Maternal and child health services: provisions re assignment of benefits and 3rd party claims (remedial legislation)  -  Act 407
Medical benefits or assistance assignment: provisions revised re general relief, RNIP and contracted HMOs [Sec. 3067-3072, 7042-7044, 7046, 9326 (5)]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements set; abortion coverage excluded, certain exceptions provided [partial veto]  -  Act 289
medical savings accountMedical savings account, see Insurance — Health
medical serviceMedical service, see also Medical assistance; specific medical occupation
Battery definition revised re harm to an EMT, emergency department worker, first responder or ambulance driver  -  Act 145
Do-not-resuscitate order: provisions re revocation, health care liability exemption, suicide definition and insurance coverage; DHSS duties  -  Act 200
Driver accident record information in DOT files: revision re EMTs, first responders, fire fighters and law enforcement personnel  -  Act 184
Emergency vehicle right-of-way: owner liability for failure to yield  -  Act 121
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, created in DOA; report required; sunset provided  -  Act 442
Health care professional service corporation: chiropractors, physical therapists, dietitians and hearing and speech therapists added; revision re physician and nurse anesthetists  -  Act 167
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906]  -  Act 27
Helicopter transportation and EMS by national guard: program eliminated [Sec. 1032, 1413]  -  Act 27
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care service re 1995 WisAct 27 revised  -  Act 457
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care services: MA expenditures limited; certain exceptions provided; study of personal care benefits [Sec. 2987-2989, 3002m, 3012, 3020m, 9126 (28q)]  -  Act 27
Medical and dental services for prisoners: inmate fee and collections from third parties authorized [Sec. 6369q-6373, 9312 (2), (2g)]  -  Act 27
Medical care for county jail and house of correction prisoners: recovery of costs specified  -  Act 43
Medical information and medical history: noncustodial parent required to provide to court; joint custody provision  -  Act 375
Nurse-midwifery services: MA coverage regardless of physician prescription [Sec. 3013]  -  Act 27
Nursing licensure requirements: exception for certain persons created  -  Act 146
Personal injury actions: discovery of information re medical records permitted  -  Act 345
Rural medical center regulations created; certain exemptions  -  Act 98
melvin, thomas tMelvin, Thomas T.
Service as Assembly Chief clerk [AJR-18]  -  JR-14
memorial certificateMemorial certificate, see Legislature — Member; name of specific individual
mental healthMental health
Birth to three program: eligibility for case management services [Sec. 2995]  -  Act 27
Children's services program funding revisions [Sec. 808, 916, 918m, 927-929, 937, 938, 941, 942m, 948, 950, 952, 954, 959m, 2298, 2310, 2318, 2337, 2339, 2355, 2356, 2387, 2397-2399, 2403, 2404, 2406, 2407, 2429, 2531, 2532, 2567b, 2588-2593, 2624, 2633, 3267, 7256, 9426 (18)]  -  Act 27
CIP II definition and bed closure impact [Sec. 2245, 2248, 2249, 2251, 2253, 2257-2259]  -  Act 27
Community mental health advocacy services: GPR appropriation eliminated [Sec. 940]  -  Act 27
Community mental health protection and advocacy services: funding provided [Sec. 2316m-p, 3270m]  -  Act 27
Community mental health services: funding to counties revised; ``integrated community services" changed to ``systems change grants" [Sec. 44L, n]  -  Act 216
General relief services re mental health and AODA: county requirement removed; state reimbursement prohibited [Sec. 2704, 2705b, 9326 (8)] [9326 (8) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Guardianship grant program for incompetent persons: matching fund requirement [Sec. 2352]  -  Act 27
Health care records of minors and developmentally disabled: access to by parent, guardian or protection and advocacy agency revised  -  Act 169
Mental health crisis intervention services: local governments may provide as MA benefit [Sec. 3002b, 3023]  -  Act 27
Professional counselor: certification granted to certain persons  -  Act 323
Protective placements and mental health services: required funding limited; factors considered in placements expanded  -  Act 92
Severely emotionally disturbed children: funding revised [Sec. 932, 953, 2306-2309, 2311-2314]  -  Act 27
Severely emotionally disturbed youth and independent living centers: obsolete appropriations eliminated [Sec. 897, 913, 955, 2349]  -  Act 27
