994, 2996, 2996m, 2998] -
Act 27
Tribal AODA services: use of medical relief block grants permitted [Sec. 46b] -
Act 216
Tuberculosis program and MA eligibility [Sec. 813, 3008, 3024, 6318, 9126 (8)] -
Act 27
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements set; abortion coverage excluded, certain exceptions provided [partial veto] -
Act 289
Area health education centers: U.W. system and Medical college of Wisconsin, inc. to provide grants
Act 399
Medical college of Wisconsin: state aid formula changes [Sec. 566, 1851j-1852] -
Act 27
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906] -
Act 27
Physician loan assistance program eligibility revisions [Sec. 6899q, 9316 (1g)] -
Act 27
MEB procedures re credential suspension or revocation; podiatrist licensure and continuing education requirements
Act 245
Occupational therapist: certification requirements revised -
Act 172
Respiratory care practitioner: certification requirements revised -
Act 171
Do-not-resuscitate order: provisions re revocation, health care liability exemption, suicide definition and insurance coverage; DHSS duties -
Act 200
Mental health evaluation and determination: immunity provision expanded -
Act 175
Noneconomic damage awards: limit established; report required -
Act 10
Health insurance revised re coverage of optometrist services and preexisting condition exclusions or limitations (remedial legislation) -
Act 412
HMO and LSHO tax exemptions revised [Sec. 3344, 3345, 3397, 3399f, 3405, 3406, 3407, 4873, 7029, 7032, 9348 (5m)] -
Act 27