Highway improvement procedures [Sec. 3515m-3519i] [3515m, 3519g, i — vetoed] -
Act 27
Incorporated or newly formed municipality: property tax and local transportation aids program formula revised; DOA to certify population re shared revenue [Sec. 47m, 48g-r, 51d-t, 9362 (1g)] -
Act 216
Local transportation aid revisions -
Act 113
``Local transportation aids" program title changed to ``General transportation aids" (remedial legislation)
Act 338
Major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities: revenue bonding level modified [partial veto]
Act 113
Milwaukee Brewers stadium project, East-West freeway: funding provision [partial veto] -
Act 113
STH rehabilitation program: supplemental appropriation; DOT to certify to JCF -
Act 113
Transportation financing: committee created to study revenue sources, tax rate differences between Wisconsin and bordering states and mass transit financing [partial veto]
Act 113
Classified driver license system revisions; commercial and occupational license provisions -
Act 113
Vehicle operation: permit limitation for transporting certain loads near Wisconsin-Michigan border; licensing exemption for operators of motorized construction equipment
Act 347
Farm progress days 1996: DOT may not charge sponsors for state traffic patrol services; charge for certain other costs permitted [Sec. 9162 (3m)] [vetoed] -
Speed limit maximum on certain state trunk highways: effective date re 1995 WisAct 318 repealed (remedial legislation) -
Act 338
Speed limit maximum set on certain state trunk highways; ``freeway" and ``expressway" defined; effective when DOT posts signs -
Act 318
STH designation re CTH X in Winnebago county -
Act 113
STH 33 designated and marked ``84th Division `Railsplitters' Memorial Highway"; funding from contributions required
Act 297
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906] -
Act 27
Rural economic development program revision re employe relocation costs [Sec. 6898r-t] -
Act 27
Rural hospital loan guarantee program repealed [Sec. 6299, 6300] -
Act 27
Rural hospital loan guarantee program: WHEFA transfer of moneys to DOA required [Sec. 9125 (1)]
Act 27
Rural hospital MA: limitation on funds distribution to apply each fiscal year [Sec. 2954] -
Act 27
Rural medical center regulations created; certain exemptions -
Act 98
Price misrepresentation in sales using electronic scanners: information refund policy required -
Act 319
Vehicle displayed for sale on highway: law revised -
Act 422
Automobile dealer use tax created [Sec. 3484m, r, 3485b, s, 9448 (8i)] -
Act 27
Business tax registration provisions [Sec. 1111mm, 3419, 3440m, 3481g-3484e, rm, rr, 3485c, L, 3497-3500g, 4117b-4123d, 4124m-4142m, 4190, 4190c, 4190u-4191t, 4194, 4195m, 9148 (3z), 9448 (8z)]
Act 27
County sales tax administration disbursement and costs [Sec. 1150m, 3485v, x, 9248 (1), 9448 (8t)] [1150m, 3485v, x, 9448 (8t) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Development zone: program and job credits revised; provisions re day care, environmental remediation, research and W-2 tax credits [partial veto] -
Act 209
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, contracting, minority businesses, LAB audit, sky box special rental payments, contributions to youth sports organizations and smoke-free environment in certain stadium seating areas [partial veto] -
. Act 56
Retailer's discount for sales and use tax revised -
Act 280
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling re fuel tax and filing of late or extended returns -
Act 428
Bottled water for human consumption: sales and use tax exemption created -
Act 125
Telephone companies' central office equipment: sales tax exemption repealed [Sec. 3485, 9448 (2)]
Act 27
Telephone company taxation provisions; sales tax exemption for coin-operated telephones eliminated; transfer of moneys from general fund to property tax relief fund; legislative intent cited [partial veto] -
Act 351
Clean water fund hardship assistance for locations meeting certain criteria; bonding authority increased
Act 452
Clean water fund program revisions [Sec. 625b, 727b, 4215-4267, 4270b, 4273-4275, 4280-4294, 9101 (17), 9142 (6g), (7), 9342 (11g), (11h), 9442 (8)] [4253b, 9442 (8) — partial veto; 4226, 4247b, 9342 (11g) — vetoed]
Act 27
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -
Act 227
Groundwater protection law revised re nitrate discharge from private sewage systems [Sec. 4205e, 4441c]
Act 27
Municipally owned water or water and sewer public utility rate increases: PSC hearing exemptions
Act 363
Open meeting law exemption re certain town board or sanitary district gatherings -
Act 185
Private sewage systems: rules and study provisions [Sec. 9116 (3g)] [vetoed] -
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: certain powers extended to town sanitary districts; state funding, ordinance authority expanded and lakes without public access provisions -
Act 349
Septage management license renewal provisions [Sec. 4362-4368] -
Act 27
Transmission facility excavation and damage procedures revised -
Act 135
Commissioner's office abolished; functions consolidated in DFI [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"] -
Act 27
Federal institutions that convert to state savings banks: authorized names -
Act 367
S&L revisions re investment authority, charges and fees, absorption, conversion of mutual S&L to stock S&L and references to Federal deposit insurance corporation
Act 104
Savings bank chapter revisions -
Act 103
Banking laws revised re regional interstate banking, in-state banks and in-state bank holding companies, contracting with depository institutions, board and committee meetings, customer bank communication terminals
Act 55
Financial institutions' annual statements of conditions: newspaper publication requirement removed
Act 325
S&L revisions re investment authority, charges and fees, absorption, conversion of mutual S&L to stock S&L and references to Federal deposit insurance corporation
Act 104
Commissioner's office abolished; functions consolidated in DFI [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"] -
Act 27
Federal institutions that convert to state savings banks: authorized names -
Act 367
Dam aids provided for town of Spider Lake, Sawyer county and town of Douglas, Marquette county [Sec. 9142 (10g)]
Act 27
Academic excellence higher education scholarship program revisions; maximum amount set [Sec. 1891, 1892, 1897, 1912-1916, 9427 (2)] -
Act 27
College tuition prepayment program established; segregated fund and income tax benefit created [partial veto]
Act 403
Education commission created in DOE; duties defined [Sec. 72, 90m, 91m, 92e, m, s, 177m, 558n, p, s, 1758m, 1800n, 1859m, 1861m, 1930m, 9145 (8g), (8h)] -
Act 27
Indian student assistance program revisions [Sec. 559m, 1887e, g] -
Act 27
Medical college of Wisconsin: state aid formula changes [Sec. 566, 1851j-1852] -
Act 27
Minority undergraduate grants and minority teacher loan program revisions [Sec. 558m, q, r, 612m, 1772m, 1893m, 1894m, 1934g, m, 9127 (1et)] -
Act 27
National guard tuition grants revised [partial veto] -
Act 19
National guard tuition grant program revised; sale of armory in Whitefish Bay and other unneeded properties [Sec. 466g, j, 1029r, 1033, 1034p, 1219i-1223, 9141 (2b), 9341 (2)] [1219j — partial veto; 1029r — vetoed]
Act 27
Physician loan assistance program eligibility revisions [Sec. 6899q, 9316 (1g)] -
Act 27