mental health _ hospitals and institutionsMental health — Hospitals and institutions, see also Community-based residential facility
Community mental health services: funding to counties revised; ``integrated community services" changed to ``systems change grants" [Sec. 44L, n]  -  Act 216
Conditional release program funding designation changed [Sec. 935, 3260]  -  Act 27
Corrections funding re mental health facilities debt funding: provisions of 1995 SB-563 reconciled [Sec. 9127 (1z)]  -  Act 216
Incompetent person's right to refuse medication, treatment or psychotropic medication: standards modified  -  Act 268
Institution property repair or replacement: expenditure provisions [Sec. 823, 829-831m]  -  Act 27
Involuntary civil commitments and emergency detentions: new standard of dangerousness created; AG required to review; reports required [partial veto]  -  Act 292
Mendota mental health institute secured adolescent treatment unit eliminated; new facility created; definition, bed limitation and unit operation modified; bonding revised [Sec. 30s, 41-44, 79-82, 9412]  -  Act 216
Mental health evaluation and determination: immunity provision expanded  -  Act 175
Mental health facilities bonding [Sec. 30e, m]  -  Act 216
Mental health institutes' funding: date for DHFS deficit reduction plan and report modified [Sec. 47]  -  Act 216
Mental health treatment facilities: certification and fee revision [Sec. 3251, 7047]  -  Act 27
Moratorium on hospital psychiatric and chemical dependency beds: certain exception created [Sec. 4392e]  -  Act 27
Outpatient hospital services: supplemental MA payments expanded [Sec. 2985]  -  Act 27
Sexually violent persons: funding for treatment, services and Wisconsin resource center; determination of county of residence  -  Act 276
Wisconsin resource center: bonding authorized for facility expansion [Sec. 3, 4, 9108 (1), 9400]  -  Act 416
Birth to three program: eligibility for case management services [Sec. 2995]  -  Act 27
CIP-IB program: DHSS authorized to provide higher reimbursement services re closed facility; DOA to appprove [Sec. 2266, 9126 (3)]  -  Act 27
Health care records of minors and developmentally disabled: access to by parent, guardian or protection and advocacy agency revised  -  Act 169
Nursing home and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded: noncompliance appeals to the Division of hearings and appeals in DOA specified (remedial legislation)  -  Act 407
mercantile establishmentMercantile establishment
Retailer's discount for sales and use tax revised  -  Act 280
metropolitan transportationMetropolitan transportation
Elderly and disabled transportation aid study  -  Act 113
Employe trip reduction program revisions  -  Act 52
Employment transit assistance program: appropriation created; use of federal oil overcharge funds eliminated  -  Act 113
Employment transit assistance provisions [Sec. 772mm, mn, 3526m, 9455 (1jbx)]  -  Act 27
Mass transit operating assistance program funding; five tiers created; cost efficiency provisions [partial veto]  -  Act 113
Revenue bonds to refund municipal obligation: authority expanded re public utility or public transportation system [Sec. 49-51]  -  Act 216
Ride-sharing program: certain applicant information kept confidential  -  Act 423
Transportation financing: committee created to study revenue sources, tax rate differences between Wisconsin and bordering states and mass transit financing [partial veto]  -  Act 113
Wisconsin works: transportation assistance granted; restriction re public transportation [partial veto]  -  Act 289
midwest low_level radioactive waste commissionMidwest low-level radioactive waste commission, see Radiation
migrant laborMigrant labor
Migrant labor contractor and camp certification fees [Sec. 3763, 3764]  -  Act 27
Migrant worker eligibility for MA and food stamps; federal waiver provision [Sec. 2788-2790, 2793, 3026]  -  Act 27
Migrant worker health care program eliminated [Sec. 810, 4360]  -  Act 27
military affairs, department ofMilitary affairs, Department of, see also State emergency response board
Emergencies resulting from enemy action or natural or man-made disasters: role of state agencies, including DMA, specified  -  Act 467
Emergency government, Division of, name changed to Division of emergency management; related references to agencies and personnel revised; SERB composition and terms modified  -  Act 247
Gifts and grants provision [Sec. 1031]  -  Act 27
Helicopter transportation and EMS by national guard: program eliminated [Sec. 1032, 1413]  -  Act 27